Newnham College, Cambridge.—Thanks him for a copy of the list of his writings.
Newnham College, Cambridge
17 December 1945
Dear Dr Greg
How very pleasant to hear from you again and to have this breath-taking list of your writings. It seems almost impossible that one person could have produced so much learned work. I am ashamed to say that I did not know you flirted with economics now and then.
I have been thinking of you lately because of a reference in Gow’s Letters from Cambridge. It seems that they have—very properly, as he says—made you an Honorary Fellow. I like to think of you in that Library, as I do whenever I go there. Much more suitable than the old W.T.I.D. {1} environment!
I always find it difficult to understand how anyone who has lived in Cambridge can bear London—or indeed anyone else. I love my life here, though I admit it is a very broken one, and includes many journeyings up and down to Committees. I gather from the address on your envelope, which I am using, that you have given up Wimbledon and returned to Sussex. I hope all the family is well and flourishing. All good wishes for Christmas, New Year
Yours sincerely
Myra Curtis
{1} The War Trade Intelligence Department, for which both correspondents worked during the First World War.