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- [May 1886?] (Creation)
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1 doc
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[on headed notepaper for 40 Ennismore Gardens, S.W.] Arrived here 'all right with Charlie last Wednesday'. Is getting on 'very well', and is in Bosworth-Smith's form. Campbel[l] is in Hutton's form, but Giffard is in B[owen?]'s. Giffard 'is 4th scholar, because Butler resigned his'. Robert's room is on the top story, and 'has been shut up for about 3 terms'; it is large enough, 'very comfortable', and 'looks toward the road at the bottom of the hill'. Got his coat on Friday or Saturday, but has not yet got the watch. His clock 'goes very well'. Bought a straw hat on Thursday, which was a 'whole holiday' for him, as he did not have an exam or holiday task. Is very glad to hear that Aunt Meggie [Price] 'has another little boy'.
Does 'not feel at all sleepy before 10'. The 'work is not very hard': they are studying the 2nd book of the 'Aeniad' [Aeneid], which he has done before, the 5th book of the 'Odesey [sic]' and the 10th book of Paradise Lost. Is in 'Row [?]'s house in French', and has forgotten his mathematics master's name. Played cricket yesterday in the 2nd eleven. Sees C[harlie] 'pretty often'. Saunders [sic: R. A. Sanders], the head of the school, is also head of their house.
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Access points
Subject access points
Place access points
Name access points
- Trevelyan, Caroline (c. 1847-1928), wife of Sir George Otto Trevelyan, 2nd Baronet (Subject)
- Trevelyan, Sir Charles Philips (1870-1958), 3rd Baronet, politician (Subject)
- Smith, Reginald Bosworth (1839–1908) schoolmaster and author (Subject)
- Campbell, John (1872-1928) army officer (Subject)
- Hutton, Henry Edward (c 1829-1899) schoolmaster (Subject)
- Giffard, Alexander William (1872-1960) clergyman (Subject)
- Bowen, Edward Ernest (1836-1901), schoolmaster (Subject)
- Price, Margaret (1849-1911), wife of William Edwin Price (Subject)
- Price, William Robert (1886-1975), botanist, known as Robin (Subject)
- Vergilius Maro, Publius (70 BC-19 BC), poet, known as Vergil or Virgil (Subject)
- Homer (fl 750 BC-700 BC) poet (Subject)
- Milton, John (1608-1674), poet and polemicist (Subject)
- Sanders, Robert Arthur (1867-1940) Baron Bayford, politician (Subject)