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TRER/16/131 · Item · 16 Dec 1938
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

5 rue Denfort Rochereau, Boulogne s[ur]/Seine. - Wonderful that there is peace for Christmas. Was in a 'Uni-Prix' shop, a 'sort of "Woolworth"' in Boulogne yesterday; there were many children there and it was very touching to see their 'joy and admiration of "père Noel"'. A[ndré: her son] and B[ev: his wife] are not coming to stay, but will be ski-ing at Grindelwald; her sister is in Germany, so they are 'alone with old Rex [the dog]'. They will not feel lonely since she is now working in the Russian theatre; it is a joy to help the other actors and be useful; [her husband] Alexandre Petrovitch helps her and is interested to see the public who come to performances: the older ones 'weep very much' and the younger ones laugh a great deal'; 'joy is needed nowadays'. Is working on a new play, and the theatre is also putting on "Uncle Vanya" again: Chekhov's plays are 'always so liked'. Has seen fragments of his letters to his wife, and it is strange 'how unlike him they are. They are not simple, natural' and cannot be compared with the letters of Pushkin and Tolstoy, and are as if he is 'all the time playing, hiding himself'; a friend who knew him suggested this was his wife's influence; she always felt uneasy leaving him in the Crimea to act in Moscow'. Is not happy about playing "Uncle Vanya" again, as she feels too old for the part of Helena; asks Bessie if she could possibly send any old dresses she does not need for her costume. Bob sent her a very nice letter and she is working well since he told her not to 'hurry so much': will send two more chapters to Rudker [John Rodker?] tomorrow, and has handwritten four more; now one more remains to be written about America. Her days are very full with rehearsals and writing; thanks God that her 'heart is so clever'; thinks work is the best medicine for it. Asks Bessie if she hasread any of the translation of her book, as she is anxious to know what she thinks.

TRER/16/144 · Item · 28 Feb 1938
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

5 rue Denfert Rochereau, Boulougne S[ur]/S[eine]. - Very good of Bob to talk about her memoirs to Mr Rudker [sic: John Rodker]. Hopes to send the manuscript in a few days; she and her husband are currently re-copying it to make it 'decent and readable'. Is feeling 'very shy', as this is a new area of work for her; understands it may not suit English traste, being 'too Russian - personal, intimate and "mystical". It will be a disappointment, not a discouragement, if Mr Rodker does not publish it in English; in that case would like to know whether Rodker's opinion is also unfavourable towards the book itself; is 'very brave' and likes to struggle. Has seen Miss Chetwynd, who looks 'charming' but it is clear she is 'suffering'; liked her very much, and it turned out she had seen Maria act in London so they were 'not quite strangers'; an American girl had also seen Maria act, in New York. Asks him to thank Bessie for inviting her to see Mrs Moore; she enjoyed the evening very much. Mrs Moore is 'so artistic and human' and plays the piano, Maria's favourite instrument, beautifully. Will not judge Mr Ryker's [?] playing, but he was 'very nice and friendly'. Asks to be remembered to Ursula, and hopes she is well now.

TRER/16/145 · Item · 3 Mar 1938
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

5 rue Denfert Rochereau, Boulougne S[ur]/S[eine]. - A[leksandr] P[etrovitch] has sent the larger part - ten chapters - of her manuscript to Bob today; these cover the 'most important turns' in her life and the theatre, and discusses the roles which formed her as an actress; they give a good impression of the work as a whole, and she thinks Bob could send it to Mr R[odker]; she hopes to send the rest in a few days. Anxious to hear what they think of it. Rang Miss Chetwynd on the telephone today to see how her operation had gone, but found it had been postponed due to her surgeon's influenza. The weather in Paris is lovely, and she much enjoys the views from their windows; expects it is also 'wonderfull [sic]' at the Shiffolds.

TRER/16/146 · Item · 3 July 1939
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Privatklinik Hirslanden, Zürich. - Will soon have an operation; is 'full of courage and hope' but it is still the time to 'review and arrange one's life'. Bob is very kind to her and takes trouble about her book of memoirs; she has written it for Andrusha [her son] and means to give it to him; in case the book is worth being published, asks Bob to talk to 'Roedker' [John Rodker], or ask the publisher to 'deal directly with Andrusha, if she is not there and able to do so herself. Entrusts her wish to Bob to give her 'author's wrights [rights]' to her son. Bob's 'friendship was sweet' to her.

TRER/29/21 · Item · Aug-Sept 1923
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Trevelyan has filled in the sections printed on the front: 'Written by' with 'R.C.T'; 'Commenced' with 27 August 1923 [looks like 8]; 'School' with 'Ἡ ΓΗ' ['The Earth' in Ancient Greek]. Notes in his first entry that he has been reading Ponsonby's book ["English Diaries" by Arthur Ponsonby] which has inspired him to start this diary.

Mentions of Mabel [Godwin?], Marian [?], Alice, Bert and Bobbie Elms; Bessie and Julian; his parents; Miles Malleson and his wife [Joan] and uncle [Philip Malleson]; O[liver] Simon at the "Fleuron" (who asks him to translate the "Acts of the Apostles", to be illustrated by Paul Nash); Miss Ewing [later wife of Walter Rea], Nicky Mariano; Bernard and Mary Berenson; Frances and Arthur Dakyns (visiting the Ponsonbys at Fernhurst); his brother George (who has written to the "Times" saying the matter between Greece and Italy should be referred to the Powers not the League of Nations); Margaret and Ralph Vaughan Williams and their mother; Mrs [Jane] Russell Rea; Irene [Cooper Willis or Noel-Baker]; 'Miss [blank left], with whom Rennier had an affair. She is now private secretary to [Henry?] Hamilton Fyfe'; Francis Birrell; Clifford and Joan Allen; 'an Italian-French lady' whom Trevelyan had met at I Tatti; Barbara Strachey; [Simon] Bussy [paintings by]; John Rodker 'and his child [Joan] by Sonia [Cohen]'; a 'nice rather muddle-headed young man.. Labour candidate for Petersfield' [Dudley Aman]; Bertrand Russell.

Works on: translations of Theocritus; his 'Flood poem' ["The Deluge"]; possible continuation of "Pterodamozels"; review of books on metre by Lascelles Abercrombie and E[gerton Smith] (Smith is the first person he has 'attacked' in a review; wonders if Desmond MacCarthy will think his comments 'too strong); review of Sturge Morre's "Judas" for Leonard Woolf at the "Nation"; his 'Pandora play'.

Reads (as well as Ponsonby, and sometimes with Julian): the "Manchester Guardian", Spenser's "Mother Hubbard ['s Tale]", Epicharmus, "Henry IV pt 1", Phaedrus, Macaulay, Aristophanes, the 'Summer number' of Julian's "Hurtenham Magazine", Lucian, the "Mikado"; Ssuma Ch'ien [Sima Qian]; Hastings' "Dictionary of the Bible" [at the London Library]; a "Classical Review" with Duff and Bailey on Lucretius; Molly MacCarthy's autobiography ["A Nineteenth-Century Childhood", 'Very charming']

TRER/46/317 · Item · 17 Jun 1924
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Shiffolds. - Very kind of his mother to send him the [birthday] present of three pounds; will 'spend it chiefly on books' and tell her what he gets. May 'spend part on trouser-stretchers, which Bessie is very anxious [he] should have'. His hand is getting better [after a fall on the Lake Hunt, see 46/316], but 'still bandaged, so writing is a little difficult'. They have several guests: Mrs and Mrs Sanger; their daughter, who 'has just left Bedales; and Dickinson, 'who is here still'.

Also here is Rodker, who will publish Robert's Theocritus translation this autumn. This autumn, or next spring, the Hogarth Press will publish 'a small book of new poems' by Robert [Poems and Fables]. Knows little as yet about the performance of his Aeschylus translation by Oxford undergraduates [the Balliol Players]; they performed it 'much in the same way last year', but he never himself saw it. Will try to see a performance this time, maybe the Winchester one; doubts they do it well, from what he hears, 'still it may be an interesting experiment'. Has had nothing to do with it beyond letting them use the translation. Met 'the young man who plays Agamemnon at Athens this year. He seemed a nice fellow', but Robert does not know whether he can act. They use his '1922 edition... not the condensed version... for the Cambridge performance'. Will write to his father when he returns from London; goes there on Thursday for the [Apostles] Dinner. Sends thanks to him for his letter [12/365].

TRER/17/6 · Item · 19 Apr [1919?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

British Museum, W.C. - Lucky that he did not come [to visit Bob, see 17/4], as he developed flu; is alright now, and asks if the weekend of 17 May would work instead. Hopes the Shoves came; has not seen them; sure Francis [Birrell?] arrived. Has been 'deluged' with proofs for "Jap[anese] Poetry", "The Story of Ts'ui Ying-ying ", and "More Translations from Chinese", though the last is not due to be published until September so he need not rush. Asks if Bob would be kind enough to look it over after Miss [Beryl] de Zoete, who is 'fairly good at spotting howlers'. The sum he mentioned as a possible fee from the Art Theatre '[for Bob translating Aeschylus' "Prometheus", see 17/2?] was too large; believes it would be about twenty-five pounds, but this is unofficial. Enjoyed James [Strachey]'s piece about Claudel's "L'Otage" in the "Athenaeum", as well as Lytton [Strachey]'s essay on Lady Hester Stanhope [in the issues of 4 and 11 April]; it 'ought to be rather an entertaining periodical under its new management'.

Received a cheque for a hundred and forty five pounds from Constable; this seemed very little, but it turned out to be for his cousin Adolf Waley for "The Re-making of China". He himself had sold about 1300 copies [of "A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems"] by 31 December. Asks Bob whether he agreed terms with Constable for his [translation of Sophocles'] "Ajax"; heard that he could not do so with Unwin. Yoshio Markino visited him yesterday and 'got very excited trying to write down his favourite Chinese poems'; however, he could not remember the characters and 'sat holding his head in his hands & groaning'; he learned them in Japan as a child, nearly fifty years ago. Heard from [Goldsworthy Lowes] Dickinson 'discovering a "Chinese passage" in Shakespeare'; has 'not quite succeeded in deciphering his letter'. Dickinson also told him that Thomas Hardy prefers Cranmer-Byng to him which is 'hardly surprising'; he was 'astonished' to hear Hardy liked his own versions at all. Ezra Pound is going to settle at Toulouse, where he will 'wake up the sleepy Meridionals'. Wonders if [John] Rodker's [Ovid] Press has begun to print yet; feels he should order some books from it, but knows he would 'hate them so when they came'. Has got a gramophone and 'catalogues of all the exotic music of the Globe' but does not know how to choose. Has lots of 'India, Chinese, Lithuanian, Russian, Arabian, Serbian, Hungarian and Spanish records [to choose from?]'; has only got Mozart and rag-time at present.

TRER/4/84 · Item · 26 Aug 1916
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Cottage, Bosham. - Regrets that he cannot put up [John] Rodker, as Durbins is let until the end of September and he is 'more or less a wanderer'. Has had little success in thinking of other possible hosts: expects Lady Ottoline [Morrell] would not be possible and fears Rodker may have to go to London. Is sorry not to help as he liked Rodker when he met him at Dora Sanger's. Asks if Trevelyan will be in town the week after next. He and the children have had a good time at Bosham, sailing and spending time outdoors; they leave for Failand on Monday.