On headed notepaper for Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland:- Thanks his mother for her letter and the 'extract about the match'; after the start they [Harrow against Eton?] have had, they should win. Is glad C[harlie] could see it; hopes he will be all right now, and 'get his certificate'. Aunt Nora came on Friday, and Robert saw her yesterday; she seems very well. Tyne [a dog?] is ill, and Thornton [gamekeeper at Wallington?] thinks he will die soon. Spi[der] is 'all right'.
The floors have been painted, the carpets put down, and 'everything look[s] nearly as usual'. It is raining heavily today. Booa [Mary Prestwich] is very well, and does not have as much to do now Agnes has come.
Mr Sidley [John James's aunt in Birkenhead has just died, so there was no service this morning. The 'Willow boys are here now' [Willoughbys has been crossed out - Robert may be referring to Henry William Trevelyan and his wife Charlotte], but they have not been able to see them, since it rained when they were out to tea, and the 'Willow boys' were out when they called.