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TRER/4/99 · Item · 31 Dec 1901
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

I Tatti, Settignano, Florence. - Starting South this afternoon after ten days with the Berensons; B.B. is anxious and not sleeping well, but seems more cheerful since their arrival; his wife also seems to be in poor health and when she returns B.B. hopes to go to Sicily for a holiday. Asks whether Fry will be in Italy in March, the probable time of their own return, and whether Daniel will accompany him. Glad Fry's watercolours were successful and that he likes the [Band of Hope] banner. He must not forget his picture of H[elen] and J[ulian], and Helen her 'Bronzino infant'. Has seen Moore's young brother [Bertie] who paints in Italy; hopes Fry might be able to give him advice. Has heard about 'Lina's artist' [Aubrey Waterfield] from her, the K[err] Lawsons, and Moore who knew him at the Slade: tends to think that Lina is right about Waterfield, 'the Oxford manner' makes him a little difficult at first but he is fundamentally decent, and that [Lina's aunt] Mrs Ross has treated her very badly; Berenson is also 'perfectly silly' about it. However, Lina is being sensible and they will marry in a year or so. According to Moore, Tonks thought highly of Waterfield's drawings. B.B. 'nicer than ever' himself but much more intolerant of others (not Fry). Is sorry about the book [problems with the reproduction of Fry's illustrations for Trevelyan's "Polyphemus and Other Poems"] but it was not Fry's fault and his illustrations are much appreciated by all there. Bessie sends regards to all.

TRER/15/98 · Item · 8 Apr 1931
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Empire Nursing Home, Vincent Square, London, S.W.1. - Is getting on very well now [after his operation] with little discomfort. Bessie reads Trollope to him most afternoons, and he usually has visitors each day: T[homas] S[turge] Moore is coming to tea today. Hopes Bessie will go to Paris next week, then on to Holland: no reason for her not to now Bob is 'so well' and go to the C.A.s [Clifford Allens] for the first couple of weeks after he leaves the nursing home. He works through chess games in the papers, and has just been looking at the tournament between Cambridge and Oxford, in which the marks were equal; Bronowski, whom he supposes is Julian's friend [Jacob] 'lost his game rather disastrously'. Terence Gray wants to do Bob's [translation of Euripides'] "Medea"in May, which he has agreed to but now regrets; Gray is trying to get [Maria] Germanova for Medea, but 'wants her to do it for nothing'; Bob has telegraphed to her saying she should 'on no account... accept the engagement. It is too monstrous'; Gray probably wants him to step in and pay Germanova himself, which he will not, as he will not be able to get to rehearsals and go through the part with her; Gray is also intending to put Medea in a mask, which is 'the height of folly' regarding Germanova. Unlikely Germanova would have been able to take the part with her husband [Aleksandr Kalitinsky] so ill. Wonders if [Hasan Shahid] Suhrawardy has gone to India yet and whether he has finished his book. Hopes Julian is getting on well with his work; frescos must be 'fun to try', though expects Julian is 'likely to make rather a mess at first'. [Étienne Adolphe?] Piot was 'technically quite competent' but artistically bad. Asks to be remembered to [George] Reavey, and to [Jean] Marchand if Julian sees him. Hopes Bessie will come to Paris next week, and see the Luce family. He and Bessie had hoped to see the Sykes family this month, but had to put it off; supposes [Hugh]'s exams are coming up anyway.

TRER/9/96 · Item · 21 Dec - 22 Dec 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Pension Palumbo, Ravello. - There is not sufficient paper in the hotel to answer her long letter as it deserves. Strange that he is not inspired to write Bessie love-poetry, but says he is 'not good at putting difficult and elaborate and wonderful thoughts into verse', which would be needed; will try one day. Sorry that Gredel [Guije] failed. Since he sometimes misses out words in his letters, Bessie need never be shocked by his 'wicked opinions' but can add 'nots' when she pleases and 'convert the sense to please [her] fancy'. Glad she is re-reading [Joseph Henry Shorthouse's] "John Inglesant". Sends her kisses "blown through the ether like waves of light or electricity'. Continues the letter next morning, copying out an extract about Shorthouse from a piece of paper in Mrs Reid's book an extract from a letter from Isabel Balfour; this recalls what his brother [George?] has heard about Shorthouse. The book reminds Bob of Pater's "Marius the Epicurean"; thinks one must have influenced the other; also thinks "Marius" the better book on the whole. Asks his waiter to settle their dispute about Italian grammar, which he does in Bob's favour. Returns to the letter in the afternoon: old Palumbo died this morning, and since his wife did not want Bob to leave, he is staying in a separate part of the house where he is 'quite out of the way'. News has just come that the Cappuccini hotel at Amalfi 'has subsided on a great part of it' and some people have been killed. Writes again in the evening having gone to see the landslip, which was as bad as the rumours; seven or eight people died, and 'part of the end of the hotel had gone'. The people say it is St. Francis' doing, "angry because his monastery had been put to base uses". Had never been to Amalfi before, though this is his third visit; not much to see 'except the people and the beggars', and the Cathedral is 'spoilt by restoring'. Palumbo was dying about the same time as the landslip, and the proprietor of the Cappuccini, a friend, was here comforting Madame Palumbo when the news about the hotel came. 'They say he almost fainted... [and] will probably be ruined, as no one will dare come to his hotel now'. Bob exerted himself greatly on the journey down to Amalfi and back and 'sweeted (in Grandmont language' despite the bitter cold.

Originally enclosing a 'charming letter from [Eddie] Marsh'; his 'first Cambridge friend' who works in the Colonial office 'though, like many there, he does not like the war'; gives a brief character sketch. Has also heard from [Goldsworthy Lowes] Dickinson. Has not heard from [Bernard] Berenson, but has from [Mary] Costelloe, whom he just asked Berenson to tell; 'rather annoying', as he 'care[s] for Berenson very much, and dislike Mrs C.', though it was a 'perfectly proper letter'. Is very troubled by [Lina] Duff Gordon's letter: her wish for his happiness is 'unmistakeably sincere', as she always is, but her reply to his wish for them to remain as good friends is that since he told her nothing about this when he saw her 'constantly' in London last October, things can never be quite the same. It would have been very difficult to tell her, but feels that perhaps he should have done, not because she was an 'intimate friend' - the only one of his friends he told, 'for special reasons', was Fry - but because Mrs Costelloe had been spreading rumours that she was in love with him. Perhaps this was true, and he should have realised, although he does not think he gave her reason to believe he was in love with her; it is possible that Mrs Costelloe has stirred up trouble, as 'she has a great influence over Miss D. G.' and he believes her 'really to be a bad woman, though with many good qualities'. Is going to see Palumbo's funeral start for Naples. Writes again in the evening, after writing at 'my cliff, the Cembrone [Cimbrone]'. Quotes from a letter from Tom Moore: Moore thinks he will 'make a good husband' but spoil all his children. Has received Bessie's next letter, but not the photographs. He can skate, but not very well. Does not think Buller's defeat will make much difference to British attitudes to the [Second Boer] war; discussion of the war; does not think it would be good if all of South Africa were governed by the Dutch, would not object to 'an independent Dutch South Africa if it were well governed, and the natives treated properly' which currently happens in the Cape but not in the Transvaal. Methuen and probably Buller are not equal to the people against them, but this does not mean the English have fought badly; however, she need not worry that he is 'becoming Jingo'. Sorry Bessie has missed Tonina [van Riemsdijk]'s violin; when one good enough becomes available, will get it for her. They must visit Ravello together; Madame asked if they would come here on their honeymoon, which they will have to discuss; she intends to keep the hotel for some years at least.

TRER/18/95 · Item · 8 June 1912
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

120 Maida Vale, W. - Asks whether Trevelyan thought he had 'forgotten all about the Centaurs and the Amazons', or had no mannners because he did not write with thanks for "[The Bride of] Dionysus". Was much 'preoccupied', but has now 'broken the back of [Samuel] Butler's notebooks' and is reading through the typescript of the book ["The Note-Books of Samuel Butler"]. Feels 'rather exhausted' as the editing has been so 'long and troublesome', and he does not know how much he will have to redo. Has however read Sturge Moore's two poems and returns them; they 'contain many fine things' but are not really in 'his line' and he finds them 'a little dull'. The piece Desmond [MacCarthy] showed him and sent to the "New Quarterly", about 'a man in the Bible who got into difficulties with his dramatic gods' was 'duller'. "Dionysus" is his next job, but he may be distracted by organisation for the fifth Erewhon Dinner: Edmund Gosse has fixed the date for 12 July, and cards are being printed. Hopes that Trevelyan will come. Turned sixty-one the other day and cannot do as much as he used to, so the quantity of correspondence associated with the dinner will be tiring. Looking forward to going to Sicily the day afterwards. Went to Paris at Easter; then to Scotland at Whitsun, where he went fishing for the first time and thinks he hooked a fish though 'he wriggled off before I could get him into the boat'. Thanks Trevelyan for sending the book; hopes [Donald Tovey's] music will please him, and that the opera will 'be a great success & cause a furore'. His sister has gone to Norway for a month's holiday. Asks whether Trevelyan has sent the names of people who want to 'become Erewhonians'.

TRER/15/95 · Item · 13 July 1935
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Asks if Julian and Ursula could come to stay at the Shiffolds next weekend; has to go away to see Donald [Tovey] for the weekend on Saturday the 20th, so Bessie will be alone except for Miss Simpkins; she has to 'keep very quiet' and 'not read at all'. She has had some improvement in her eye, but not enough, so the doctors say she must give it a chance by lying down more. She is also writing to the Sturge Moores, who may be able to help. Tried to call Julian and Ursula and hear they are in Devon; asks if they can get in touch as soon as they return. Supposes they saw the 'Italian pictures' in Paris.

TRER/9/94 · Item · 16 Dec - 17 Dec 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Pension Palumbo, Ravello. - Has been out most of the day since there was some sunshine, and has written a few lines. Seems that old [Pasquale] Palumbo is 'in great danger'; has offered to move to another hotel for a week or two, but Pasquale's wife will not hear of it; she 'takes a sort of mother's care of him' and says the rooms of the Albergo Toro will be damp. Will stay for a while, but does not think he should stay if Palumbo gets worse; only Italians go to the Toro but sure he would be all right there. Has just received Stephen Philips' play about Paolo and Francesca; cannot see as much in it as 'many very clever people do'; it has 'effective theatrical scenes' and 'some rather fine poetry', and if it succeeds when acted next year it will make things easier for [Thomas Sturge] Moore and [Laurence] Binyon, and for himself, if he manages to finish a verse play, but it is still a bad play. Recommends that she read "Romeo and Juliet" and the "Merchant of Venice" if she has not already; thinks he should charge her a fee in kisses for giving her literary advice. Finishes writing for the day with a doggerel verse recommending that she wear socks in bed to keep warm.

Returns to the letter the following evening; glad she got on so well with the dentist, and 'recognises her portrait' in [Chaucer's] Merchant's Wyve. Hopes she will send her photograph soon. Found her account of 'the Russian ladies [Madame de Rhemen and Countess van Bylandt] and Tuttie [Maria Hubrecht; see 9/17]' very entertaining. Does not remember the Comtesse de Bylandt, but will ask his parents about her. Teases her for dreaming that she was married to [Bram] Eldering. Palumbo seems better today. Weather fine today, and he has got on well with his play; 'cannot get along in the rain'. Also thought of a new poem on Elijah in the desert, but might not write it now. Hopes to get over a month of work done, and not to return before the end of January; his mother has just written that she would like Bessie to stay with them at Welcombe early in February; thinks that would be the best plan, so he would probably not spend more than a few days in Holland on the way back; does not know whether it would be considered right to travel back together so she should ask her uncle and aunt.

TRER/1/94 · Item · 25 Sept 1911 [postmark]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Postmarked Dymock; addressed to Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Arrangements for meeting in London and their journey to Italy. Forster is definitely not coming with them. Has accepted Moore's invitation to dine; asks Trevelyan to get him to read to them. Abercrombie's brother [Patrick?] strongly recommends a stay in Milan for its Romanesque churches. Expects Catherine would like to talk with the Ken Lawsons.

TRER/9/93 · Item · 14 Dec - 15 Dec 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Pension Palumbo, Ravello, presso Amalfi. - Filthy weather, as it has generally been since he arrived; has sent off his 'interminable commentary' on [Thomas Sturge Moore's] "Danaë", and has been reading Byron's play "Cain"; finds it 'surprisingly fine', though there are great faults, as in all of Byron; does not agree with Goethe's claim that Byron 'is a child the moment he begins to think'. Always pleased when he finds good things in Byron, as he is much criticised nowadays; people do not really read him, or 'only his inferior early things, e.g. Childe Harold'. Teases Bessie, pretending that 'an unconscionable young lady' keeps 'tormenting him with a stupid school-girl correspondence' and there is no telling where her reading of Plato may lead her. Is sorry that Bessie is having so bad a time with the dentist; best to go through with it in the end. Dined at Mrs Reid's last night, hearing 'local tales about brigands etc' and drinking good wine. They have 'some wonderful cats, the most beautiful [he] has ever seen'; would like to get 'one of the family some day'. Delighted to hear about [the birth of Bessie's niece] Amanda Röntgen; Bessie's aunt told him first, sends thanks for her letter. Copies out poems by Vaughn [sic: Henry Vaughan, "The Retreat"], and Blake ["Infant Joy"]. Will finish this letter and 'per-haps, as Grandmont says' send it by the early post. Is glad to have Bessie's photograph but wants the bigger one when she gets them.

Finishes the letter next day. Bad weather again; is not in good spirits as his host Palumbo is dangerously ill; Palumbo has suffered from the same paralysis before and may recover; he is a 'very good fellow' and Bob will be sorry if he dies; pities his wife and daughter. Has just read the news of the great British losses at Ladysmith; does not know whether this means the town has fallen, but it looks as though Methuen was not strong enough to relieve it; if Redvers Buller does not do better than Methuen, expects Ladysmith will fall in a few weeks and would wish that if it would lead to the reopening of peace negotiations, but this seems unlikely. Says Bessie 'deserve[s] a whipping' for interpreting his jealousy of the lovers in his carriage as a desire to hug his female fellow-travellers. Is very glad she likes the "Symposium" so much; discusses it briefly and suggests other dialogues by Plato she could read. Copies out Blake's "Infant Sorrow" and "Cradle Song". [His brother] Charlie's letter was very nice; is sure she will like him, and he 'evidently means to like [her]'. Reminds her that the new century does not begin until 1901. Glad her practising is going well.

TRER/22/92 · Item · 22 Jan 1940
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Kennet House, Harrow on the Hill [on headed notepaper for 2 High Street, Harrow on the Hill]. - Thanks Trevelyan for his 'very handsome Christmas present [his "Collected Works"]: will add it to the books at his bed-side and looks forward to 'making new and renewing old acquaintances'. Was 'such fun' to visit the Shiffolds after 'so many years'; was 'delighted' to find them all at home; such 'rash experiments of unpredicted calls' are not always so successful. Hopes to visit again, but this will not be in term-time [at Harrow]; they are 'much imprisoned by black-outs and ARP [air raid precautions]. Will escape to do a ten-minutes broadcast [on the BBC Home Service] on 30 January, 'very familiar Wordsworth'. Sends greetings to Mrs Trevelyan and Mr and Mrs Sturge Moore. Adds postscript asking whether Trevelyan would be interested in the article about [Paul Cairn?] Vellacott in this week's "Harrovian", written by the Housemaster of the Grove [Leonard Henry], a 'historian like his subject'; will send a copy if so.

TRER/9/92 · Item · 10 Dec - 12 Dec 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Pension Palumbo, Ravello, preso Amalfi. - Corrects Bessie's Italian for his address. Details of post times. The weather continues to be bad so he has been reading, writing letters, and finishing copying out [Thomas Sturge Moore's] "Danaë". Thanks her for sending on the "Chronicle". Has written for the "Manchester Guardian", as he agrees with it about the [Second Boer] War; its editor [C.P.] Scott was here when he arrived, and he had a long talk with him about the war. The "Guardian" is 'almost the best paper in England, being cosmopolitan'; is encouraged that Scott says he has 'kept most of his public, in spite of his attitude to the war', and that opposition to their policy led to the resignation of the "Chronicle's" editors, rather than public opinion. Hopes Bessie's visit to the dentist went well. Discussion of the lack of interest in romantic love in Sophocles and its treatment by the other ancient tragedians; contrasts this with the way 'almost all the great modern dramatis, Shakespear [sic], Racine, Molière, de Vega etc. fetch their subjects from Venus' archives'. Continues the letter later, after 'scribbling off a severe commentary on some of the obscurities in Moore's "Danaë"' and reading the first chapters of [Joseph Henry Shorthouse's] "John Inglesant", which Mrs Reid lent him this afternoon. Has told her about Bessie and she took a great interest; she is 'a dear old lady, and very kind' to him. Improvises a poem about being a black beetle crawling under Bessie's door to give her kisses.

Returns to the letter next evening; has been outside most of the day, spending the morning in Mrs Reid's garden, though not really able to work, and walking in the afternoon. Hopes to start work in a day or two on another play, not the one he showed Bessie. Has begun his commentary on Moore's "Danaë," but it will take him hours. Tells her to show the photographs his mother sent her to her uncle and aunt. Is touched by what she says about trusting him. Hopes that [Ambrose Hubrecht's] whale 'has been successfully dissected'; disappointed to hear 'he is not going to Utrecht whole, to be stuffed, or bottled.'

Continues the letter next day. Has been reading Chaucer and 'commenting on Danaë's little faults'. Perhaps exaggerated when he said 'modern art scarcely seemed to exist at all', but does feel that modern art is 'on the wrong lines', though 'men like Degas and Puvis de Chavannes and Whistler, and even often Watts and Burne Jones, have done great things'. Would be wrong to persuade himself that bad art was good, and there are times when 'circumstances have made great art difficult or impossible', such as literature in the middle ages. Does not think the Frys' attitude to art is exclusive; they may well be in music, but they know less about that.

TRER/46/92 · Item · 8 Jun 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

8 Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. [London] :- Thanks his parents for their letters. Came up this morning to go to the Dolmetsch concert. Bessie is well except for a 'slight cold', and says the rehearsals are going well 'though some of the players are rather weak, including the new Madame Dolmetsch'. Is sorry his father's rheumatism 'has been so troublesome', and hopes he will be all right at Zermatt. Has just seen her letter to Bessie, which came this morning.

Is going to see George this afternoon to 'go over the corrections of the first two chapters [of George's England under the Stuarts]; this is 'rather severe work', but he and George agree that these chapters need corrections more than the rest. George seems to like Robert's article [or the Independent Review], as do others, though 'they are not all convinced that Moore's poems are as good' as Robert thinks them. However, did not expect to persuade many people. Does not think either that George will persuade him to like Meredith's poetry 'in his coming article, though it will no doubt be very interesting'.

He and Bessie have not yet heard anything about their building estimates; supposes these are 'in the hands of the builders', but that it will 'come all right now' although they may still have to wait a while. Is going to Seatoller to work for a few weeks in early July; Bessie may join him there for a while, when she leaves Mrs Salomonson. Hopes they might see Caroline at Dorking before then. Is glad Aunt Margaret is 'so well again'.

[In Bessie's handwriting] Wants to 'add a line' to say she is glad Caroline and Sir George are enjoying their trip, and that Sir George's rheumatism has gone. It is 'so very comfortable' being able to stay at Grosvenor Crescent, it is 'so quiet' and 'it makes such a difference not having to bustle about noisy hotels'. Maria looks after her 'like a mother!'. They are just going to lunch at the Moores' before another rehearsal and the concert tonight. Sends love from them both; asks if Caroline could visit them on the 26th or 27th, or the 2nd July, but she must do what is most convenient for her.

TRER/9/91 · Item · 8 Dec - 9 Dec 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Pension Palumbo, Ravello, preso Amalfi. - Thanks Bessie for her letters and its enclosures; Grandmont's letter is 'a marvel of elegance'; is glad that [Empedocle?] Gaglio is 'showing such character and capability'; reminisces about a former excursion from which a companion [Bessie] 'returned early to Taormina' on a 'frivolous' excuse. Returns his mother's letter; would be nice for her to call Bessie 'Elizabeth' but they must decide; will be a comfort to her when Bessie is looking after him, but thinks 'she exaggerates the discomfort and untidiness of [his] life at Roundhurst'; he may have been untidy in dress when not likely to meet any one, but Mrs Enticknap would not have allowed anything worse. There is a strong south wind and the 'sea is booming loudly down below on the rocks'. Has had a busy day with correspondence, copying [Thomas Sturge Moore's] "Danaë", calling on Mrs Reid and talking to an interesting fellow guest [C. P. Scott, see 9/92]. Hopes to do a little work tomorrow.

Returns to the letter the following morning; was a thunderstorm, not the sea, which he heard last night; it is still raining heavily, so he will finish writing letters and 'read all sorts of nice things'. Gives a long extract from Chaucer's "Merchant's Tale" on 'the terrors of married life'; pretends to contemplate heeding the warning, but [John] McTaggart's letter 'tells a quite different tale'.

TRER/15/9 · Item · 27 Dec 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Friends War Victims Relief Committee, A.P.O., S.5., B.E.F., France. - Thanks Julian for the Christmas card, notebook and poem, also 'trust[s] a few months will see [him] home'. Sends a coloured photograph of a Watteau painting as a Christmas card. Hopes Julian is having a good holiday with his mother and the Moores; wishes he could be there, and that Julian could 'fly over in an aeroplane' and see him 'folding up parcels of books', which he is very clumsy at, and his way of 'making an index of the library'. Will write to Elizabeth tomorrow, is sending a program for her of a concert he went to. Wonders whether Julian is 'eating Sumph for breakfast, or Sue perhaps [pigs?]', and how the rabbits are doing. Hears that Mr Moore is reading Captain Cook's voyages to Julian, Dan and Riette. It is wet, the river Seine is very full and muddy, and 'rushes along like the yellow Tiber in "Horatius" [by Macaulay]'

TRER/46/89 · Item · 22 Feb 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Grand Hotel, La Croix, par Gassin (Var) :- Has not yet answered her last letter, having written to his father instead; is glad to hear from her letter to Bessie which arrived today that he, George, and Charles are well. His mother's account of North Street [Charles and Molly's new marital home] much 'interested and amused' them. Hopes all will go well at Oxford [for George and Janet's wedding]; wonders if George will wear a frock coat, but supposes not 'as he will not wear a topper presumably'.

He and Bessie are both well and 'enjoying very fine weather'; he is getting on all right with his work, finishing a play he began last year but put aside having 'got into difficulties'. Now he thinks he knows 'how it should go'. Is going to review Sturge Moore's poems for George, but not until he leaves here, as time spent on his own work here is too valuable; nevertheless, has promised George he will have it ready for the May number [of the Independent Review]. Bessie is getting on 'slowly' with her translation, but it is 'very difficult work, and can't be done quickly'. They have just heard from Mrs Cacciola, who asks several questions which Robert cannot answer: about '"Andrew Johnstone (Charlotte's husband)"', and whether '"Mr Frank Snowball... is a man as honourable and capable in business as his father Joseph Snowball was"' - he was apparently a '"highly esteemed friend"' of Mrs Cacciola's mother. Robert thought his mother would probably know these people, but that as he does not know why Mrs Cacciola is making these enquiries, his turning to her 'had better been in confidence', since Mrs Cacciola could always have asked her directly. In the mean time is writing that he does not know but will find out; since Mrs Cacciola 'has so few friends in England' he feels he should do so.

Asks his mother to thank his father for her letter, and tell him Robert will write soon. Hopes the 'literary dinner went off well'. Bessie will write soon; they both send love. Decisions about their house are now 'more or less settled', though the 'road question' is still not yet quite agreed; expects they may need to spend something on it themselves 'if no one else will, possibly one or two hundred pounds'. They are leaving it to their solicitors to settle. Their friends the Hardys [G H Hardy and his sister?] have not yet come, which is a disappointment.

TRER/19/86 · Item · 14 Oct 1944
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

40 Well Walk, N.W.3. - Must thank Bob 'at last' for sending her his "Windfalls"; was 'very touched' that he sent it to her 'a poor remnant of "we" [Thomas Sturge Moore died in July 1944]' to whom he used to send his works 'so faithfully and generously'; she and her husband used to read Bob's poetry on Sunday evenings when Dan and Riette were children. Had read some of the essays in the book in the "Abinger Chronicle", but the majority were new; mentions some of the pieces she most likes. Asks if Bob could return the two manuscripts she left at his house; had meant to ask Bob for advice on where to send them, having thought of "Criterion" or "English" where Tom had published a few pieces. Postscripts: one sending a 'special message' to Miss Simpkins and 'the Julians' if they are still at the Shiffolds, the other that the 'terrible destructions in Holland' keep making her think of Bessie.

TRER/13/85 · Item · [19 May 1899]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Begins mid-sentence stating that [his brother George's book "The Age of Wycliffe"] is 'a good piece of history', which shows up John of Gaunt as 'a sort of 14th century Taman[n]y ring boss'. Also recommends Rostand's "Les Romanesques", which he read recently and things is even better than "Cyrano". Cannot think of any more modern books for the moment; fears his list is 'chiefly composed of friends' and relations' books'; [Roger] Fry is also bringing out his book on Bellini soon, which is well worth getting. Asks Elizabeth to tell Mrs Grandmont that the Frys would like her to visit when she is in England; gives their address. He himself is getting a house near Dorking at Westcott, and will move in September, when he will be within a mile of the Frys; the house he is giving up at Haslemere is, though, very beautiful.

Supposes she has been back from Taormina a while; asks her to send some photographs, especially the ones of 'Mrs. Cacc. [Florence Cacciola Trevelyan] and the dogs' and himself in the loggia. The last few days of scirocco were 'a great bore', but he almost forgives it for preventing the trip up Monte Xerito as it 'made [them] those splendid waves among the rocks'; it also 'put [Elizabeth's] fiddle out of sorts' though, so he could not hear any more Bach suites. Heard Isaye [sic: Ysaÿe] play one yesterday, as well as the Mendelsohn concerto; he was in good form, and he will hear him again playing the Beethoven. Is having a musical week, as he has already seen Paderewski, for the first time, and will hear [Wagner's] "Tristram" tomorrow. 'Paddy was great fun, at all events to look at'; thinks he played a Chopin concerto better than the Beethoven. Spends most of his time at the British Museum library when he is in London; has found a translation of [Joost van den] Vondel there by a Dutch American; it is 'very conscientious and scholarly' but he does not think much of the blank verse; still, he can now go on where Elizabeth left off. Would like to know when Mrs G[randmont] is coming to England, and if Elizabeth is likely to be in London so he can 'make a display of [his] extensive and profound knowledge of Italian painting in the National Gallery'. Not sure whether he is going to Bayreuth yet; discusses times he could come to Holland.

Suggests older books she should read: Keats's letters, most of which are available in Sidney Colvin's edition though he advises getting Buxton Forman's four volume edition with the poetry; Butcher and Lang's translation of the "Odyssey"; Meinhold's "Sidonia the Sorceress" and "Amber Witch", translated by Lady Wilde and Lady Duff Gordon. Could lend her all of these books, as well as [Henry James's] "In a Cage" and his brother and father's books . Asks her to write with news and to say when would be best for him to come to Holland; he will write soon to the Grandmonts when he sends them [Thomas Sturge?] Moore's book. Thinks he remembers Elizabeth said she had never read Jane Austen; she should read them all, especially "Mansfield Park", "Pride and Prejudice" and "Emma". Breaks off mid -sentence: 'by advising to...': 9/71 forms the rest of the letter.

A portion of what seems to be a poem by Robert Trevelyan based on the "Mahabharata", with some explanatory notes, is found with this letter but not referred to in it

TRER/23/81 · Item · [Autumn 1948?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Adds [to a letter no longer present] a 'warm, very warm thank you' to Bob for sending his "Windfalls" [the revised edition], which she is 'very much enjoying'; finds it 'so varied and so vividly personal and yet detached': 'How Tom would have enjoyed it!'. Asks if Bob knows who is going to 'look after Gordon's possessions' [act as Gordon Bottomley's executor}; he must have had many letters from Tom, and she wonders whether they could be returned.

TRER/14/80 · Item · 23 Jan 1911
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

2, Cheyne Gardens. - Agrees with everything Bob says about the story [Thomas Sturge Moore's "A Platonic Marriage"]. In the [witness] box, George would speak for Tom's 'character and motives' in 'the strongest possible' terms, and state that he believes the story 'is neither immoral in tendency, nor indecent'. Has written to Tom to say he will do anything to help if Tom's 'character or happiness is involved', but otherwise is keen to keep out of the matter. If Tom asked him to help as a [British] Academician, he should know that George is not one.

TRER/9/78 · Item · 9 Oct 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

3, Hare Court, Inner Temple, London E.C. - Apologises for not replying sooner; went to Cambridge on Saturday and found 'so much to do and talk about' that there was no time to write. Is going to Dorking tomorrow as his furniture is coming; the house should have been ready a week ago. Will dine with his mother that evening, then on Thursday he is going to Harrow to play [rugby] football against the school on Founders' Day; afterwards will dine at the Headmasters' and go to a 'smoking concert'; the day after that he will dine at his father's club. Will only then really begin the solitude of his 'rural retreat' and is looking forward to 'a quiet and industrious time at last'. Glad Bessie liked the Frys and they got on well with her uncle; not surprised she found 'a certain difficulty in becoming intimate with them', since he thinks Fry's mind is very different to hers and that he is not always quick to adapt himself, while Helen Fry is not like that but is often 'rather diplomatic in conversation until she knows all about a person'; this is not insincerity, as some people think. Heard from them today [see 4/27]; they enjoyed their visit, and Fry seems to have taken 'tremendously' to her uncle and aunt. Went to Highgate last week to see Tom [Sturge] Moore the poet, who read two new poems; criticises the first line of the one about Leda and the swan; Moore is 'always charmingly good-natured when one criticises, and sometimes even will be convinced.' Spent most of yesterday talking to Tom's brother [George] the philosopher. Great excitement at Trinity as the philosopher MacTaggart [sic: John McTaggart], who used to 'disapprove of marriage on metaphysical grounds, is bringing home a New Zealand hospital nurse called Daisy Bird as his wife'; he may need consolation as on his return from his year in New Zealand he will find that Moore and another [Bertrand Russell?], 'his most promising pupils and followers, have set up an entirely new and antagonistic system of the universe'. Sat at dinner at Trinity next to a science fellow [John Newport?] Langley whom he likes very much, who knows and thinks highly of [Ambrosius?] Hubrecht; Langley asked whether "[Till] Eulenspiegel" was originally written in Flanders; perhaps Grandmont knows. Has begun to learn German; finding it easier than expected in some ways, but has not yet got far. What Bessie says about women's tendency to either conceal or be overly frank about their ages seems more or less true to him; her allusion to his having had 'the benefit of women's society and friendship' amuses him, as if she wanted to make him 'a sort of Platonic and sentimental Don Juan' which he is certainly not; before her he has known very few women well, and only in one or two cases has he known them ' rather sentimentally' at some point; does not consider himself 'at all learned in women's psychology and character'. Finishing this letter in the room of a friend who has 'studied the female character far more profoundly', but since he has never fallen in love to his knowledge, Bob looks on him as his inferior.

TRER/1/77 · Item · 24 Jan [1912?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Sends [circulation?] list, and hopes it will be of more use to Trevelyan than to Moore, at whose lack of success he is perplexed. Trevelyan says Moore has had no reviews [for "Mariamne"?], but he himself wrote one for the "Nation" a while ago and will be annoyed if it has not been printed. Delighted to hear of Trevelyan's new book "Ariadne" ["The Bride of Dionysus: a music-drama, and Other Poems."] which he discusses briefly.

TRER/20/77 · Item · [after 1928?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Describes: his studies at Cambridge; brief time as a pupil in the chambers of T. E. Scrutton, which would have been a 'great privilege and opportunity' if he had only had 'any talent for the law'; a long holiday at Corpo di Cava in southern Italy to recover from influenza, where he began to write a 'long, rambling... romantic modern novel' on the theme of incest, inspired by Ibsen's "Little Eyolf; outdoor composition; his turn to writing poetry, in which he was encouraged by Roger Fry.

Pencil notes at the back of the book sketching out further topics for the autobiographical account, such as [Thomas] Sturge Moore; 'Taormina - Bessie - Mrs [Florence] Cacciola - Holland'; writing the libretto [for the "Bride of Dionysus"] for Donald Tovey; his translation of Aeschylus; Welcombe [his inheritance of the house from his mother?]; at the bottom of this page, the other way up, there is the beginning of an account of a gentleman living 'not long since, in one of the northern counties of England'.

TRER/15/76 · Item · 31 Aug 1931
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Poggio allo Spino, Consuma (Prov. di Firenze). - Elizabeth sent Julian's letter giving Belgrade p[oste] r[estante] as an address, so hopes this will be forwarded. Glad Julian has had so good a time; expects he will be in Greece by now. Is at B.B. [Bernard Berenson]'s; [Raffaello] Piccoli is here at the moment talking to Berenson about Sir Thomas Browne, whom he has been translating. He is evidently still 'far from well', but seems better today; if Julian is passing through Naples on his rerun from Greece Piccoli hopes he will visit him there. The Waterfields [Aubrey, Lina and their children] are also hoping Julian will come to Poggio [Gherardo] on his way back; he himself spent 'a very pleasant week in camp with them', doing some work on [his translation of] Lucretius and his own writing; they were all very nice, though Aubrey 'as usual was often very cross, chiefly with Lina, who always takes it very nicely'. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed Julian's visit, and he 'had become more or less legendary': Bob was for instance taken to see the rock which Julian 'had split by painting it', and Aubrey had done a sketch of the incident. Cecil [Anrep], who is 'very nice, and knows English much better' is here for a few days. Bob is travelling to Paris on Tuesday, will spend two nights with [Hasan] Suhrawardy and [Maria] Germanova, then go to London on Friday and the Shiffolds on Saturday. [Aleksandr] Kalitinski and Germanova, and he supposes Rex [the dog], will probably go to Prague for the winter; S[uhrawardy] is going to India after spending a few days in England. Kalitinski seemed much better when Bob was in Paris a month ago; while there Bob went to the Colonial Exhibition and saw the Bali Ballet. B.B. and Nicky [Mariano] would be glad to se Julian if he comes to Poggio. Roger [Fry] seems to have been at Florence and to have 'got on quite well with B.B.'.

Everyone hopes Julian will be 'very careful about the dogs' if he goes walking in Greece; he [and his friend Ralph Parker] 'should both have big sticks, as long as possible'; B.B. is sure that 'the young man who was lost on Parnassus' was killed by dogs, though Bob thinks it more likely he fell down a precipice. B.B. thinks Mistra [Mystras] is 'much more interesting' as regards art than Athos, though he has not been to the latter; he is 'very much irritated against Biron [Robert Byron]', who is now writing for the "Statesman", and says he 'talks great nonsense about art'; still, 'one might get a good deal from his book ["The Station, Athos"]'.

Wonders whether Julian will come to England before settling at Paris again; he should find the Shiffolds 'more or less in order'. Does not understand the 'political upset in England', and is reserving judgment until he can see C[lifford] A[llen] and others; T.M. [? ie Thomas Sturge Moore?] writes that Allen is also reserving judgement until the facts, which are 'very complicated', are clearer; Bob however thinks it a 'bad business', and that the Labour movement is 'smashed up for some time'; this is not a 'National Government', but a 'Tory-Liberal Coalition, which may, or may not, have been necessary to save the pound from collapsing'. Hopes Allen will not 'take it too tragically'. Encloses a 'poem in Po Chu I's manner', "Comano" which refers to a wonderful view he, Aubrey and Lina discovered one day; dated Aug 1931.

TRER/17/75 · Item · 21 May 1917
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Hogarth House, Richmond. - Thanks Bob for his 'lists of names', which have been very useful [for finding subscribers for the Hogarth Press's first book, "Two Stories"]; they have sold fifty-five copies so far, from around a hundred notices; thinks this is fairly good. They have begun to print, and it is 'so absorbing' that he foresees they will 'soon be doing nothing else'. Virginia is 'very grateful for the Sturge Moores [books lent by Bob]' and will take care of them.

TRER/9/72 · Item · 30 July 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Blames the 'heat which brings on indolence' for his delay in replying to her last letter. Saw Madame Grandmont at the Bowmans', where he spent a very pleasant evening; she has since written to say he can visit in early September, so asks Bessie to tell her that will suit him very well. Is not going to Bayreuth, so will come straight out to Holland, which he is looking forward to seeing again. Has left the heat in the South of England and come up to 'the cool and airy atmosphere of Northumberland'. Is glad she likes the Odyssey; her translation is 'quite correct and scholarly', although a little too Biblical and free with 'withals' and 'verilys'. Agrees generally with what she says about [Henry] James: he need not always be so obscure, though 'vague ideas can often only be vaguely expressed'; discusses some of the characters and scenes he admires. Supposes she will be going to Denmark now; hopes she enjoys her music there; he has heard little for weeks and fears he will not until he goes to Holland. Is glad she enjoyed "Marrow and Asparagus" [his "Mallow and Asphodel"]; but she must like [Thomas Sturge] Moore's poems better, particularly "The Vinedresser", "The Panther", and "At Bethel"; the parts of Moore's poetry he likes 'mean more to [him] than anything that has appeared in England since Browning's early and great days". Will send for [Lagerlof's] "Antichrist Miracles" as is keen to see Mrs Cacciola [Florence Trevelyan] 'glorified by fiction', even if she is depicted as 'a witch or Fiery, instead of the mild lady she really is'; has always intended to make her 'the subject of a romance' when he takes to writing novels in his old age. Bessie can keep [his father's] "American Revolution" until he comes. Asks to be remembered to the Grandmonts. His father has just bought a Madonna by [Francesco] Francia; they are all very pleased with it, though he is amused by the comments of the servants. The butler secretly prefers the not very good copy of Raphael's "Madonna della seggiola" which used to hang in the room; he says the 'lady' is pretty '(being good protestants, they won't call her the Madonna or the Virgin)', but the baby is 'rather a funny-shaped baby', and at least Raphael gave his child some clothing; says Mrs Prestwitch [sic: Mary Prestwich] (the old nurse, now housekeeper) knows more about babies than he does, and she is not sure about the baby; supposes neither he nor his brothers were 'exactly that type of infant' when they were in her nursery.

TRER/9/71 · Item · 19 May 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Roundhurst, Haslemere, Surrey. - Apologises for not writing sooner: has taken him a while to gather his thoughts on English books for her to read. Has not read Browning's letters to his wife, but her father tells him they are quite amusing; if they are as good as the one she read out to him, they should certainly be worth reading. There is also Mackail's life of William Morris, which he intends to read as Mackail knew Morris well and is a 'competent writer'; saw an excerpt which looked fun, as it should as 'Morris was a magnificent joke himself as well as a splendid person'. Has not yet read Henry James's "The Awkward Age", which is said to surpass all his earlier ones in difficulty, but recommends "In The Cage", or "Daisy Miller". Next week T[homas Sturge] Moore's book, "The Vinedresser and Other Poems" comes out, but he is sending a copy to the Grandmonts; is not sure whether they will like it, as it has 'great faults, which people with classical tastes are almost sure to dislike', but believes many of the poems are 'nearly perfect in their own queer way'. Recommends his father's book, "The American Revolution Pt I" which is 'at least readable and amusing"; his brother George's "The Age of Wycliffe" has already gone into a second edition. The middle part of the letter can be found as 13/85.

Ends by telling Bessie to get the third volume of Yeats' edition of Blake, 'read all the poetry that is not mad' and "The Book [Marriage] of Heaven and Hell", and look at the pictures. Hopes Miss [Emma?] Dahlerup is well; expects she will be going to Capri or nearby soon. Asks to be remembered to the Grandmonts.

TRER/14/70 · Item · 7 Oct 1907
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

2, Cheyne Gardens, S.W. - Is 'very sorry' about the news [of Florence Cacciola's death] in the letter from Withers, which he supposes Bob has by now received. Sorry her 'personal property is so small. It doesn't much matter about Hallington [Hall], one way or the other'. Janet wants to know whether Mrs [Marie] Sturge Moore has just had, or is about to have, another baby, as she would like to invite them to dinner; could Bessie send a line about it as soon as she can.

TRER/26/7 · File · 1917-1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Newspaper cuttings with reviews, most sent to Trevelyan by Durrant's Press Cuttings Agency' from: the "Times Literary Supplement"; "New Statesman"; "The Nation" and "Daily News" [two clippings glued to the same sheet], and a longer review from the "Nation"; "Observer; "Daily Chronicle"; "Keighley News"; "Westminster Gazette" [including an extended profile of Edward Thomas, recently killed at the front, whose poems appear in the "Annual" under the pseudonym Edward Eastaway]; "Southport Guardian"; "Yorkshire Observer"; "Bacup Chronicle"; "Englishwoman"; "Literary World"; "Poetry Review"; "Welsh Outlook"; "Manchester Guardian"; "Athenaeum"; "Expository Times" [poems by W. H. Davies, John Drinkwater, and W. W. Gibson]; "Glasgow Herald"; "Colour" [by W. Teignmouth Shore]; "British Australasian"; "Yorkshire Post"; "Cambridge Review" [two pieces]; "New Age".

TRER/15/66 · Item · 17 May 1930
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Thanks Julian for his letter; fears he will not be able to come to Cambridge next week, as he has scalded his leg; may be able to visit after Julian's tripos [exams], but does not know has long his term lasts. Expects the Waterfields [Aubrey and Lina] would be at Aulla in September, but that is a long time away. He and Elizabeth seem a little nearer a settlement with Roland [Vaughan Williams] about the house: they are holding out for a thirty five year lease, at least one longer than the twenty one year lease he is offering. Hopes Tom [Sturge Moore?] will not be 'too cantankerous at the Heretics [Society]'. Bessie is still in the Netherlands, and seems to be enjoying herself; C.A. [Clifford Allen] is recovering, but 'very slowly'. Thinks Roger [Fry] is painting a portrait in Cambridge and Julian could see him; tells him to ask Goldie [Dickinson] or at King's.

TRER/46/64 · Item · 14 Dec 1898
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

3 Hare Court, Inner Temple:- Is setting off tomorrow morning 'by the train de luxe', and will reach Florence on Friday evening; his address will be c/o B[ernard] Berenson, Via Camerata. Expects he will stay there over Christmas. Went to tea with Mrs [Helen] Fry last Sunday: she was 'still better than last time', and will 'leave Roehampton quite soon, possibly has already'. Will see Roger Fry this afternoon at Fry's lecture. Mrs Russell Barrington and her 'majority on the committee have behave[d] abominably to him in the matter of payment'; his solicitors say he has an 'absolutely safe case' if he choose to fight it but he 'does not want to have a row'.

Is glad his mother 'liked the wood-cuts'; thinks the 'round Shannons were the best on the whole' and bought two of them, the Pegasus and the Diver. Some of Robert's friend [T.S.] Moore's Bacchantes and Centaurs and his Wordworths [illustrations] were 'very charming in quite another way, and of course he is not so accomplished an engraver as the others'.

[Robert] Binyon, who 'should know as well as anyone' recommends Dyer of Mount Street, who 'looks after the National Gallery pictures' to 'varnish the Holl'. Supposes his parents are 'sure it wants varnishing': pictures are 'so often over-varnished now', but Binyon says Dyer 'would be quite certain not to over varnish it'. Will however ask '[G. L.] Dickinson's father' whom he will see later today and 'ought to know best, as he is a good portrait painter of long experience'; Robert also thinks he 'knew Holl himself'. Will let her know in a few days.

Encloses a review [of his book Mallow and Asphodel] from the Speaker, which is 'quite favorable'; is 'still waiting for a real criticism, favorable or the opposite', but supposes he is 'asking too much of Reviewers'. Hopes his parents are well.

TRER/15/64 · Item · 11 Mar 1930
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Originally enclosing a few more promotional notices [for the forthcoming production of his own "Meleager" and Sturge Moore's "Medea"], which Julian could send to [his Cambridge contemporaries?] [Douglas Elliott?] Braithwaite, Lintot, and [Evert?] Barger, though they may not go even if they are in London. Could not come to the "Bacchae", as he fell from a bus step, sprained his knee, and has been laid up for six days at the Abercrombies' house. Had a rehearsal today, then Bessie fetched him home in their 'new second-hand Vauxhall'. [Ronald?] Watkins said today that he found the "Bacchae" rather disappointing; however, asks Julian to let [J.T.] Sheppard know why he could not come, if he sees him. Originally enclosing a card for the Independent Gallery, where there are ' '6 lovely early Corots... a very fine Degas, a Courbet' and some other things. Will go to the [Jan?] Hubrechts' party on 18 March. Bessie and the Röntgens are going to Edinburgh on Tuesday; he will probably take the night train that day or go up the day after; if Julian also goes to the party he could travel up with him.