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TRER/45/131 · Item · [May 1886?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

[on headed notepaper for 40 Ennismore Gardens, S.W.] Arrived here 'all right with Charlie last Wednesday'. Is getting on 'very well', and is in Bosworth-Smith's form. Campbel[l] is in Hutton's form, but Giffard is in B[owen?]'s. Giffard 'is 4th scholar, because Butler resigned his'. Robert's room is on the top story, and 'has been shut up for about 3 terms'; it is large enough, 'very comfortable', and 'looks toward the road at the bottom of the hill'. Got his coat on Friday or Saturday, but has not yet got the watch. His clock 'goes very well'. Bought a straw hat on Thursday, which was a 'whole holiday' for him, as he did not have an exam or holiday task. Is very glad to hear that Aunt Meggie [Price] 'has another little boy'.

Does 'not feel at all sleepy before 10'. The 'work is not very hard': they are studying the 2nd book of the 'Aeniad' [Aeneid], which he has done before, the 5th book of the 'Odesey [sic]' and the 10th book of Paradise Lost. Is in 'Row [?]'s house in French', and has forgotten his mathematics master's name. Played cricket yesterday in the 2nd eleven. Sees C[harlie] 'pretty often'. Saunders [sic: R. A. Sanders], the head of the school, is also head of their house.

TRER/45/132 · Item · [Sept 1886?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

[on headed notepaper for Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland] Thanks his mother for her letter; has got his 'double into Glazer's, as have Goetz and Giffard, Charlie is in Skipper's'. Thinks they will 'both get on all right'. Glazer's room is 'in the old schools, next to the chapel and opposite speecher'. Got his 'tails' [tail-coat] yesterday; has the same room as last year. The new boys [in his house] are Pope. Hardcastle, Soames, Landale, Wormald mi[nor], Parker and Usborne. Is still doing French, which he is 'very glad of'. Has been 'down to Footer [?] twice' and likes it 'very much'; had a game of rackets on Thursday. Does not find the work 'too hard'. There was rain this morning, but now it is 'quite fine'. Thinks he will write to Mr Arnold soon, Hopes his father is 'quite well'.

TRER/45/135 · Item · [Sept 1886]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

[On headed notepaper for Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland]: - He 'came out 3rd this fortnight. Giffard and Goetz were equal top', not many marks above him. Must try to come top next fortnight. Hopes Charlie will be well enough to return tomorrow. Is writing to 'Grandpapa' [Robert Needham Philips] today, and will write to Mr Arnold soon when he has time.

The house match against Weldon's will be soon; expects Weldon's will win but they 'have just a chance'. The weather has kept fine today; hopes there will be more fine weather. Had the 'house debater yesterday evening, and James and Clayton, who were for pigeon shooting' lost by three votes; it is 'great fun', and the next debate is on ghosts. Stephenson's father and one of his sisters visited, and Robert has just seen them. Got his 'verses finished all right'.

TRER/45/139 · Item · [Oct? 1886]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

[On headed notepaper for Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland]: - Thanks his mother for her letter. Was 2nd this fortnight, with 195; Giffard was first with 201 and Goetz third. Does not know where Charlie came, as he has not seen him for a few days since he has 'had rather a bad cold'. Does not think from what he has heard that it is 'anything serious'; does not think Charlie did too badly with his marks. Hopes he will be first himself next fortnight. They had a 'chesnut fight in the grove today, which was great fun'. Likes 'footer very much', and goes as often as he can. Will find out about the absit and write as soon as he can. Hopes Holl 'will make a good picture of Papa'. Has not had a bad cold himself, just 'a little one in [his] head' which is better now. Asks her to tell his father that he will write soon.