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BABN/11 · Series · 1821-1838
Part of Papers of the Babington family of Rothley Temple

Letters of John Babington to: his brother George Gisborne Babington, Nov. 1837; sister-in-law Sarah Babington, née Disney, Apr. 1833; father Thomas Babington, June 1822 and Apr. 1829; J. S. Elliott; brother-in-law James Parker, Nov. 1826; sister Mary, Jan. 1818-Nov. 1837; nephew Edward Joseph Rose, May 1880-Sept. 1881 (some copies; letter of 13 Apr. 1881 includes a partial transcript of a letter from Lydia Rose to her sister-in-law Charlotte Rose, 25 Feb. 1831).

Also letters from John Babington to his sister Lydia Rose, Feb. 1876-May 1879 (one including transcribed extract from the will of their sister Jean Babington); and niece Mary Ellen Rose, née Parker. Telegram from John Babington to Edward, Viscount Cardwell, Aug. 1852. Sermon preached by John Babington after the death of his brother in law Joseph Rose.

Letters of Joseph Babington to his brother Thomas Babington Dec. 1821-Dec. 1826, some with notes from his wife Catherine (née Whitter) to Thomas.

Babington, John (1791-1886), clergyman
BABN/12 · Series · 1816-1827
Part of Papers of the Babington family of Rothley Temple

Letters from Margaret Anne Babington to her brother Matthew Babington, 1817-1818, one with a note from their sister Jean to Matthew.

Letters from Matthew Babington: to his brother George Gisborne Babington, 3 Oct. 1829, with additions by his wife Frances (née Sykes) and brother in law James Parker; to his father Thomas Babington, 1821-1833, one with a message to his mother Jean Babington (née Macaulay); to his brother in law James Parker, c 14 Aug. 1829; to his sister Mary, later Parker, with a message from his brother Thomas Gisborne Babington to Mary, c 14 Sept. 1811.

Letters from Matthew Drake Babington: to his aunt Jean Babington (with note from Thomas Babington to his wife Jean), 26 June 1804; to his uncle Thomas Babington, 1822-1826.

Letter from Sarah Babington, née Disney, to her sister in law Mary Parker, 8 Sept. 1837.

Letters from Sarah Anne Babington, née Pearson, to: her father in law Thomas Babington, Nov. 1824 and Oct. 1825; her sister in law Mary Babington, afterwards Parker, 1816-1829 (one with note from her husband George Gisborne Babington to his sister Mary).

Box 13: Thomas Babington
BABN/13 · Series · 1788-[1838]
Part of Papers of the Babington family of Rothley Temple

Letters of Thomas Babington to his wife Jean, née Macaulay, 1788-1804; one, 30 Jun 1803, includes a note from Dr Fearon to Jean Babington. One letter from Thomas Babington to his son, George Gisborne Babington, 9 Dec. 1834, with a note from his daughter Jean Babington to her brother.

Account of Thomas Babington for cloth bought from John Brown, 1825 [perhaps by his son, Matthew Babington?]. Printed version of the sermon on the death of Thomas Babington, preached in Rothley Church by William Acworth, 3 Dec 1837.

Babington, Thomas (1758-1837), philanthropist and politician
Box 15: Thomas Babington
BABN/15 · Series · 1820-1835
Part of Papers of the Babington family of Rothley Temple

Letters of Thomas Babington to his wife Jean, née Macaulay. Additional notes to Jean Babington included with these letters from: her son Matthew (16 Apr. 1825, 27 Apr. 1826, 22 Nov. 1828); her daughter Jean (three letters in Feb 1835); her niece Selina (3 Mar. 1825); Catherine Knott (5 Nov. 1822).

Babington, Thomas (1758-1837), philanthropist and politician
Box 18: Thomas Babington
BABN/18 · Series · 1825-1837
Part of Papers of the Babington family of Rothley Temple

Letters of Thomas Babington to James Parker, who married his daughter Mary in 1829, 1826-1837. Also included with some of these letters; a note from Matthew Babington to James Parker, 27 June 1829; notes from Thomas Babington and from Jean Babington (née Macaulay), to their daughter Mary; notes to Mary from her sister Jean; notes from Mary Parker and from S[amuel?] Duckworth to James Parker.

Draft letter from Thomas Babington to his nephew Thomas Gisborne, 17 Dec. 1824. Two letters from Thomas Babington to Margaret Parker, née Rainy (mother of James Parker), 21 July 1828 and 28 Jan. 1833.

Babington, Thomas (1758-1837), philanthropist and politician
Box 19: Thomas Babington
BABN/19 · Series · 1805-1837
Part of Papers of the Babington family of Rothley Temple

Letters of Thomas Babington to his daughter Mary. Including notes: from Lydia Rose, née Babington, to her uncle Colin Macaulay; from Thomas Babington to his son Matthew and wife Jean, née Macaulay; from Jean Babington, née Macaulay, to Mary and to Mary's husband James Parker; from Matthew Babington to his sister Mary; from Jean Babington to her sister Mary; from Thomas Babington to his brother in law James Parker. One letter (57: 1 Nov 1829) contains a transcript of part of a letter from William Henry Babington to his father Thomas.

One letter from Thomas Babington to his daughter Lydia Rose, 18 June 1817.

Babington, Thomas (1758-1837), philanthropist and politician
Colin Macaulay
BABN/24 · Series · 1814-1820
Part of Papers of the Babington family of Rothley Temple

Letters from Colin Macaulay to his niece Jean Babington; some letters addressed to both Jean and her sister Mary, one with an additional note to Mary included. Invitation to Colin Macaulay from the Misses Macleod to celebrate the birthday of H. R. H. Princess Charlotte of Wales.

Macaulay, Colin (1760-1836), general, biblical scholar, and abolitionist
BABN/37 · Series · 1829-1886
Part of Papers of the Babington family of Rothley Temple

Letter from Margaret Anne Parker to her cousin Mary Ellen Rose (née Parker), 1886.

Letters from Margaret Jean Parker, 'Meggy', to her mother Mary, 1833-c 1835 (in the hand of her grandmother Jean Babington, née Macaulay), one with additional note from Fanny Macaulay to Mary. Account by Mary Parker of the death of her daughter Margaret Jean Parker (written after 18 Feb 1836).

Letters from Mary Parker (Babington until her marriage on 29 Jun 1829) to her mother Jean Babington, née Macaulay, 1829-1834, with additions and enclosures as follows: notes from James Parker to his mother in law Jean Babington; note from Susan Parker (later Darroch) to Jean Babington; household account for 1831; note from Lydia Rose to her mother Jean; note from Margaret Jean Parker (aided by her mother Mary?) to her grandmother Jean; note from James Parker, perhaps to his father in law Thomas Babington; lock of hair, perhaps of Charles Babington Parker, born Dec. 1833. One letter, 1829, addressed to Mary's sister Jean as well as to her mother.

Letter from Mary Parker to unknown addresee, regarding finding a position for her nephew Edward Joseph Rose (c. 1854).

Parker, Mary (1799-1858), née Babington, wife of Sir James Parker
Box 38: Mary Parker
BABN/38 · Series · 1817-1845
Part of Papers of the Babington family of Rothley Temple

Letters from Mary Parker, née Babington, to her mother Jean Babington, née Macaulay (1835-1839), with additions and enclosures as follows: note from her husband James to his father-in-law Thomas Babington (1835); note from her sister Jean to their mother (1836); note from her brother George Gisborne Babington to his mother (1836); note from Mary addressed to her sister Jean Babington (1836).

Letter from Mary Parker to her sister Jean Babington (1830). Letter from Mary Babington (1817) to her brother John, enclosing two locks of her hair. Letter from Mary Parker to her brother John Babington (1839), with additional note from her brother George Gisborne Babington to John.

Parker, Mary (1799-1858), née Babington, wife of Sir James Parker
Box 40: Mary Parker
BABN/40 · Series · 1826-1856
Part of Papers of the Babington family of Rothley Temple

Letters from Mary Babington, later Parker, to her sister-in-law Annie Parker (1829-1854), some with notes from her husband James to his sister Annie (1828-1829).

Letters from Mary Babington to her husband-to-be James Parker, 1826-1828; rose petals enclosed with the letter of 14-15 Jul 1827; flowers with those of 4 Aug 1827 and 1 May 1828. Note from Mary's sister Jean to James Parker accompanies letter of 5 Feb 1928. Two notes from Mary's niece Lydia Rose (later Price), presumably to James Parker, accompany letters sent in 1828, one, signed 'Cautious' is on a letter written by Philip Dole, 20 Sept 1828.

Parker, Mary (1799-1858), née Babington, wife of Sir James Parker
BABN/47 · Series · 1820-1834
Part of Papers of the Babington family of Rothley Temple

Letters from Susan Parker to her friend and future sister-in-law Mary Babington written before their marriages (1820-1825), with additions and enclosures as follows: note from Harriot Burchell to Mary and her sister Jean Babington; poem, 'Address to the Mummy at Belzoni's Exhibition' [by Horace Smith]; letter of Dec 1821 has a Wedgwood seal. Eight letters written after their marriages from Susan Darroch to Mary Parker, one with additional note from Susan's mother Margaret Parker, née Rainy, to Mary.

Numbers 1, 2, 4, and 5 of Octanepsia, a magazine produced by the children of Susan and Duncan Darroch (Jun 1850-Jun 1851).

Darroch, Susan (1805-1889), née Parker, wife of Duncan Darroch, 6th of Gourock
BABN/6 · Series · 1835-1839
Part of Papers of the Babington family of Rothley Temple

Letters of Jean Babington, née Macaulay, to her daughter Mary Parker, some with notes from her daughters Jean and Lydia to Mary. The letter of 28 June 1835 includes a note from Fanny Macaulay to her sister Selina Macaulay, and note from Thomas Babington to his son in law James Parker.

Babington, Jean (1764-1845), née Macaulay, wife of Thomas Babington