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GREG/1/100 · Item · 16 May 1955
Part of Papers of Sir Walter Greg (W. W. Greg)

Leddon Cottage, Welcombe, Bideford, Devon.—Praises Greg’s Shakespeare First Folio and refers to current bibliographical work on Shakespeare.



Leddon Cottage, | Welcombe, | Bideford, | Devon.
16 May 1955

Dear Sir Walter,

The arrival of your book on Saturday was the greatest surprise and pleasure to me. It was very kind of you to remember me. I knew from Fredson Bowers that you had a book on the stocks, though I had not grasped that it was on so heroic a scale. I am greatly enjoying your balanced account of how matters stand.

As you say, the march of events is now beyond the ability of print to keep up with, but I judge that it will be a long time before anyone can give a coherent account of the printing of the Folio, as I don’t think the pattern is self-contained. Neither Schroeder’s conclusions nor Hinman’s forthcoming article (of which he sent me a copy) make sense in relation to compositors’ stints and the pattern must include, I think, some book or books being printed concurrently.

I hope all is well with you. We have had a gruelling winter as we were snow-bound or ice-bound for weeks, but at any rate no germs survive the rigours of this coast. We are looking forward very much to having Miss Willcock in Bude permanently after the summer, when she retires, and I hope she won’t be too much absorbed by her house and garden (especially the latter) to have no time for Shakespeare. I get on with my old spelling texts, but there seems no hurry called for until Hinman has finished his work.

It seems a pity in some ways that the project for a new facsimile was abandoned, but I suppose what is really wanted is a composite volume or volumes based on Hinman’s collation. But if the facsimile projected provided an incentive, this is to everyone’s good and I look forward to the companionship and help of your book in my own more trifling endeavours.

With my warmest congratulations,

Yours, most gratefully,
Alice Walker.


Typed, except the signature and a comma.

GREG/1/39 · Item · 24 Oct. 1957
Part of Papers of Sir Walter Greg (W. W. Greg)

9005 Woodridge Road, Pinecrest, Alexandria, Virginia.—Thanks him for two facsimile editions of Shakespeare quartos, and discusses the progress of his work.



9005 Woodridge Road, Pinecrest, Alexandria, Virginia
24 October 1957

Dear Sir Walter,

Some weeks ago I received, with the compliments of the Clarendon Press, a copy of the new facsimile of Q1600 Henry V; and now Q1598 of LLL has also come. As I can only suppose that you are responsible for these kindnesses, please let me thank you most heartily.

My work goes forward fairly steadily—yet slowly, because (in part) of new discoveries as to relationships between the Folio and other Jaggard books. (The Folio, for instance, was begun about when Wilson's Christian Dictionary was being finished—and so pretty certainly not until 1622. Types manifestly damaged in course of work on the Wilson prelims appear in very early quires of F.) I shall not have my job done by the end of this year, but I hope to have the results written up, if not printed, before too many more months have passed.

With thanks and best regards,

Sincerely yours,
Charlton Hinman