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TRER/21/5 · Item · 19 Jan 1921
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Bowes & Bowes, 1 Trinity Street, Cambridge, England. - In reply to Trevelyan's card: meant to send a copy of the "Oresteia" to the "New Statesman", but missed it out of the list which he sent to [J. T.] Sheppard. Has sent a copy today. Did send one to the "Times": the book appeared in the "Books of the Week" list of the "Literary Supplement" a few numbers ago; encloses list showing where review copies have been sent, and invites Trevelyan to make other suggestions. The Greek Play Committee wish Trevelyan to have at least six copies of the play gratis; Bowes does not know whether the copies Trevelyan has already received and had sent out are sufficient, but is happy to send out six more free.

TRER/21/4 · Item · 4 Dec 1920
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Bowes & Bowes, 1 Trinity Street, Cambridge, England. - In reply to Trevelyan's letter of 2 December: has managed to get two copies of the "Oresteia" from the printer (without covers); encloses them and hopes they will serve. The last part of the book has gone to press today; hopes to publish it the week after next if the binders work to time. Trevelyan must not 'reproach' himself for the delay to the last part of his translation, as 'it must be very hard to do such writing against time', and the [Cambridge University] Press being 'overburdened with work' was more of a hindrance. Has not been possible to publish before the end of Full Term, but will be able to get the 'specimen copies for which certain classical masters have asked' to them before school term ends. Is sending 'a preliminary "puff" to the literary papers today'.

TRER/21/3 · Item · 27 Sept 1920
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Bowes & Bowes, 1 Trinity Street, Cambridge, England. - Thanks Trevelyan for his letters of 24 and 25 September, and the MS of [his translation of Aeschylus'] "Choephori"; will send this to the printers at once with instructions about the 'extra lines'. As Trevelyan suggests, will be best if Trevelyan sends an 'instalment of the "Eumenides' first and the rest when it is ready; understands that it must be 'rather hard writing it against time'. Has heard today from Mr [J. T.] Sheppard, returning the proofs of the "Agamemnon". Hopes to see Trevelyan when he is next in Cambridge. Glad to learn [Desmond?] Pye Smith is a friend of Trevelyan's; he begins work here today.

TRER/21/20 · Item · [July? 1920]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Splendid; will go ahead [with negotiating with Bowes for the publication of Bob's version of Aeschylus' "Oresteia"]. Responds to some of Bob's reaction to his proposed cuts; wants him to criticise where he thinks the 'effect would be impaired', though it is important not to increase the length. Would be 'convenient' if Bob could return the [Karl Wilhelm] Dindorf [text of Aeschylus] if he has 'got the cuts clear'; wants a 'fair clear text to doctor for the Printer', but can do without if necessary.

TRER/21/2 · Item · 18 Sept 1920
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Bowes & Bowes, 1 Trinity Street, Cambridge, England. - With further reference to Trevelyan's letter of 14 September and their reply of the 16th, have just heard from Mr [J. T.] Sheppard who asks them not to send [Trevelyan's translation of Aeschylus's] "Choephoroe to the printer until he has seen Trevelyan about 'certain points in the "Agamemnon"', and that he expects to do this on 24 September. As Sheppard instructs, they return the first half of the M.S.. Trevelyan will 'doubtless' settle with Sheppard about the extra lines he wishes to insert. Sheppard is using the Oxford Classical Text, which will be printed side by side with Trevelyan's translation; an example is included as demonstration [no longer present]. Thanks Trevelyan for returning the proofs of the "Agamemnon" to Sheppard; they expect to hear from Sheppard, and receive the translation of the whole "Choephoroe" from Trevelyan, in about a week. A postscript notes that they have just received Trevelyan's letter of 16 September, with the rest of the "Choephoroe"; they will keep this for the weekend as the 'present writer' wishes to read it, as he has read the first part and the "Agamemnon" with 'great pleasure'; will send both parts back early next week.

TRER/21/19 · Item · 13 Sept 1920 [postmark]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Postmarked Carantec. - Has received Bob's letter and proof [of "Agamemnon"]no further post here as he leaves on Friday. Has decided to return to England on 24 September; asks Bob to arrange a meeting with Armstrong Gibbs, giving his address, either at Dorking or 46 Gordon Square [Maynard Keynes's House], where Sheppard will be from 24-30 September. Thinks the "Agamemnon" looks 'very good'; tells Bob to hold up [the printing of the] "Choephoroe" if he likes; he should tell [George Brimley] Bowes.

TRER/21/15 · Item · 13 Sept 1920
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Hotel du Kélenn, Carantec (Finistère). - In case his postcard [21/19] is 'delayed or, as I fear, unintelligible': has the "Agamemnon" proofs and Bob's manuscript; it 'looks good'; agrees with one of Bob's points, which they can discuss when they meet. Gives his address in Dinard for 18-23 September; will then return to England, and will be in London until 30 September. Can meet Bob in London or in Dorking; letter sent to the United University Club will find him, though he may stay at 46 Gordon Square [Maynard Keynes's house]. Would be good if Bob could arrange for [Armstrong] Gibbs to meet them; has just sent Gibbs a card about this; gives his address. Has told [George Brimley] Bowes to hold up "Cho[ephoroe]" and send back the manuscript to Bob if it is not being printed yet; if it is, Bowes is to contact the [Cambridge University] Presss to 'make the names of the characters more prominent' and try to get proofs to them by the 24th. Thinks Bob's version 'magnificent'.

TRER/21/14 · Item · 7 Sept 1920
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Hotel du Kélenn, Carantec (Finistère). - Thanks Bob for his letter. Necessary to print [Bob's translation of Aeschylus' "Oresteia"] at once: the proofs must be ready for rehearsals next term, and he also wishes to send advance copies to schoolmasters before Christmas to try and get them to read this 'shortened "Oresteia"' with Bob's version to sixth-formers. Thinks the best plan is for Bob to send his "Choephoroe" to Bowes, keeping lines which had previously been cut if necessary. Recommends that Bob be as 'frank & simple as possible' in his translation of λιψουρία [desire to make water]; thinks they 'ought to make the nurse quite broad', and she will have a 'little folk tune in the orchestra' [music composed by Armstrong Gibbs]. Encourages Bob to get on with the "Eumenides"; will not object to use of Verrall if Bob does not; Verrall's version will 'not clash badly' with Bob's, and 'it's rather nice' to include his work. [D. W.?] Lucas is helping him with the Greek proofs; Sheppard thinks that Aeschylus would understand the point of the 'apostolic combination'. So they should certainly use Verrall if that would 'relieve the strain'. Is sorry to be so pressing. Is coming back at the end of September: they must meet 'immediately' if possible; suggests the weekend of 10 October. Wants Gibbs to be there as well. Tells Bob in a postscript to write to him at King's after 18 September, as he is 'going to wander in Brittany' for a while'.

TRER/21/13 · Item · 13 Aug 1920
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Grand Hotel du Kélenn, Carantec (Finistère). - Will be at this address until 25 September. Has asked Bowes to send proofs [of Bob's Aeschylus translation] to Bob and to himself; asks which of them should receive the other's corrected proof and send both back to Bowes. Bob should send the manuscript of his "Choephoroe" translation to Bowes when it is finished, who will hand it to the [Cambridge University] Press; also the "Eumenides" in due course. Feels 'a long way off' but needed to do some work and rest. [Armstrong] Gibbs played some of his music to him recently; thinks it is 'very good', though fears Gibbs's treatment of the Greek metres sometimes differs from Bob's. Thinks they should go ahead with the printing of the 'acting edition', and meet up with Gibbs in October to discuss how the text and music can work together. Asks in a postscript whether Bob has seen Gilbert Murray's "Agamemnon"; thinks it 'very Murrayesque', and that he has some 'very good ideas' about the play but his translation is 'not a patch' on Bob's.

TRER/21/11 · Item · 16 July 1920
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

King's College, Cambridge. - Sorry to 'bombard' Bob: has seen Mr Bowes of Bowes & Bowes, the firm which usually publishes their acting editions, who says he cannot advise about printing until he knows whether Bob is going to do the whole translation. Asks if Bob can say as soon as possible: will hold off if he cannot decide yet, but it would be a 'great convenience' to be able to start printing; wants to know whether he can use Bob's "Agamemnon", cut as he has suggested [see 20/9], though modifications are possible as long as the length is not altered much and the 'musical scheme remains the same', and whether Bob will translate the parts of the "Choephoroe" and "Eumenides" needed. Also asks whether he has Bob's consent to negotiate with Bowes, or some other publisher; will submit any agreement to him for approval. Hopes that the effect of this abridged text on Bob's complete "Agamemnon" would be good; thinks that, with [Armstrong] Gibb's music, the 'abbreviated "Oresteia" has a good chance of being produced in both Greek and English, and hopes to do so himself one day at Cambridge. Would be a 'great help' to have Bob's estimate of when he could have the "Choephoroe" and "Eumenides" ready; would like to have the whole thing published in the autumn, if it can be done. It would be in a paper cover, with stage directions at a bare minimum and just a page at the beginning for Bob's 'editorial note' as it is necessary to keep costs down. Willing to meet Bob on 'every point of detail' to get his translation. Adds a note to say that Bowes thinks it possible that Macmillans might involve themselves in publication.