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- [Jun 1888] (Produção)
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1 doc
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On headed notepaper for Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland:- Mr Belfield arrived last Saturday, and Robert met him at the station. Likes him 'very much so far in every way': finds him 'very interesting' and they get on well. Thinks he teaches 'very well', as far as he can say from the little experience he has had of that so far: they have done some Thucydides, and began Tacitus today.
Yesterday they fished, but caught nothing so will wait until they have had more rain. 'Very windy' last Sunday, but they still went to church in the morning. Hopes his father is keeping well, and 'the good cause is prospering'. Sees that K[ing] Harman is dead, and wonders 'who will be appointed in his stead' [as parliamentary Under-Secretary for Ireland]. There 'is no fear of the Manchester murderer [John Jackson] now', as Robert sees he has been caught.
Thornton [gamekeeper at Wallington] caught a 'large pike yesterday at Capheaton lake'; he had gone there to 'see about a dog'. Thanks his father for his letter and '[Mountstuart?] Grant Duff's about the flower'. Thompson and Keith [John and Edward, gardeners at Wallington?] 'came in to see the books and found out several things they had not known'. Sends his love to his mother, and asks his father to thank her for the books and say that Robert will write to her tomorrow.
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Pontos de acesso - Assuntos
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Pontos de acesso - Nomes
- Trevelyan, Sir George Otto (1838–1928), 2nd Baronet, politician and author (Assunto)
- Belfield, Frederick (1863-1840) civil servant (Assunto)
- Thucydides (c 460-c 400 BCE) Greek historian (Assunto)
- Cornelius Tacitus (c 56-c 120) historian and senator (Assunto)
- Harman, Edward Robert King- (1838-1888) politician (Assunto)
- Jackson, John (d 1888) murderer (Assunto)
- Thornton, Thomas (b c 1824) gamekeeper (Assunto)
- Duff, Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant- (1829–1906), knight, politician and author (Assunto)
- Thompson, John (1860-1932) gardener (Assunto)
- Keith, Edward (1861-1957) gardener (Assunto)