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Add. MS a/206/10 · Item · 1 May 1850
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Eton College - ECH looks forward to seeing WW and Cordelia Whewell on the 18th of May. If Lord John Russell is not careful with regard to his investigations concerning the University, he will 'excite a spirit of extreme dislike to his government in a Body of very great and very just influence in this country'. ECH is delighted to hear that Sir James Stephen's lectures are so popular. He has just received a paper outlining a series of charges against JS's opinions on several mysterious points. 'Stephen is the best of men, and it is nothing but his boundless love for all that is good among men of various sects and opinions that has led him to assume a latitudinarianism in his Essays which, I believe, greatly exceed his private convictions'.

Add. MS a/206/11 · Item · 24 May 1850
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Eton College - Thanks WW for his translations ['Verse Translations from the German, including Lenore, Schiller's Song of the Bell', 1847] which he read with great pleasure. ECH is not really qualified to comment on WW's view of Aristotle but agrees with what WW has said. The Times - 'that clever but unprincipled favourer of the majority in Power' - has made ECH fear Lord John Russell's projected plan for the University: 'But it is better not to anticipate evil, which will come soon enough'.

MONK/C/1/134 · Item · 18 Feb 1848
Part of Papers of the Monk and Sanford families

Thinks he is sufficiently acquainted with Mr Horton for them to travel together, pleased he is to go to Naples and Sicily, Tom [ ] regrets not taking a degree but has the post of attaché, appointment of J B Sumner to the see of Canterbury " a blow to the church", Lord John Russell has attempted to unite the low church and radicals, met the Bishops of Madras and Antigua collegting for the SPG

Add. MS c/52/137 · Item · 2 Apr. 1850
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

RJ has received a letter from Lord John Russell referring to a letter he sent on Saturday with his opinion (RJ did not receive the letter). RJ has asked Russell's office to see if he can get it. He has received a letter from James Graham 'warmly joining in the views of the subject propounded in the draft but arguing against the address and attempting to shew that the Archbishop is invincible if quite quiet and magnifying his defensive strength -- he promises aid in parliament and says he shall be more useful there if he is not committed to a foregone conclusion -- I differ with him much -- because, (I say it with real sorrow,) I do not think the Archbishop quite as strong in his actual position as he (Graham) believes -- so too you will observe thinks the Bishop of Lincoln'. RJ deems it advisable to suspend the actual signing till perhaps parliament reassembles. 'In the mean time it is surely quite clear that a mere low-church address by itself would do harm. Pray exert any influence you have with Carus [William Carus] to keep them back for a time -- a forward move in line may still be recognized as desirable when the members of the legislature have met and talked together'.

Add. MS c/52/148 · Item · 1 Aug. 1851
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Lord John Russell promised RJ he would do what he could for his future. RJ's friends such as Hodges and Edward Ryan are confident he will secure something. They have begun helping RJ without waiting for WW or the Archbishop of York to return. News concerning WW's private business - dividends from his railway investment.

HOUG/DC/3/8/15 · Item · [Apr. 1859?]
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

Embossed notepaper, Escrick Park, York. - Did not know there was an ailing poet in Escrick [Robert Ripley]; will ensure he does not starve; poet's eldest brother has army prospects, 'the rest of the family are not very interesting'. Regrets Lord Derby's defeat, as Lord John Russell can only agitate the country with a radical Reform Bill; Milnes' prospects at Pontefract.

HOUG/DC/3/8/17 · Item · 19 Aug. 1861
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

42 Queen's Road, Finchley Road, N.W. - Has published a number of works anonymously; excessive literary toil caused her to break down last spring; poverty was temporarily averted by a Literary Fund grant; now convalescent but unable to work with same intensity. Asks if Milnes will sign her Memorial to Lord Palmerston seeking a grant from the Literary Civil List; Dickens has signed; Thackeray and perhaps Disraeli will do so; Earl Russell only prevented from signing by official etiquette. Appends list of her novels and plays.

BABN/25/249 · Item · 13 Jul 1831
Part of Papers of the Babington family of Rothley Temple

London. - Is grateful to his uncle 'both for your kind congratulations and for your equally kind advice. Things look well in the House of Commons. [re the Reform Bill] On Monday the Government was victorious by large majorities in two Divisions. Yesterday we again beat the opposition hollow'; they are 'in a very violent temper, and... in a mood to make long-winded speeches. We shall not answer a word till we are in committee', and he hopes the 'force of the other side will go out for want of fuel'. The government have referred applications about the Bill to 'a sort of council consisting of Robert Grant, Carter the Member for Portsmouth, Will Smith's son in law, Kennedy, Brownlow, and myself'. They met for the first time today 'at the Pay office - Lord John Russell's - at one o'clock'. His unlce will see Macaulay is 'not likely to want work': he is 'never in bed till three', but is however keeping 'pretty well'

Macaulay, Thomas Babington (1800-1859), 1st Baron Macaulay, historian, essayist, and poet
Add. MS c/51/257 · Item · 5 July 1850
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Germany - WW and Cordelia Whewell have 10,000 pounds of their marriage trust money payable on August 16 from the Lancaster and [Preston?] Railway. The company want to know if they would reinvest for another three or five years at four percent. What does RJ think? WW has heard nothing more from the Cambridge University Commission: 'I should suppose we may meet it in such a way as to incur no needless danger; but I confess I have a strong persuasion that Lord John [John Russell] will not be satisfied till his move has ended in something being done as to the distribution of funds, and I do not see how anything of that kind can be done without a more perilous infraction of our corporate rights'. WW forgets whether he directed to RJ a copy of his paper in the Cambridge Philosophical Transactions on certain algebraical ways to treat political economy ['Mathematical Exposition of Some Doctrines of Political Economy: Third Memoir', Camb. Phil. Trans., 1850]: 'the paper really does contain a refutation of certain vaunted theorems of John S. Mill on international trade; shown them to be true, even on their mathematical assumptions, within very narrow limits'. WW gives his solution to the cause and measure of the different value of money in different countries: 'The main point of my solution comes to this, that the value of money is high in a country which has the (money) balance of trade shading in its favour, and of course, low where the balance is against the country'.

Add. MS c/51/265 · Item · 21 Oct. 1851
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Trinity Lodge - WW is 'afraid that the hope from St. Paul's is extinguished. I see in the newspaper that a Mr Champneys is appointed'. However WW hopes that all the applications made from so many quarters on RJ's behalf to Lord John Russell will produce an affect upon him which will show itself. WW hopes RJ would get a pension on account of his health. He has been reading RJ's lectures: 'I hope you will now have health and time to weave them and your other speculations on the like subjects into a connected scheme. Such a scientific exposition of the subject may be of use when men become sane on such subjects'.

Add. MS a/206/7 · Item · 9 Dec. 1847
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Eton College - ECH will prepare for WW a number of introductory letters for his forthcoming trip to Paris. ECH is 'afraid Lord John Russell, who began with the best wishes of his majority of the Church has, by his want of moral fear, which poor Sydney Smith so well described, has roused a storm which he will not easily allay.

Add. MS a/201/85 · Item · 3 Mar. 1832
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

14 Gt. Queen St., Westminster - TEB is pleased that WW agrees with his conjecture regarding Airy [see TEB to WW, 22 Feb. 1832: Airy's approbation of Lieut. Drummond's principle for working out the boundary changes in the 1832 Reform Bill]. Since the subject will be heard again in the House of Lords, TEB will calculate a list of 100 boroughs along his own plan. Lord John Russell believes that Airy and Herschel think nothing can be devised as good as Drummond's whole system. D's 'mistake is strengthened by another inapplicable principle that the whole is the sum of the parts. This is true of abstract qualities but not of the bulk occupied jointly and separately by real substances', which Drummond places in juxtaposition. He assumes a direct ratio of wealth and population. TEB tries to prove that this is wrong with an algebraic demonstration.