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Add. MS c/103/130 · Item · 20 Mar 1906
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Refers to a passage in a letter in Henry Sidgwick: A Memoir, which 'seems to have been written under a slight misapprehension.' States that Henry 'not unnaturally supposed that he had been summarily passed over [in 1881] for a junior, and former pupil, but says that it was 'not quite so abrupt as this'. Explains that the then Vice Chancellor, Dr Perowne, had firstly offered the post [as deputy to the incapacitated Birks, Knightbridge Professor of Moral Philosophy] to Venn, who responded that he could not accept it and considered that no one but Henry ought to be appointed. Perowne explained that 'as he was choosing a deputy for Mr Birks he could not [ ] select any one whose opinions were so entirely opposed to his.' Claims that he again declined the post, and thinks that it was then offered to Keynes. The offer to Cunningham 'was therefore not so abrupt as may have been supposed.'

Venn, John (1834-1923), philosopher and antiquary
Add. MS c/103/134 · Item · 25 Mar 1906
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Thanks her for the copy of Henry Sidgwick: A Memoir; explains that he wanted to read it before acknowledging its receipt. Says that he went to Lowestoft to work, and to read the book 'by the way', but that it has engrossed him all week, and has interested him intensely. Says that it gives 'everything that personal friends most wanted', but regrets to say he does not think it is at all 'the work the world wanted or expected.' Suggests that '[t]he general need would have been better a topical arrangement' rather than the exclusively chronological one that she has adopted, and also that the letters 'might have been curtailed sufficiently to make room for some continuous presentation of Sidgwick as a philosopher, a political thinker, an educationalist, and a "man of letters" '. Remarks that it is odd to find in the life of a philosopher 'no account of his philosophy'.

Fears that the impression that is likely to be made is that Henry cared more for psychical research - a topic that is 'ever recurring' and which takes up a large part of the index entries. Believes that this latter interest was 'the real labor injustus of his life', and laments that it was Benson and Westcott 'of all men' who should have started him 'on this surely hopeless quest'. Refers to his '[ ] hasty acceptance of telepathy', and 'his later tacit retraction'. States that 'no one can fail to admire his moral courage in this whole Memoir however much one regrets the terrible waste of powers that would [ ] have been better employed.' Believes that had he lived longer he would have done very much more. Suggests that it might have been worthwhile to add the name of the Vice Chancellor who appointed Dr Cunningham as deputy for Professor Birks [in 1881], if, as he believes, it was Dr Perowne. Also suggests that Frank Balfour 'might have been mentioned on page 224 as a member of the Eundum. Refers also to Coutts [Trotter?], and to [Gerry] D[arwin]. Expresses his surprise at finding no letters to Professor [ ] Robertson in the Memoir.

Wonders why he should mention all these things when what wholly possesses him 'is renewed admiration and affection for about the most perfect man [he has] ever known'. States that he should place Henry and Arthur Balfour in this category. Relates that when he [Ward] 'was tired of waiting for a post in Cambridge [Henry] offered him £150 a year to stay'. Claims that he did not accept it, but soon afterwards Henry resigned his professorship and Ward was then assigned a place on the College staff.

Ward, James (1843-1925), philosopher and psychologist
O./16.39a · File · Nov.-Dec. 1886
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class O

Letters patent dated 1 Dec. 1886 in the original red box with the royal arms stamped on the top of the box. This is accompanied by eight letters and a related document and printed item.

Four letters from John Hassard of the Vicar-General's Office over the last half of November 1886 relate to the logistics of resigning the Deanship of Gloucester and the appointment as Master of Trinity. One of his letters is accompanied by a note from Randall Davidson the Dean of Windsor regretting he cannot attend Butler's installation. Another letter from E. J. Perowne invites Hassard to spend the night at the Lodge of Corpus Christi College the night before the installation. The letters are accompanied by a copy of sections 1 and 2 of the "Pluralities Act" of 1838 concerning the restriction of holding a Deanship and Mastership at the same time and a printed sheet listing "Days Fixed" for the prelates of England for 1887, issued by Hassard of the Vicar-General's Office.

Two letters relate to practical details relating to the Master's Lodge and its staffing. The previous Master's widow Elizabeth Frances Thompson informs him of the death of her sister (Laetitia), and describes the state of the Lodge, items needed for housekeeping, and her recommendation of the housekeeper Mrs Jones. The Junior Bursar Gerard F. Cobb's letter contains practical details relating to the Master's Lodge and its staffing. A letter from Trinity Vice-Master Coutts Trotter forwards a copy of the statutes of the college and carries a description of the installation ceremony.

Butler, Henry Montagu (1833-1918), college head
Add. MS a/40/86 · Item · 22 Feb 1879
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Letter from Henry Bradshaw at the University Library, enclosing Aldis Wright's 'draft memorandum about the Copyright Report'. Took the two drafts to the Vice-Chancellor [Edward Perowne] and to the M[aster] of Emmanuel [Samuel Phear]; the Vice-Chancellor asked for Wright's memorandum to Lord John Manners. Bradshaw has done so, copying it to send, and also taking a copy for himself.

Wright's memorandum is headed 'Copyright Commissioners' Report Memorandum'; Bradshaw has added 'Sent, with a letter. to Lord John Manners, Feb '21, 1879, H.B.'