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Add. MS c/101/159 · Item · 9 Oct 1863
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Claims that her daily expectations of some arrival [a new baby for Minnie and Edward Benson] at Wellington College have been disappointed. Reports that Minnie is very well. Relates that Mrs Donne has borne her sorrow [at the death of her husband. a master at Wellington College] 'with wonderful calmness', and that Minnie will miss her.

Sends Henry a Tract, which his Uncle Chris [Sidgwick] has recently published at Skipton [not included], and wishes to have his comments on it. Reports on his Aunt M[ary] J[ane]'s opinions of it. Fears that Henry's Aunt Lace is to suffer a long and continued illness. Reports that 'Miss [Mary?] Cannan cannot get on at all with Mrs. C[ongreve] and goes at Xmas', and fears that 'they will not meet with any good governess who will bear such treatment and interference.' Adds that Dora C[ongreve] is 'dangerously ill in rheumatic fever', and Doctor Evans was sent for the previous day. Refers to an earthquake, and claims that it was felt in Rugby by Mr Waterfield and Edward Rhoades. Reports that she heard from Mr Scott that Mrs Scott is a little better.

Announces that his Uncle Robert [Sidgwick] and Alfred will meet William at the Sidgwick house at Rugby on the following Tuesday 'to be in readiness for the scholarship examination', which Mr Powles thinks will do Alfred good. Remarks that Edward seems busier than ever, and states that the house is not begun and will not be unless he can get a lower estimate of its cost.

Reports that Annie Brown has settled herself at Lamberhurst Rectory, Hurst Green for the winter to write, but that she has been ill. Adds that she referred to the review, with which Henry had tried to help her. Reports that the 'young nephew who was ill, is dead', and that Lucy Brown has taken 'the young boy of 12 to Lytham to live with her in Lodgings whilst he goes to school.'

Refers a lecture on the previous Wednesday at Wokingham, given to the Mechanical Institute by Mr [Kingsley], with Mr [Walton] in the chair, and announced that Edward is to give one on self-education after Christmas. Asks how he thinks Arthur is looking, and tells him to show the latter their Uncle Chris' tract. Reports that William believes that Edward Lace would 'pass respectably'. [Incomplete]

Sedgwick, Margaret Isabella (d 1911) daughter of John Sedgwick
Add. MS c/101/162 · Item · 4-13 Oct 1864
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Thanks him for his last letter, and explains that she could not answer before leaving Rugby for Wellington College. Reports that Arthur went to Cambridge for the Fellowship Examination, the result of which is probably not to be known until the following Friday. States that his chances of success are increased by Mr [Joseph?] Romilly's death. Adds that Mr [J. L.?] Hammond came to Rugby to take his work for the week. Reports that William spent a few days with his Aunt, and then came to Wellington College. Thinks that he is better.

Reports that the family at the College are well, and that Edward is looking 'quite portly', and Minnie 'stout and strong', and the children, Martin, Arthur and the baby [Nellie], healthy also, having benefitted from their time at the sea at Swanage. Announces that she is to stay there longer than she had intended, and that if he decides to go home to Rugby he will find a bed, but will not see her. Suggests that if there was space at Wellington College he could come there.

Expresses her delight at his promise of the stamps of the German states, and states that her little friend will be very pleased. Refers also to the stamped envelopes which Henry wants for Miss [Meta?] Benfey.

14 Oct: Refers to Henry's letter from Lille. Reports that Arthur got his fellowship, as have [Henry] Jackson and [William Knyvet] Wilson, and that she is delighted for Arthur. States that William returns to Oxford that day, and that at Merton there is a fourth tutor, 'which will make the work less hard for him.' Reports that at Rugby they are still in the old house, and may have to wait until the following summer to get Mrs Leicester's house. Refers to the letter that Dr Temple sent to the Masters, and reports that it caused great discussion in Rugby. Discusses the matter, adding that letters 'are often appearing in the Rugby Advertizer recommending a speedy and thorough ventilation of the whole subject.' Explains that doctors and lawyers don't like the mixture of their class with the trades people, and so could not avail themselves of the proposed middle school, and that 'they want to retain the privilege of Foundation, and send their children to the other school free of charge.' Thinks that she may benefit from the fact that houses are not letting so well, and get a cheaper house.

Is grateful for the stamps, and is trying to get those which his friends want. Asks whether she should send the stamps to Fraulein Benfey or to him. Hopes that he will take Professor Ewald's advice and go on with studying Hebrew. Thinks of trying German herself. Hopes that he will come home as soon as he can at the end of term, for otherwise he will not see Arthur. Reports that Edward and Minnie are both plump and well, and that the former is in the midst of his scholarship examinations. Refers also to the children, who 'grow apace'. Reports on the progress of the Master's house in Rugby.

Reports that his Aunt [Lace] has been to Scarborough and is now near York, and that she seems 'so weak in bodily health'. Hopes for a recovery, however, for the sake of her husband and children. Intends to be at Wellington College for about another fortnight, and then will go back to Rugby or to Brighton. Claims to be better than she was, and able to do more and walk more. Asks him to let him know as soon as he gets to Cambridge. Announces that Mr Martin arrives the following day and will stay for a fortnight. Reports that Alfred Sidgwick is now at the Schoolhouse and likes it very much, and that all the 'Elders' of the Sidgwick family were well when she last heard.

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick
Add. MS c/99/42 · Item · [1] Feb 1865
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

They are beginning to work again, and are preparing for a very long term; wishes that 'Convocation, instead of persecuting some miserable heretic, would fix Easter to the same day of the month every year'. Remarks that he should have written all his letters on his visits instead of having them all to write now when he ought to be reading Euripides. Enjoyed all his visits very much: found [Oscar] Browning just returned from Paris where he had been inspecting French schools. Refers to a letter of Brownings in Tuesday's Times, signed O.B. Remarks on the lack of freedom in French schools, and a Frenchman's views that English boys were 'beaucoup plus sages: mais... beaucoup moins intelligents' [much better behaved, but much less intelligent].

Reports that he was in Wellington College, but states that he 'could have dispensed with the [Isackes], who he found became a bore. Observes that Martin 'is growing interesting',and remarks what a thorough Sidgwick he is. Predicts that 'the other boy [Arthur] will be much finer-looking', and asserts that the baby [Nelly] looks like Minnie. Asks his mother when she expects Arthur [home], and reports that he has heard of him from Cobb, who has been in Dresden. Mentions that his friend Payne is gone as a master to Wellington College, and asks her to tell this to Arthur. Hopes that she enjoyed her visit to Oxford. Asks her to send two books that he left: The Statesman's Yearbook and 'Colonel Browne's Persian MS'. Reports that he read 'a delicious story in the Cornhill of Feb. called "Tid's old Red rag of a shawl".' Would like to know by whom it was written, as it is 'by no hand familiar' to Sidgwick, and 'wonderfully fresh, animated, and original' [the author was Henrietta Keddie].

Add. MS c/100/52 · Item · [1881?]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Refers to their recent conversation, and clarifies his and Nora's plans in relation to holidays, and their possible visit to her. Explains that they intend to go to the Alps for the end of June and the beginning of July if Nora finds 'that she can miss the Higher Level Examination without neglect of duty'. Mentions that that destination 'is the only complete cure for hayfever', and adds that they would be the guests of the Symondses, 'who are in permanent exile at Davos.' States that if Nora cannot miss the examination, they will go to visit Minnie and Edward from 13 to 18 June, and that they shall be able to make up their minds early in May, after Miss Gladstone has returned. Also discusses the possibility of Nelly [Benson] being sent to Newnham College, and Henry's views in relation to such a move.

Add. MS c/100/53 · Item · [10 Jun 1881]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Declares that he was 'thinking rather sadly' of his birthday, when her letter came and cheered him up. Refers to their conversation in London, and claims that he does not want to bring her to his position, to which he believes himself to be suited, despite its 'grave defects and disadvantages'. States that he cannot take the responsibility of drawing anyone else to it, nor to placing obstacles in their way. Claims to have 'some results of thought on theological and ethical questions which...may be profitable to others who are led on other ways in the wanderings of Spirits'. Offers to answer any questions that she may have on the matter.

Confirms that he and Nora are leaving on Tuesday for Davos, and states that they shall be in Switzerland for a month, and then at Newnham until about 10 September. After that they propose to visit Minnie and Edward, and asks her to tell him when would not suit. Reports that Nora is away for two nights in London. Refers to Nellie, and apologises for having troubled Minnie in relation to her situation. Explains that he wishes to do all he can to prevent the establishment of a denominational College at Newnham. Hopes that Nellie will like Oxford. Declares that he was glad when Arthur's scholarship was settled. Tells her that she will have to come and see him in Cambridge next May Term. Sends his love to all, and asks if they can find out anything for her in the Alps.

Add. MS c/99/56 · Item · [13] Oct 1863
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Declares that he is very glad to have received the news of the birth [of his niece]. Reports that Arthur is gone down to Rugby that day. Informs her that Whitkirk was given away that day - 'not to Longsdon. A late scholar of much desert [George Moreton Platt] had applied.' Regrets that the family arrangement will fall through. States that he has read his uncle [Christopher]'s pamphlet, which seemed to him 'not deficient in interest or ability'. Does not accept his uncle's assumption of the accuracy of the hints of physical science and ancient history found in Genesis. Relates that he saw that day the Trinity College seal affixed to a legal document for the first time, and had the document read to him. Mentions that he had the pleasure of congratulating Kitchener that day, who tells him that ' "the betting is on Burrows" for Charterhouse.' Refers to an account of 'poor Frederic [F]aber' in the Saturday Review. Undertakes to send Macmillan. Declares that the ' "Competition Wallah" is good this time.' Sends his love to Minnie and Edward, and hopes that the 'house' question will get agreeably settled.