Department of Philosophy, Yenching University, Peking, China - Sends Frazer the Chinese translation of 'The Golden Bough', and a pamphlet he has written popularising Frazer's theory; is about to publish his translation of Malinowski's 'Sex and Repression In Savage Society'.
Lund - Thanks them for their interest in his book 'La confession des péchés'; before he left Italy, Malinowski asked for a copy of his book, but since then he has no news of him; as for Macmillan's offer to publish an English edition of 'La confession' he would be happy for them to do this, will send the first volume when he returns to Italy; the Congrès [of the International Association for the History of Religions] has completed its work and has chosen Berlin as the host city for the next conference in 1933.
Accompanied by an envelope redirected from Trinity College to The Midland Grand Hotel Room 110, St Pancras, London, N.W.1.
Translation into French of a review of the abridged 'Golden Bough', in an unidentified hand.
The London School of Economics and Political Science - Cannot attend the meeting between Sir James and Marett on the 14th, asks to reschedule; would like to hear Ceccaldi; would like to receive a copy of the Ovid, and will write a review in 'Nature'. A postscript from E.R.M. [Elsie Rosaline Malinowski] thanks her for the splendid stories.
Soprabolzano (Prov. di Bolzano) N. Italy - Encloses a note to Sir James expressing his enthusiasm at publishing the notebooks [as 'Anthologia Anthropologica'], and reminds her that he has more than once consulted them himself.
Room 128 H.G.S., Yale University Department of Anthropology - Realises that his suggestion to prepare a new abridged version of 'The Golden Bough' would be ill-advised given the conditions and that Sir James made the first abridgement himself; it is good to hear from friends at this moment; when the letter reaches her, 'we shall know more about the catastrophic advance of the Nazis, which I still pray and hope may be stopped'.
1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 28 May 1920 - Suggests he stay among the Banyoro until his informants dry up as he 'may not tap such copious sources again'; reacts to wedding night customs and the temporary king; is attending Malinowski's lectures on the Trobriand Islanders, and asks if he has heard of a custom of giving produce to a wife's brothers; asks if he finds any stories on the origin of fire; will work next on a book on the fear of the dead; Lilly is better but they will go to Evian for a cure in July; mentions the honorary degree; saw [W. H. R.] Rivers, who found lecturing in the United States very tiring.
1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 7th July 1920 - Lists who he saw in Cambridge at the honorary degree ceremony: Arthur Balfour, the Ridgeways, [William?] Cox, A. B. Cook, Henry Jackson, who is frail; has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society; Sir Peter Mackie has given £3500 in total to the expedition; will send a copy of an article on his work among the Bahima in 'Man'; comments on the customs of the Banyoro; is interested in measurement of all kinds; have seen much of Malinowski; Lilly is much better and editing an anthology of recent French poetry for Oxford University Press, and has a big scheme in mind for developing French in Britain.
1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 28th July 1920 - Has received another MSS and reminds him to tie the packets carefully; is looking forward to more; Malinowski has typhoid, but his wife says it is not serious.
Lecturers' Common Room, The London School of Economics and Political Science - Thanks them for the nice occasion, has the MS from Moret, is printing the Frazer lecture of Liverpool in booklet form, with the myth of sexual nature cut out, to be added to his "Sex & Repression" which will be published soon.
6 Oppidans Road, N.W.3. - Thanks him for the nice note about his review of Frazer's 'Fasti'; is glad he enjoyed the Westermarck dinner, is very fond of Westermarck.
The London School of Economics and Political Science - Invites the Frazers to tea.
1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 12th October 1930 [recte 1920] - Wonders if he has received all the Bunyoro material, as he does not have anything on war, religion, and relationships; is glad to hear the Governor will consider a Government Ethnologist, Driberg, whom he knows nothing about, mentions Malinowski, but he is going to the Canary Islands to write his book, [W. H. R.] Rivers has a high opinion of Malinowski, Frazer mentions N. W. Thomas out of work, but he does not rate his anthropology highly; the papers are interested in the expedition.
6 Oppidans Rd., London, N.W.3. - Thanks him for his letter, it was an honour to write the preface to the book [Vol. III of 'The Fear of the Dead'?], is glad to hear material from the 'Argonauts' will be useful to a further volume.
6 Oppidans Rd., London, N.W.3. - Thanks Frazer for his kind words, has only notes for the discourse, hopes to write them up for publication and send it to Frazer, encloses the French text of the Preface to Vol. III of 'The Fear of the Dead' for review by Lady Frazer [now housed as FRAZ/26/32].
6 Oppidans Road, N.W.3. - Is subscribing to the bibliography.
6 Oppidans Rd., London, N.W.3. - Thanks him for his kinds words on his review of 'Totemica'; is going to the Continent and will see the Frazers on his return.
Zeitschrift für Völkerpsychologie und Soziologie - Is happy a German translation of 'The Golden Bough' has come out in time for Frazer's birthday, was happy to play a small part after Malinowski had drawn his attention to it.
Random House Inc. - Have decided to publish a one-volume abridgement of 'The Golden Bough', could not come to an agreement with Macmillan, offers Malinowski the editorship, and $500 to Frazer for his authorization of the project.
Hotel Lutetia, Paris. Dated 31 December 1921 - Is in Paris, where he gave a lecture at the Sorbonne in front of 700 people; is having a bust made by Bourdelle who will present it to the Museum of the Luxembourg; Lilly's translation of 'Adonis' is out and she is busy getting other books translated; has been asked to write the preface to Malinowski's Trobriand book and [C. W.] Hobley's book.
S. S. 'Makambo' en route to Papua. Dated 25.10.17 - Thanks him for his encouraging letter; is off to the Trobriand Islands again; when he was in Melbourne he went over material from previous visits and has created an outline and a list of new questions; in reading Frazer's works he has learned to appreciate vividness and colour in descriptions of native life; was glad he approved his sally against 'Collective Consciousness'; disagrees with the tendency of field ethnographers to attack the 'psychological method', is interested in the mental life of the natives and the relationship between magic and religion on one hand and economic pursuits on the other; is not making physical measurements of the natives, can't see their philosophical value; thanks him for the anthropological questions with its kind inscription, which he will treasure; discusses his itinerary; is technically an enemy subject as an Austrian, but is in reality a Pole, so can't be suspected of Teutonic symphathies in the war; Mr Atlee Hunt in Melbourne has been most helpful, and he hopes to extend the six months he has been given to go to New Guinea, which will be up to Judge J. H. P. Murray; is provided for by Mr Robert Mond; will be in touch with his observations.
27 Pentland Terrace, Edinburgh. Dated 14.7.20 - Thanks him for introducing him to Professors Nicholson and Whittacker [Sir Edmund Whittaker?]; doesn't know if [Wickham] Steed published his article in the 'Times'; is reading 'Sir Roger de Coverley' with pleasure.
27 Portland [Pentland?] Terrace, Edinburgh. Dated 18.7.20 - Thanks him for the letter and for the cutting, was very pleased to see so much space given to his lectures; is working on an account of the Trobriand trading, especially the 'Kula'; bad news from Poland worries him, but is unfit for military service so there is nothing for him to do but wait.
El Boquin, Icod de los Vinos, Jenerife [Tenerife], Canary Islands. Dated 10.1.21 - Would like to hear about their trip through France and Belgium; spent time in Liverpool with Dr and Miss Caton; describes their trip to Lisbon, Madeira, Las Palmas, and Santa Cruz; hears [John] Roscoe is back, thinks it must be exciting to hear his reports.
El Boquin, Icod de los Vinos, Tenerife, Canary Isles. Dated 10.2.21 - Was interested to hear about [John] Roscoe's return, is pleased there has been so much press coverage; is staying in Tenerife until he has finished writing the Trobriand material; is happy to hear Frazer has accepted the Presidency of Section H of the British Association; would like to have a reprint of his Ernest Renan lecture, anything he says about the Comparative Method and its application to religious problems is of interest; describes the book he is writing on intertribal trading and sailing and hopes that it will be published by a firm like Macmillan, with publicity, and asks him to put in a good word; his wife has learned a good deal of Spanish, but he is trying not to relearn it, as he wants his English to be better and not mixed in with Spanish.
El Boquin, Icod de los Vinos, Jenerife [Tenerife], Canary Isles. Dated 8.5.21 - Thanks him for his letter and the enclosed letter from George Macmillan, and for supporting his work, wants the work to sell; found that [Charles] Seligman had approached him and had even asked Frazer to write the preface, and apologises that he was approached twice about talking to Macmillan; shares his preference to avoid writing prefaces to books by other people; is now working out the full material and hopes to be done in 18 months.
Oberbozen, Bolzano (Alto Adige), Italy. Dated 30.1.23 - Is writing a review of the abridged GB for 'Nature' and expresses his admiration; has been reading some of the Freudian stuff in the anthropological line: their psychology isn't nonsense 'but their Anthropology is vile'; is writing up the sexual chapters of his material; [Edvard] Westermarck says he is preparing new volumes about Morocco.
Oberbozen, pres Bolzano (Alto Adige), Italie. Dated 30.I.23 - Is being treated for tuberculosis in a sanatorium; has sent off his review of the abridged GB [which he calls 'The Twig'].
Hotel Lutetia, 45, Boulevard Raspail, Paris (6e). Dated 6 February 1923 - Is sorry to hear he has been ill; the 'Argonauts of the Western Pacific' has gotten a unanimous chorus of praise; values his opinion and thanks him for kinds words of the abridged GB; is in Paris, Lilly is making a French translation of the abridged GB and he is making an English translation of Ovid's Fasti for the Loeb Library, with glimpses of old Roman religion 'but most of the points in it have been threshed out already'; went to an interesting meeting of the Ecole d'Anthropologie, with [Louis] Capitan reading a paper of a cave discovered by Count Begouin [Begouen] in Southern France, and a communication about a tribe, the Habes, in the valley of the Niger, who have many taboos; [Alfred] Haddon doesn't have many anthropological students at Cambridge and speaks well of the new Curator of the Anthropological Museum, [L. C. G.] Clarke; [John] Roscoe's first volume should be out soon, it is interesting and valuable; is glad [Edvard] Westermarck is writing more on Morocco; hope to settle in a house being built for them in Cambridge in the autumn.
Hotel Lutetia, 45, Boulevard Raspail, Paris (6e). Dated 21 May 1923 - Thanks him for his kind review of the abridged version of the GB; asks how he progresses with his book and his health, asks if he is well enough for an appointment to an English university, would like to bring him to Trinity; saw a post advertised for University College, London, which he assumes is created for [William] Perry, 'who devils for [Grafton] Elliot Smith', but [Marcel?] Mauss tells him Malinowski has been appointed to the post.