Miscellaneous verses, articles etc.
Notes for political speeches by Richard Monckton Milnes.
Not including philanthropic causes, constituency and literary requests, for which see other headings.
Much of this series relates to the memorial to reinstate Bertrand Russell who had been dismissed from his College lectureship during WWI for pacifism. Items G1 - G26 were originally contained in brown envelope labelled "The Russell Dossier"
This series consists of photographs, film, glass plate slides, and audiotapes. The photographs at G.1-20 include one folder of negatives at G.15. The photographs found at G.1-8 were originally housed in envelopes with titles in Frisch's hand, but they are only a partial guide to the present contents. Some photographs are dated and identified on their verso. Another photograph, G.32, arrived as part of the supplemental papers given by Ulla Frisch after the main group of papers.
The films at G.21-22 include some which were taken at post-war physics conferences. The glass lecture slides at G.23-28 are in boxes with labels but some slides do not conform to their box labels. G.34-35 are film slides and are part of the supplemental papers.
The audiotapes are housed as G.29-31, and G.33 (the latter is part of the supplemental papers).
The correspondence includes several substantial exchanges of letters, however, many of them are incoming only, sometimes with a brief ms. note by Davenport of his reply on which ensuing correspondence may be based. Mrs. Davenport's notes identifying correspondents and their connections with Davenport often accompany the letters and were drawn upon in compiling the entries.
The content is essentially mathematical though some personal news from Davenport's long-term friends, colleagues and pupils may be included. Davenport's long association with German mathematicians, many of whom became refugees in British universities including Cambridge, is well documented; these are wholly or partly in German. Of special interest are the extensive exchanges with E. Bombieri, G. H. Hardy, H. A. Heilbronn, K. Mahler and L. J. Mordell.
Mordell, a distinguished mathematician of American origin, with a special interest in number theory, was Fielden Professor of Mathematics at Manchester when Davenport took his first degree there. The Manchester School of Mathematics was particularly strong in the 1930s, and included several refugee mathematicians; Davenport also joined it as Assistant Lecturer in 1937. Mordell succeeded Hardy in the Sadleirian Chair at Cambridge 1945-1953 and remained in contact with Cambridge mathematics until his death in 1972. Davenport was among his closest friends. Mordell recognized his quality from a very early stage (see G.208), helped him to share his own special interest in the geometry of numbers, and, according to J. W. S. Cassels, looked on Davenport as ‘his spiritual heir’ (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 19, 1973, pp. 493-520).
This series consists of committee notices and reports, with some correspondence and examination papers as well. The papers are arranged into six subgroups: General committees (F.1-6), Needs of faculty and sub-departments (F.7-9), Appointments (F.10-12), Requests for post-graduate places (F.13), Examination papers (F.14-16), and Miscellaneous (F.17). The Needs of faculty and sub-departments papers largely consist of Statements of Needs of various departments, in various areas, such as teaching staff, new equipment, etc. The Appointments material relates to the Appointments Committee of the Faculty of Mathematics. There is also a little correspondence re vacant posts, applications, requests for curricula vitae, etc.
This series brings together the remaining letters not kept by Frisch in folders with related research notes, drafts for publications, etc. Some of the letters complement material in other series, but the majority are shorter exchanges with scientific colleagues, or personal correspondence.
It should be noted that several of the letters have Frisch's reply typed on the verso.
The correspondence is presented in alphabetical order, with a brief indication of any material of particular scientific or personal interest. The supplemental papers given by Ulla Frisch, E.148-157, however, are listed in a second alphabetic order.
Including material relating to the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science.
Catalogue of Gaskell's personal library sold to Keio University, Tokyo dated 1986 with photographs of the Gaskell Collection in Keio University dated 1997 and a list of books by William Mason given to King's College Library in 1957.
A group of papers relating to the history of the Bell family.
This series has been organized into five subgroups: Collaboration with Helmut Hasse (E.1-15), Titled and untitled drafts (E.16-83), Miscellaneous notes and calculations (E.84-102), Notes on work by others (E.103-126), and Work by others (E.127-135).
Many of the drafts in Titled and untitled drafts were probably intended to form lectures or papers for publication, while others may be no more than extensive notes. A number of these are untitled and very few are dated.
The Notes on work by others falls into two parts: notes made by Davenport at lectures given by others (E.103-E.117) and notes made by him on a particular publication, or line of work, of another (E.118-E.126) Although in many cases Davenport gave the date of publication of the work, few of these notes are themselves dated. Therefore they have been arranged in alphabetical order, with the exception of E.125-126, where the contents of one of Davenport's own folders have been kept together.
Of special interest in the last subgroup Work by others is E.131, a selection and discussion of research problems by J. E. Littlewood, and Davenport's comments on them. This subgroup has been arranged in alphabetical order.