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TRER/34/1 · File · June 1913 ?
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Also contains notes for Trevelyan's toast to 'Absent Brothers' [at the annual dinner of the Cambridge Apostles], in which he explains that [his brother] George is 'in the Balkans, visiting battlefields' [during the Second Balkan War]; Brooke is in America, and Dickinson in China. Trevelyan suggests that Brooke should instead go to India as '9th reincarnation of Vishnu', play the flute and be followed by 'troops of adoring Gopi maidens. He would make a wonderful God'. If this new religion should prove a nuisance to the government, McTaggart, Russell and Moore should be 'at hand to check and expose him'; they would also find helpful roles in India, as would Fry, Lytton Strachey, George Trevelyan, and Mayor.

TRER/46/102 · Item · 21 Nov 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Mill House, Westcott, Dorking. - He and Bessie send many thanks to his father for the 'duck and hare': they did not realise until they received his mother's letter [11/109] that he had shot the hare himself. They had it for dinner yesterday: George and Janet were visiting, and have just left, both seemed 'very well and cheerful'. George 'seems relieved to get the history [his England under the Stuarts] off his mind'; has been reading the chapter on Queen Anne and it 'seems very good', though George is dissatisfied and thinks it 'too sketchy'. He can always 'treat the subject more elaborately someday' if he wishes. Thinks the book should be successful.

Last time they were at the [new] house, ten days ago, the roof was being finished, almost a fortnight earlier than expected. They have been making arrangements for some of the work on the garden to be done this winter: a 'trained lady-gardener... is to be responsible for the work'. The house looks good and has been 'well built'; since no alterations to the plans have been needed so far, there ought not to be any extra expense.

The 'Sunday Tramps, led by George' came for tea yesterday: 'young [Thoby] Stephen, and J. Pollock, and [George?] Barger, a Dutchman, and [Sydney] Waterlow, and R. Mayor'. All but Mayor are tall, and in their 'rather low rooms they seemed to Bessie like giants; they have never had 'so many and tall people' in the house together. Encloses two Chinese poems; the 'longer one, by a kind of Chinese Horace' was suggested to Robert by his father shooting ducks, but he sees from 'Professor Giles' translations' that it is actually geese; the rest of that poem 'scarcely applies' to his father, but the shorter, 'on Retirement', may. Understands that the translations are 'fairly literal, though the metres of the originals are quite different'. He and Bessie both send love, and Bessie thanks Caroline for her letter. Robert's book [The Birth of Parsival] has already been printed, though probably will not come out till February.

Separate sheet on which two poems [from Giles' Chinese Poetry in English Verse] are copied out: Discontent by Han Yü [title not copied out] and In Retirement by Li Chia-yu.

TRER/9/119 · Item · 23 Mar 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Mill House, Westcot, Dorking. - Hopes to decide today whether the second post reaches its destination at the same time as the first. Had a busy time in London, spending much time with Sanger before he left for Greece, as well as dining out, going to Fry's lecture, and to see "Richard II" with [Thomas Sturge?] Moore and Binyon. Returned on Wednesday and has done some work; saw Fry and they discussed Sanger's illness; he is 'desparately in love with someone who is behaving very cruelly to him [Dora Pease]' and he does not know what she feels for him. Will tell Bessie more when he sees her. Certainly good for him to go to Greece with Dickinson, Daniel, Wedd and Mayor. Saw them off at the station and 'felt desperately incline to go off with them'; they were so cheerful, even Sanger, and he has always dreamed of going to Greece, which they know so well; regrets that after his marriage he will not be able to go with them 'with who one can talk as freely as one chooses, as blasphemously, as obscenely, as wittily, as learnedly, as jovially as any of the old Greeks themselves did'. Feels he should have 'made hay more assiduously' during his bachelor days, instead of living 'mewed up' alone in the countryside. Knows Bessie will compensate him for all he is to lose; she must come to Greece before long or she will find him 'running off' without her. Praises "Richard II"; it was well acted, though he thought the Richard [Frank Benson?] "vulgar". Has written to his Aunt Meg [Price]; she seems happy to get them a 'cottage piano' which will later be exchanged; asks if Bessie wants the final choice of the instrument or whether she trusts his aunt's 'professional friend' to do this. Sophie is 'Miss Wickstead [sic: see 9/117]], not some young lady friend' he has not told her about.

TRER/9/121 · Item · 26 Mar 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Mill House, Westcot, Dorking. - Discusses post times. The weather has been 'absolutely beastly' and he has a cold, which gave him a nose-bleed this morning. Took a day off yesterday and lunched with the Frys; [Roger] Fry is very busy, having had to give an extra lecture last week, so Bob conveys his advice on house decoration. Need good painters, as [George?] Moore had trouble when he was having his Cambridge rooms done, due to the 'stupidity of the workmen'. Gives his aunt Meg Price's address. Thinks he is becoming 'more romantic' about her; wishes he had been with her to 'caress... and explain away [his] last cruel letter' in which he thoughtlessly exaggerated his 'regret at [his] fading days of singleness' [9/119]. She will certainly not come between him and his friends, as she has 'quite enough of their own intellectual qualities to be their friend in the same way' he is. Has usually gone abroad alone and not allowed his 'sensations to be interfered with by those of others'; will probably enjoy going to Greece more with her than with 'people like Daniel and Mayor'. Attempts to explain his feelings in detail. Will be able to talk freely to his friends after his marriage, though 'it is true that men do talk more obscenely, and more blasphemously, than they ever quite dare to talk before women' and he thinks that this difference is right. Should not have written 'so carelessly' and caused her pain. Has written to her uncle saying he and she should fix the date. Crompton [Llewelyn] Davies came for tea last Sunday; he is probably going to the Lizard at Easter; he said his brother [Arthur?] and his wife went to Land's End for his honeymoon which was 'very satisfactory', but that Savernake near Salisbury plain was the 'best place conceivable', with 'every kind of scenery' only an hour from London. He says it has a good inn; Bob may look on his way to Cornwall. Seatoller [in Borrowdale] is very nice too, but much further away. Has not yet heard from Daniel how Sanger is; will tell Bessie [about Sanger's unhappy love affair] when he sees her; she guessed correctly that the woman was Dora. He and Fry still think it would have been best for them to marry, but that now seems unlikely; her treatment of him is 'not through heartlessness exactly... but owing to circumstances, and also to her rather unusual temperament'. Has done some work, and has been re-reading Flaubert's letters; feels more in sympathy with him than any other modern writer. His mother says Charles and George are thinking of giving Bessie a 'very pretty sort of box to keep music in'; wishes they would give them the flying trunk or carpet Bessie mentioned. They will have to content themselves with meeting in dreams, though it seems [Empedocle] Gaglio has a dream-carpet which will take him into Bessie's brain; still, he does not have a lock of her hair so Bob has a start.

TRER/46/13 · Item · 12 Jun 1892
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Trinity, Cambridge [on college notepaper]:- Thanks his mother for her letter. Is glad that Charlie is well and returning tomorrow; his 'Tripos [result] is published next Wednesday'. Robert finished his 'Mays' last Friday; does not think he has done very well in all of them, though has 'done some of the subjects carefully'. He and his friends have decided to go to 'a place called Seatoller... in the centre of the Lakes'. [Robin?] Mayor will 'come and coach for the last three weeks'.

[Arthur?] George Peel is in Cambridge, and Robert has just given him lunch; Muggins has also been here for most of the week. The [boat] races are taking place, and 'there is great excitement' about whether '1st Trinity will bump the Hall and become head of the river'. The Duke [of Devonshire] has been here to be installed [as Chancellor of the University]; he 'looks very wicked'. Morley, Chamberlain, Roby and Webster are here as well to take honorary degrees. Hopes his father is well, and that 'everything is going well in Northumberland' [for the general election?].

Adds a postscript saying that he expects to go down next Thursday, possibly Wednesday; is sorry his mother cannot go to Welcombe.

TRER/16/14 · Item · 5 Jan 1913
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Darjeeling. - They have been here three nights, and are leaving this afternoon; they have had fairly good weather, and have 'seen the mountains quite well'. Originally enclosing a photograph, though this gives 'very little idea'; the scenery is 'much vaster than anything in Europe'. They will be met at Sara [?] on the Ganges by 'young [Nagendranath?] Ganguli', son-in-law of one of the Tagores, who will take them in his steam launch to the Tagore country house, where he is an estate manager. They will spend a night there, the next in Calcutta, then start south on 8 January, reaching Madras on the 10th; they plan to stay about a week, before spending around three weeks seeing South India and Ceylon [Sri Lanka] and leaving Columbo for Java on 7 or 8 February. Very glad to hear his family are all well; expects his parents are still at Wallington, but that Julian has gone home. Is 'amusing' himself learning Persian in order to be able to read the poetry; it is 'not a difficult language, except for the alphabet'. Glad to hear that Robin Mayor is 'really married' [to Katherine Beatrice Meinertzhagen]. Does not seem to be much news lately from Europe; supposes that 'the Turks will come to terms soon' [First Balkan War]; the [British] government seems 'to be getting on quite well now'. They just missed 'Montague' [sic: Edwin Samuel Montagu, secretary of state for India] at Benares; he seems to have 'made a fairly good impression' at Calcutta, and at least 'seems anxious to learn'.

Hears the Christmas tree was 'a great success'. Bessie says Julian's Nannie is 'fairly cheerful', which is good; of course she thinks Booa [Mary Prestwich] 'spoils Julian'. Bessie thinks Julian is getting on well and is 'usually quite easy to manage'. He and Dickinson have had a 'very interesting time' at Calcutta; not likely to meet 'so many clever and entertaining Indians elsewhere'. Will be glad to leave India and get to Java. Their plans about China and Japan are still 'unsettled'. He wants to get back early in May if possible. Everyone in Calcutta has read George's 'Garibaldi books', but he doubts this 'will produce a Bengali Garabaldi [sic]'. 'Mazini [sic: Mazzini] is more of their kind... the young men seem to have a great admiration of him'.

TRER/9/144 · Item · 13 May 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Mill House, Westcott, Dorking. - Hopes his flowers reach her; his first since last summer, when he sent 'some Asphodel and some Mallow' ["Mallow and Asphodel", his first book of poetry]; they are mainly wild flowers. Explains the symbolism of all the flowers he has chosen, including ivy 'as the sacred plant of Bacchus' whom he worships 'in no vulgar sense, but as he was worshipped in the true esoteric mysteries'. Asks whether he should bring his poetry over to Holland or leave it in London. His father has written [to the lawyers] to say the papers must be ready to sign on Wednesday afternoon. Is going to London tomorrow; his parents will not return from Welcombe until Tuesday. The Enticknaps have given him a pair of brass candlesticks, which they could have in the dining room 'for ordinary use' or for reading in his room. [Charles] Sanger and [Robin] Mayor may cycle over for lunch or tea. Has had a 'delightful walk' and 'devised a new way of doing a mediaeval prose story' he has wanted to write for a long time. Has not done much German recently; will bring Wagner's librettos, which he thinks are 'damned fine poems'.

TRER/21/146 · Item · 30 Dec 1941
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

36 Campden Hill Gardens, W.8. - Thanks Bob for his Christmas present: the "Dream" has a 'fascinating quality' and he enjoyed it, though is not sure 'how far' he agrees with the conclusion, and is 'rather inclined to side [?] with Christ against Lucifer & Socrates': thinks Love should only 'worship Reason' if 'Reason has begun by learning from Love', but does not think this is 'implied in the ordinary use of the word today' though Plato and perhaps Socrates may have meant something like it. Should not 'criticise from the wrong end': a 'poet has the right to use words in his own way', while a reader should 'listen & try to understand'; thinks he quite agrees with Bob's 'main point'. Likes the poetical qualities of the work; particularly the rhythm. He and his wife send best New Year's wishes to Bob and Bessie.

TRER/21/147 · Item · 28 Dec 1946
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

26 Addison Avenue, W.11. - Thanks Bob for his 'Christmas gift', "From The Shiffolds", which he and Beatrice have 'much appreciated'; was afraid when he first saw it that the poems might be 'too classical' for Beatrice's 'non-classical background', but there was in fact a great deal which appealed to her. She was 'particularly impressed' by the fragments from Sophocles and Euripides; he also thought they were 'perfectly translated'. He also enjoyed the "Hymn to Pan"; has always thought it a 'delightful poem'. The "Moretum" was 'quite new" to him, and is glad to have been 'introduced' to it; cannot think of anything else in Latin or Greek with the 'same sheer sustained realism'; does not read to him like Virgil, but perhaps it was a 'first experiment' along the line eventually leading to the "Georgics". Best wishes from them both to Bob and Bessie for the New Year.

Version of Trevelyan's "Maya" on inside cover and following pages; a verse version of "Spectacles" followed by a prose one. Notes toward an autobiography by Trevelyan, starting with a description of his first visit to Seatoller in Borrowdale in 1892 with his university friends Eddie Marsh, Bertrand Russell, Robin Mayor, and John Barran; describes visits there with Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson, quoting a poem written on the hills by Dickinson; mentions spending time there with G. E. Moore, which becomes a general discussion of philosophers and philosophy; the Lake Hunt; early reading and the library at Wallington; his father's friends, particularly Henry Sidgwick. Translation of Montaigne III.7, crossed through.

Notebook also used from the other end in: notes on Virgil's sixth "Eclogue"; notes on Chinese poetry; verse; translation of Montaigne II.8; conversation between Adam and Satan, in both verse and prose versions; translation from Sophocles's "Oedipus at Colonus"

TRER/17/209 · Item · 26 Dec 1944
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

26 Addison Avenue, W.11. - Thanks Bob for his Christmas present "From the Shiffolds" and the two letters; has been a 'pleasure' to read some of the poems that he heard Bob read the other day. Thinks he liked "Epistle to my Grandson" and "Ten Years After" best, perhaps because he heard them read aloud, he would probably have picked them as the best without that. He 'catch[es] on to least' the translations from Catullus, whom he thinks untranslatable in 'those short concentrated moods', though it is interesting to see Bob experimenting, and he 'enjoyed the whole collection'. Sends best wishes to the Trevelyans for Christmas and New Year. Notes in a postscript that his new address is 'Addison Avenue [emphasised].

TRER/17/210 · Item · 17 Dec 1945
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

26 Addison Avenue, W.11. - Thanks Bob for his Christmas gift "From the Shiffolds", which he and Beatrice have much enjoyed. They both particularly like "Old Aeschylus" and "Two Hundred Years Hence", which he remembers Bob reading to them when he saw them in October; mentions others he liked; supposes "Pusska" was written for Julian when he was small. Bob's recent manner of writing sometimes reminds him of the Chinese poets, particularly Po Chui [Bai Juyi]; does not find it 'at all artificial or exotic', but 'a kind of natural English counterpart to the Chinese way of looking at things, with something of its directness & detachment & coolness'. Feels Bob has thereby developed a style of his own, which he himself finds 'more satisfying than almost anything written today'.

TRER/4/213 · Item · 26 June [1909]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Green Farm, Timworth, Bury St. Edmunds - Is sorry that he will not be able to come to Seatoller: originally enclosing a notice of a lecture he is to give on 14th July; he is also to 'dine with the Erewhonians' the following night, and had hoped to see Trevelyan there. Rachel [his daughter] is beginning to put on weight. Enjoyed the [Apostles'] dinner. Is working on his lecture, his first to an informed audience, and hopes to raise some money and impress an agent. Believes Robin Mayor is going to send him an article on the 'comico-poetic' about Trevelyan's "Sisyphus".

TRER/13/220 · Item · 18 Mar 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

90 High Street, Oxford. - Thanks Bob and Bessie for their letters. In twenty-four hours, he and Janet will be married; there is 'too much to say to begin saying it'. Will return to Cheyne Gardens by the middle of May; expects they will see each other soon after that. Tells Bob in a postscript to send his article on [Thomas Sturge] Moore to E. Jenks when he has finished if none of Goldie [Dickinson], [Robin] Mayor or [Nathaniel] Wedd are in England.

TRER/9/234 · Item · 28 Sept [1901]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Glad to hear the news of the 'Pinewood relations [the Knutsfords]; sure they are happy to have made it up with L[ionel?], though she does not understand quite 'how things stand about him'. Expects Dolmetsch is 'very interesting to talk to about music'; he has a 'touch of genius'; asks if his 'money difficulties' are settled. Sent some game on Thursday as it was the last grouse shooting on Wednesday and Sir George thought they should go; they should be eaten quite soon. Expecting the H[enry] Y[ates] Thompsons and R[obin] Mayor today; Charles leaves on Monday and G[eorge] on Tuesday. Glad Elizabeth has recovered; 'curious how hurtful fruit seems'. George read an extract from his history yesterday, which they 'all thought very good'. Hopes Robert is refreshed by his 'outing this week'.

TRER/15/317 · Item · 25 Sept [1898]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

30 Bruton Street, W. - When "Mallow and Asphodel" came out he heard Bob was walking in Scotland; [Robin] Mayor told him yesterday he was now at Haslemere. Feels he and Bob 'had such thorough thrashings-out beforehand' that there's little to say now. Likes the look of the book, though is not sure about the colour; likes '"Playmates" more and more'; wishes Bob had included the final two parts of "Epimetheus" and 'finished the story', and 'can't help being sorry [Bob] left out the only poem' Eddie thought 'perfect'. Will be interested to hear about Bob's walk with [Bernard] Berenson. Has only had a week's holiday himself, in which he went to the Lakes and saw Seatoller, though he stayed at Rosthwaite. Hopes to sea Bob soon, and perhaps go to him for a Sunday visit at some point.

The Mill House, Grantchester, Cambridge. - Arrangements for a gathering [at the Swan at Fittleworth, Sussex, see 2/33 and 2/34] over Easter. [Robin] Mayor is named twice in Trevelyan's list; he should also include Henry Dakyns, Alfred Whitehead and North [Whitehead]. Should think by Wednesday there will be room for 'V.W.' [Vaughan Williams], and room for 'Dakyns pere' and Arthur [Dakyns] at any time. The back of the paper seems to show drinks consumed: Norton and Strachey appear as well as names mentioned in the letter.

TRER/12/393 · Item · 4 June 1926
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Robert's report of the Hunt was very interesting: Basil Williams and [Robin?] Mayor 'must have been notable members of the Old Guard". Told [Austin?] Smyth in his reply that he had been Chairman of the [Apostles'] dinner 'exactly half a century ago', when the Vice-Chairman was 'a lively undergraduate... Welldon by name'. Is looking forward 'with an old man's uneasiness' to the journey North [to Wallington]. Remembers a year when the 'Etonian Trinity men' could not go to the 4th of June [holiday] as it was on the 5th, when the 'Trinity May began'.

TRER/12/45 · Item · 29 Sept 1901
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Will instruct Drummond to pay fifty pounds into Robert's account as he did last year. Harry Thompson, his wife, and a niece are here, as well as George's friend [Robin] Mayor. Charles is going away on visits tomorrow; George and Mayor set off on food on Tuesday. Asks Robert to remind him of the 'very apt quotation' which was a parallel to 'Unde pares somnos' [Lucan "Pharsalia", 28]. Lord Ridley is coming to shoot, and he wants 'to prove to him that his brother [Sir Edward Ridley] was wrong'; there is a note by Grotius in Sir George's old 1669 edition which has it right. Life is generally quiet; he and Caroline are reading Carlyle's early letters; it is interesting to see 'all his great literary qualities in a vigorous but ordinary style'.

TRER/2/51 · Item · 19 Mar [1904]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

1 All Souls Place, Portland Place, W. - Will leave for Italy in a day or two; gives his address in Florence. Will meet Mayor there and go on a cycling tour to Assisi and Siena; Wedd will also probably be there. It would be good to see Trevelyan. Glad that Trevelyan is reviewing Sturge Moore [for the "Independent Review"]; he should send the review to Jenks. His own articles on religion will appear in the May and June numbers. Helen [Fry] is 'quite herself', only 'too keen to do things...and difficult to manage.'

TRER/14/64 · Item · [June 1906?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

2, Cheyne Gardens. - Sorry not to have seen more of Bob and Bessie yesterday, but had a deadline to finish some work, and then 'Desmond [MacCarthy] made us miss our train'. Would come to visit, 'but for the uncertainty of when our family event here [the forthcoming birth of his and Janet's son Theodore] will be'; thinks he should wait until after that, but asks if they will be at the Shiffolds in July. Goldie [Dickinson]'s speech, as well as [Robin] Mayor's, Bob's, and 'perhaps Bertie [Russell]'s' [at the Apostles dinner] were 'great', especially Mayor's; would 'scarcely have thought Robin had it in him', though there are 'traditions of his great vice-president speech'.

TRER/3/67 · Item · 14 Dec 1941
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

W[est] H[ackhurst]. - Thanks Trevelyan for his "Dream": can't say anything about its technique; thinks it read easily for the most part. Finds the part which considers whether 'culture' will continue most moving; agrees that 'if Love did - or could - worship Reason it would be best', though is not sure whether Christ is what he means by Love. Max [Beerbohm?] should be pleased with the reference to his Bacon. Hopes Trevelyan has sent a copy to Leonard [Woolf]. Sat by George [Macaulay Trevelyan] at the Feast at King's and went to lunch with him, when he showed Forster some of his books; Robin Mayor and A. V. Hill [?] were stopping there. Is reading Moliere.

TRER/3/73 · Item · 21 Sept 1944
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

'as from'W[est] H[ackhurst]'; written at Forster's London flat. - Thanks Trevelyan for "Windfalls", which he is also reading aloud to his mother. Enjoys it even when he differs from Trevelyan, for instance on the number of comparisons in Dante. Had forgotten about Tom Thornton and Put, 'an endearing pair'. Thanks Bessie for her letter. Would like to visit next week if he is not seeing Sebastian Sprott in London. Lunched yesterday with friends of Francesca Wilson: asked whether he liked Wilson, said 'no with a middle-sized n'. Saw Robin Mayor in the London Library: thought he looked better; the Mayors are liking their new house. Is writing in bed in his flat and feeling 'very comfortable and rather like Voltaire'. Has just read [William] Arnold's novel about India, "Oakfield".

TRER/ADD/74 · Item · 8 Dec 1946
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

King's Coll., Cambridge. - Must write by return of post, and 'not delay until I compose that illusory 'real' letter which I am always intending to send'. Feels 'overtired and fidgeted', but 'alright in health', and has 'found much more comfort than I expected here, as well as the expected friendliness'. The 'young Wilkinsons' with whom he is lodging 'seem quite perfect'; thinks 'all that side of life will go on without jolts'.

His 'big room' at College is also starting to look right at last; now sits in it with 'my personal past and ancestral past stacked around me in comparative order, and quite a large coal fire inside my father's chimney-piece, reinforced by an electric fire'. Is 'exhausted mentally and intellectually, but the shock of being uprooted is bound to come out somehow', and he is glad that he can 'eat, sleep, and carry on socially'.

Called at Trinity recently, 'seeing the windows lit up [in the Master's Lodge] and thinking a reception in progress'. Found 'only the Master [G. M. Trevelyan] and his wife, and Robin Mayor and his wife', so they had 'a very nice old codgers' tea party'; Hilton Young and his wife appeared at the end, though Kathleen Kennet 'would scarcely relish being classed as a codger - or codgeress'.

Florence [Barger] has returned; her visit to America was 'a great success', and she has brought back her sister [Margaret?] with her. Sends love to Bob - his proof-correction must be interesting. Expects they will spend Christmas at the Shiffolds; hopes 'domestic arrangements keep all right'. Agnes' foot 'got very bad in the final pandemonium' and she went off to her niece's in Barnet in a car. Has been to see her; she 'seems happily placed', and her room is very nice.