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TRER/45/131 · Item · [May 1886?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

[on headed notepaper for 40 Ennismore Gardens, S.W.] Arrived here 'all right with Charlie last Wednesday'. Is getting on 'very well', and is in Bosworth-Smith's form. Campbel[l] is in Hutton's form, but Giffard is in B[owen?]'s. Giffard 'is 4th scholar, because Butler resigned his'. Robert's room is on the top story, and 'has been shut up for about 3 terms'; it is large enough, 'very comfortable', and 'looks toward the road at the bottom of the hill'. Got his coat on Friday or Saturday, but has not yet got the watch. His clock 'goes very well'. Bought a straw hat on Thursday, which was a 'whole holiday' for him, as he did not have an exam or holiday task. Is very glad to hear that Aunt Meggie [Price] 'has another little boy'.

Does 'not feel at all sleepy before 10'. The 'work is not very hard': they are studying the 2nd book of the 'Aeniad' [Aeneid], which he has done before, the 5th book of the 'Odesey [sic]' and the 10th book of Paradise Lost. Is in 'Row [?]'s house in French', and has forgotten his mathematics master's name. Played cricket yesterday in the 2nd eleven. Sees C[harlie] 'pretty often'. Saunders [sic: R. A. Sanders], the head of the school, is also head of their house.

TRER/45/137 · Item · [November? 1886]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

[On headed notepaper for Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland]: - Is sorry she 'had so rough a passage'. Got his 'grub all right'. Glad to hear that '[Frank] Holl's picture of Papa is such a success' and would very much like to see it. Charlie 'seems all right now' [after his illness]; Robert 'went a walk with him instead of footer' last Thursday, towards Pinner. [Henry Morton?] Stanley gave a lecture last Wednesday evening; he was 'very interesting' and Robert thinks it was a 'great success'. 'Bozy [Bosworth Smith?] brought in a king and queen from somewhere about Sierra Leone, which caused great amusement'. He 'went into chapel the next morning... in a cap rather like a Bozyite fez'.

Went down [to London] with Charlie to see the Old Harrovians' match against the Old Westminster boys; both played well but Harrow lost [in the first round of the F.A. Cup?]. Lionel Holland came down amongst 'the old boys from Vanity's house'; Robert didn't see him for long. Mr [J. W.?] Cunningham has had Robert and Charlie to tea this evening; they sometimes see the Stevens, whom Miss Martin used to teach, there. He and Charlie are both 'getting on very well'.

TRER/45/138 · Item · [Nov/Dec? 1886]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

[On headed notepaper for Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland]: - Was 4th this fortnight; thinks Charlie was 11th. Expects she has heard that Charlie got his fez 'at a second eleven [match]; Davison got his at the same time. Thinks Charlie 'quite deserved it', as he would 'certainly have got it if he had played in the match' [but was recovering from illness so could not]. Went to tea with Houson the Sunday before last, and with [Main Swete?] Walrond, 'a Weldonite in the sixth form', this Sunday; Hicks, who is in Walrond's house, was also there. Walrond is 'very nice indeed' and they had 'great fun'. Is going to tea with Glazer [M. G. Glazebrook?] next Sunday which will be the fourth one in a row he has been out to tea since he went to [J.W.?] Cunningham before.

They are soon going to have a 'trial on Pope's Iliad; this 'counts into the fortnight' and makes a great difference to the marks, so he has 'read it up carefully' and found it 'very interesting'. Around four boys in his form 'have been caught cribbing'. There was a 'concert in speecher [the Speech Room]' last Friday by the band of the Coldstream Guards. Weldon's [house] beat Bozy's [Bosworth Smith's?] today 5-0. His own house 'nearly beat Weldon's' in their match, so they 'cannot be very bad this year'. Hopes his father is 'quite well'.

TRER/45/152 · Item · [1887?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

[On mourning paper for 8 Grosvenor Crescent, S.W.]:- Thanks his mother for her letter and the autographs. Only came fourth [in his form] last fortnight; thinks this is mainly because he 'did a bad fair-copy-noter', since he was top both times in the marks. Is getting on well this fortnight, and is 'top by 20 marks during the first week's questions'. a 'good start'.

Had a drawing exercise yesterday evening, in which they had to illustrate the Homer for this term; Robert 'can not draw in the very least' so does not think his illustrations were a 'great success'. 'Bossy's form' is 'about the least unclassical in the school', since Bossy [Reginald Bosworth Smith?] 'cares so much about History and Geography and subjects of that sort', so things are 'rather more difficult' for Robert.

They [he and Charlie?] are 'going to tea again tonight with old [J. W.?] Cunningham' [see also 101/137]. Trials are 'coming on soon', so Robert will have to work hard. Hopes his father is well. Is writing to Mr Arnold today. Was very hot today; thinks they will have more hot weather soon.

TRER/45/154 · Item · [1887?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

[On headed paper for Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland]:- Hears that Georgie 'has got into the select list in Bowen's prize, and seems to be doing very well'. Is himself 'working very hard now to try and gain some places [in his form]' and things he should be able to. Charlie is 'very well', and Robert thinks he 'will come out high next time he is placed'.

Is taking his cod-liver oil, and likes it very much. Thinks they will have two holidays 'for [W. G.?] Headlam, who has done something wonderful at Cambridge'. Hopes his father's cold is now better. 'Bozy's [Bosworth Smith's?] are cock-house in torpids' as they 'easily beat' Bushell's. Hopes his grandfather [probably Robert Needham Philips, but possibly Sir Charles Trevelyan if the letter was written in 1886] is better now. Has 'not very much to say', as he only saw her a short time ago; hopes he will have more to write next time.

TRER/45/166 · Item · [1889?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

[On headed notepaper for Wallington]:- Thanks his mother for her letter. Is sorry to report that they were 'beaten by Bozzies [Bosworth Smith's house?], 4 to 3, on Saturday', this was 'practically the cock-house-match', since though there are two more matches to be played, Bozzies 'are sure to win those'. It was a 'very close game'. The next torpids are likely to be on Thursday or Saturday.

Charlie told him that their mother had said they might come for an absit on Thursday, and Bowen says Robert may. Bowen also said Georgie 'has got through the first day in the history [scholarship examinations?]; Robert thinks he should have a chance. Is sorry to hear his grandfather [Robert Needham Philips?] is unwell, and hopes he gets better 'now the warm weather is coming'.

Only came seventh in his form this fortnight; now football is over he will have time to do his work 'more thoroughly, which is what [he] chiefly want[s]'. Charlie did 'very well' and came thirteenth; he came third among the new boys in the form. The 'earthquakes must have been very dreadful'. Thinks the house torpids will be on Tuesday next week; one of the boys from his house broke his collar-bone, like Charlie, and could not play.

TRER/45/200 · Item · [1890?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

[on mourning notepaper]:- Is very sorry to be late writing to her: has been 'in great difficulties for want of time lately', and has even had to ask to be 'let off some work'. There are rehearsals for acting, both in Greek and English, every day, as well as 'a great deal of extra mathematics for the certificate'; Mr Moss has also been 'doubling his demands' on Robert 'just at this most difficult time'. Robert could not do everything, so had to 'forgo the [Greek?] prose' and finally ask Mr Welldon to let him off some work; Welldon promised to do so, but has not yet. Was 'very sorry to complain, but there is a point beyond which one cannot go'; no other monitor who acts also has extra work for Moss, and still say they 'cannot find time for the acting'.

Has not had time for the last month to go to 'ducker' [the outdoor swimming pool], or practice at cricket, though that 'does not matter much'. His house were 'beaten by Bozzie's' [Bosworth Smith's?] in a close, exciting match. Very good that Georgie 'got the Prose' [the Latin Prose prize?]; Robert 'thought he probably would'. Georgie wants to know if he should get 'a whole edition of Macaulay', or if not 'they have a Ferdinand and Isabella [by W. H. Prescott?]'.

Has written to Sophie [Wicksteed]; Aunt Annie [Philips] says she is better now; asks if they will come to Wallington. Thinks he will need another tailcoat for speech day, as his 'best is rather shabby', but will do as his mother thinks best. Thanks her for the 'white waistcoats and the eatables'; and asks her to thank Booa [Mary Prestwich] for the pasties. Read in Chapel the Sunday before last; still finds it 'a severe ordeal to go through'.

Hears Charlie 'has done very well in Mays', though is not sure what that is. The school is 'doing better at cricket now'. Has not had time recently to continue his reading of Arrian, 'or indeed to read anything extra', but will go on with it when he can. Is sorry he had to drop the prose, but 'it was absolutely impossible to do it, still less to do it well'. Is 'glad the Tories are catching it'; sees they 'had a majority of only 29 last night'. G[eorgie] is 'quite well'.

TRER/45/220 · Item · 22 Jun 1891
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

On headed notepaper for the Harrow Philathletic Club, with 'The Grove, Harrow' added in Robert Trevelyan's hand:- Charlie visited on Saturday, and they 'had a very pleasant day'; he saw 'the school do very well [in a cricket match], and Nigel [Bertrand Nigel Bosworth Smith?] nearly making a 100 runs' and get 'into the XI'. The 'Boz family was in as great a state of excitement' as when Robert's father visited. Charlie's hat was 'broken by a cricket ball'.

The school Greek play will be 'fairly good', but he does not think the English one [Poole's Paul Pry] will. Thinks the Don Quixote will suit him 'very well', as 'all [he wants] is to read it, and some of the pictures are amusing'; must not read it now and waste his time. Asks her to tell his father that he has 'met the Old Harrovian with the Majenta [sic] scarf whom he met at York station': Cook, 'an old Welldonite' [Thomas Percy Cooke?], whom Robert believes was 'rather a friend of Charlie's'. Met him yesterday at supper with Welldon, after 'reading for [his] last time' in Chapel.

Hears his father is coming on Thursday; asks if he is also coming on Speechday. 'Ted[d]y Butler is a beak here for a short time while Owen is ill'. Moss also 'is ill of influenza'; Robert is 'very sorry for him'.

TRER/46/4 · Item · 9 Feb [1892]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Trinity Cambridge: - Has received her letters about the concerts, and does not know which is best to go; perhaps it would be best for him to come next Saturday. Asks her to tell him what train he should come up by. Election time 'will be very exciting in London'; asks if his father is going to speak there again. Hears Boz [? - possibly Reginald Bosworth Smith] is 'better, and is going away soon'.

Is going to Oxford, he thinks on the 27th, for the Greek play, [Aristophanes'] Frogs. Hubert Weston is going to get tickets and rooms. Robert and Charlie are going to dinner on Thursday with the [Henry?] Sidgwicks. He can 'cycle now to a certain extent, if the roads are not too muddy or hilly'. Charlie has also been learning. Supposes Georgie is 'going in for the scholarships this term'. Napier, 'whose watch chain [Robert] lost' is staying here for a few days, 'after passing first out of Sandhurst'. Robert thinks he is 'doing better in [his] work now'. Hopes everyone at Tunbridge [Anna Maria Philips and Sophie Wicksteed?] are well.