Two letters, one concerning portraits of pupils of William Hopkins [possibly portraits by Thomas Charles Wageman, shelfmark], the other concerning the donation of her husband [H. M. Butler]'s books to the Library.
If Murray has identified his Ipswich fragment, Duff would like to add it to his list of provincial books in the appendix to his printed Sandars lectures on English provincial presses.
Duff, Edward Gordon (1863–1924) bibliographerOn the A. G. W. Murray papyri in Trinity College Library.
Concerning a surveying instrument belonging to his father, Sir George Everest.
Sends the prayer books and a fragment, asks about the collation of the Grafton prayer book of 1549.
With cheque for £260 made out to J. S. Sargent signed by A. G. W. Murray, Hon. Sec. Jenkinson Portrait Fund, dated 23 June 1915.
Sargent, John Singer (1856-1925) painterEncloses an undated letter from R. T. Johnson to her husband Henry Montagu Butler about a miniature of Richard Porson, which she says she is leaving at the Library.
Xerox photocopies of over 240 letters, many of them of originals housed in other institutions. The letters are written by Frazer to multiple recipients with a few exceptions: eight are written by Lilly Frazer (to Miss Buckley, Sir Edmund Gosse, Bronisław Malinowski, and W. H. D. Rouse); one is from Henry Jackson to Frazer and five more are from others to others (two from Macmillan & Co. to Hermann Diels, one from Sir Francis Galton to Sir Clements Markham forwarding a letter from Frazer, one unrelated letter from John Sampson to Francis Jenkinson, and one memo from Otto Stapf to Sir David Prain). Five letters include covering letters from the institutions providing the copies. In addition, there are copies of a typescript draft of Frazer's article 'Our Debt to France', the draft of an address on the founding of the Frazer lectureships, and a translation of an article.
Recipients, with the number of letters present if more than five: Aksel Andersson, Terence Armstrong, Spencer Baird, Andrew Bennett, Arthur Bigge (Lord Stamfordham), Miss Buckley (of the Loeb Classical Library), Sir Ernest Budge, John Bullbrook, Francis Burkitt, Edward Clodd, Francis Cornford (16 letters), Otto Crusius, Sir Edwin Deller (6 letters), Hermann Diels (10 letters), Samson Eitrem, S. J. Evis, Jesse Fewkes, Douglas Freshfield, Sir Francis Galton (14 letters), Ernest Gardner, Charles-Marie Garnier (6 letters), Sir Edmund Gosse (42 letters), A. C. Haddon, Sir William Hardy (6 letters), Carl Lehmann-Haupt, C. W. Hobley, A. W. Howitt (7 letters), Mary Howitt, Henry Jackson, Francis Jenkinson (8 letters), Oskar Kallas, Sir Arthur Keith, William F. J. Knight, John Mackay, Bronisław Malinowski (9 letters), William Maxwell, A. G. W. Murray, G. G. A. Murray, Sir John Myres, Theodor Nöldeke, Karl Pearson, Sir David Prain (8 letters), Edward Rapson, A. G. Ross, Sir William Rothenstein, W. H. D. Rouse, Gustave Rudler, Charles Edward Sayle, Solomon Schechter (7 letters), Douglas Sladen, William Thalbitzer, Sir J. J. Thomson (21 letters), Sir D'Arcy Thompson, Hermann Usener, Sir Emery Walker, and Alfred Rayney Waller (6 letters).
Ackerman, Robert (b 1935), biographer18 Mar. 1914. Note signed by A. G. W. Murray, Librarian, stating that the items in the 'annexed catalogue' were handed over to the Curator of the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology by order of Council, 13 Mar. 1914. Signature of A. von Hügel acknowledging receipt.
Attached note, 25 May 1917, with signature of A. von Hügel acknowledging receipt of 'a delft plate found when digging the foundations of the Masters Court at Trinity College'.
Noting where he placed papers relating to the theft of MSS from the College Library.
Presents two 'trifles'.
Trinity College, Cambridge.—Thanks him, on the College's behalf, for a copy of his Bibliographical and Textual Problems of the English Miracle Cycles.
Hopes she did not become ill on her return home; received a long letter from [Harriet] Martineau, who says she did not write the article on 'Woman' in the Westminster Review but rather it was by [John Stuart Mill]; Mr N [Nicholls] came to call before his departure for Ireland; encloses a note for her amusement from the man who called about an epitaph for his cousin [not present].
Bronte, Charlotte (1816-1855), novelist and poet1 p. letter about the collation of a book, with notes on verso and note at top that it was answered by CBH [Cecil Baldwin Hurry].
Apologises for having caused so much trouble, suspects he will have to come up himself.
Concerning a MS he is considering as the subject of a Roxburghe Club reproduction.
Two letters concerning a book from William Aldis Wright's library.