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TRER/15/100 · Item · 18 Aug 1937
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Park, Prestwich, Manchester. - Sorry to miss seeing Julian and Ursula; hopes they will have a good time at [?] Grunnock. He and Bessie had a good time at Wallington. Has not yet 'carried off the Botticelli Dante drawings' [see 12/28], though spoke to Charles; he was 'quite nice about it' though Bob thinks he rather likes the book being there. Has taken measurements to see if it will fit on the shelves at the Shiffolds, which he doubts; doesn't want to put it out on a table, and wonders whether Julian would like to have it in London. It had better stay at Wallington for the moment. Bessie comes home tomorrow, but will probably go to Wallington again in September. Wonders whether Julian has seen [Maria] Germanova again, and if he has found out if she is having difficulties with her rent. [Hasan Shahid] Suhrawardy has written him a 'disconsolate letter'; seemed to think it was unlikely he could come to Europe this year. Hopes to see Julian when he comes South. He and Bessie are probably visiting the [Donald] Toveys at Hedenham around the 25th. Thinks Bessie is 'very well'; she takes her breakfast in bed at half eight; Julian will have to have the '8 o clock breakfast at Wallington' if he goes there.

TRER/6/100 · Item · 5 Jan 1931
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

14, Rue Nungesser et Coli, Paris 16e. - Madame G[ermanova] is in bed with fever, but asks him to thank Trevelyan for his postcard and says it will suit her if he comes on the 13th. Everyone in the household, except the dog, has been ill. Thanks Trevelyan for sending all the cuttings about [the death of] his 'poor friend H[eseltine]', who was 'the most loveable of men, to those whom he cared for' and the 'most interesting, though wayward' of Suhrawardy's Oxford contemporaries. Only now realises how much he cared for him. Asks if Trevelyan could find the Persian number of the "Times" and send it too him; wishes he could see the exhibition [at the Royal Academy] and hopes Trevelyan will go and tell him about it. Looks forward to his coming to Paris.

TRER/6/101 · Item · 13 May [1931]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

14, Rue Nungesser et Coli, Paris 16e. - Saw Julian yesterday, and was glad to hear that Bob had recovered; Julian did not come last week in case Suhrawardy had not recovered from his pneumonia, during which his temperature went up to over 107 which his doctor says 'only happens to savages'. He is now much better. Has seen a lot of his friends the Singhs, who have now gone to London. His father has written to say he will be in Europe in September, and he has also be offered a Readership at the Calcutta University, to give six lectures on 'Mussulman Art' over the winter, so he has decided to go to India with his father in November. The Singhs are taking on the flat in Pembridge Crescent at which Trevelyan came to see Suhrawardy at the end of this month. Might be in London at the beginning of June and would love to come and see the Trevelyans if so. Julian mentioned that Mrs Trevelyan had had to give up her trip to Holland because of illness; hopes it was nothing serious. Madame G[ermanova] sends her love; excuses herself for not writing, but they have no maid so she is doing a lot of housework. Her husband [Aleksandre Kalitinsky] is much better. Rex [the dog] loves the warm weather. Asks him to tell Mrs Trevelyan that most of his vegetable were eaten by hares.

TRER/6/102 · Item · 17 June [1931]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Is very touched by Trevelyan's dedication of his plays ["Three Plays: Sulla, Fand, The Pearl-Tree"] to him. It is his fault that Madame G[ermanova] did not send the receipt earlier, since he kept putting off his departure for England; now he will leave on Friday, taking the car on the wish of the Singhs with whom he is staying. Will be at 6, Carlton Mansions, Pall Mall S.W.(1), where he stayed with his father. Originally enclosing photographs for Mrs Trevelyan. Asks if Julian was there.

TRER/6/103 · Item · 25 July 1931
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Postmarked 'Exposition Coloniale Int[ernationa]le, Paris. - Main message in card in Suhrawardy's hand: they will be delighted to put Trevelyan up when he comes; Suhrawardy will meet him at the station. They are sitting at the Javanese restaurant drinking tea and milk; Rex [the dog] is drinking the milk. Maria Germanova, Aleksandre Kalitinsky, and Andrusha [their son Andrew] all sign their names.

TRER/6/107 · Item · 6 Apr [1932]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

61 Ripon St., Calcutta. - Thanks Trevelyan for his letter: thinks the changes have improved the lines [of a poem?]. Berenson is right about the pronunciation of Yudhishthira. Is very grateful to Trevelyan for having spoken to C.A. [Clifford Allen]. Is finding life hard in India, faced with the 'Victorian dogmatism' which most of the intellectuals affect, with a 'kind of religious mysticism for the sake of the reputation of the country'; human beings are not valued as human beings. Finds the country itself very beautiful though: has been to Ajunta, Ellora, Delhi, Agra, Jaipur and Lucknow; likes Hyderabad best. Is currently with the Singhs at Bahagalpur, since his father is away from Calcutta. Sees the League [of Nations] as his 'only salvation'; supposes that Allen is right and after the Reparations Conference there will be less economic tension and more posts available. Was nearly appointed to a post in the Information Department of the Secretariat in 1929, supported by Lord Lytton and Harold Williams of the "Times", a close friend because of 'shared Moscow experiences'; Williams' untimely death meant that the High Commissioner's brother got the post. Since then every post has gone to Indians in Geneva, even if they are less well qualified. Feels he will have to stay in India and get some temporary post, to lift cares from his friends in Paris [the Germanova / Kalitinsky household]; hears Julian is going to paint a fresco in their rooms, 'with Osny as the background and Rex [the dog] as the chief motif'; is so glad he visits them.

TRER/6/108 · Item · 5 May 1932
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Calcutta. - Apologises for typing - it is 'too hot and clammy' to write by hand. Glad to hear that Trevelyan has invited his friends [the Germanova/Kalitinsky household] to visit the Shiffolds; it will be very good for Andriusha to come to England, and perhaps Trevelyan might have time to take him to Cambridge to see the University. He feels very far away, and fears that the reference Trevelyan made to Ulysses and his dog [Argos] in his poetic epistle to him may come true: feels Rex [his dog]'s reproach keenly, but does not see how he could return to Europe with no work. Talk of offering him a University Professorship in Indian Fine Arts; is not particularly keen, but would get a year's study leave at once to spend in Europe. Sure Trevelyan will do all he can to fix him up at the League [of Nations]; it would be useful if [Clifford] Allen could talk to Albert Thomas or other Secretariat official.

Trevelyan must have heard of Andriusha's 'wonderful success'; a shame he cannot go to see Madame Germanova play at the Pitoëff's. Sometimes has news of Julian from his friends in Paris; worries that he might not make as many friends there as in Cambridge, he is 'really much too nice and clever for the ineffectual Monte[p]arnasse set'. Is looking forward to Trevelyan's next book of poems ["Rimeless Numbers"]; has been talking to mutual friends about him, such as his old Oxford friend [Apurba Kumar?] Chanda, Principal of Chittagong College, and Arun Sen, a barrister who knew Lowes Dickinson at Cambridge. There is also Abany Banerjee, also a barrister, who used to be prominent in the 1917 Club. The reading of post-Tennysonian English poetry he had to do for his two lectures at Hyderabad has inspired him to write some poetry again, 'under the influence of such diverging people as Kipling, Housman and Yeats'; will send them later. Encloses two photographs taken at the Singhs' at Bhagalpur.

TRER/6/114 · Item · 12 Mar 1936
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

21, Theatre Road, Calcutta. - Was very glad to receive Trevelyan's letter which arrived in his despair at not being able to get to Europe this year: had been saving up leave, when the examinership which was to pay the passage was taken from him 'for political university reasons'; has not yet told his friends in Paris that he cannot come as they are looking forward to it so much, particularly Alexander Petrovich [Kalitinsky] after his heart attack. The news of war from Europe makes the future look 'hopeless': if it breaks out, he will beg Trevelyan to try and get the Foreign Office to let his friends live in England; he will undertake to provide for them financially. Hopes that the Bengal government will support him for his job application with the League [of Nations]; the salary is smaller than his Professor's pay, but they would not have to keep up two households [.ie. in Paris and India]. Presided over the Fine Art section of the All-India Oriental Congress at Mysore over Christmas; his address criticising approaches to the study of Indian art history was much appreciated; has written no poetry, and has been unable to send his old poems to Trevelyan due to lack of funds for a competent typist. Received Trevelyan's "Beelzebub" in a typed copy, but not the book. Is nostalgic for the Shiffolds, but finds India marvellous now; saw some wonderful Hindu sculpture and architecture during his visit to Mysore, at the island of Mahabalipuram near Madras [Chennai]. Sends his love to Bessie and Julian, and asks to be remembered to the [Clifford] Allens. Has been reading a lot about art, but keeping clear of politics, to which he is 'temperamentally unsuited'.

TRER/6/115 · Item · 15 June 1936
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

14, rue Nungesser et Coli, Paris XVIe. - Reached Europe about three weeks ago: received a letter on his arrival at Marseille from his Swedish friend Amelie Brazdova, whom Trevelyan once met, inviting him to visit her at Plascassier in Provence. Has been a week in Paris; his friends [Germanova and Kalitinsky] have grown old and Rex [the dog] is very fat, and getting blind; there is a sense of things passing away, at home, and in the streets. No great disorder as yet, but workmen with red flags singing the Internationale and driving through the town in lorries reminds him of the time when the Provisional Government had begun to weaken in Russia. Hopes he will be able to come next month to England, and asks to know Trevelyan's summer plans.

TRER/6/117 · Item · 30 Sept 1936
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Paris. - Returned to Paris the day before yesterday; went through his poems again in England and has various suggestions to make to Trevelyan regarding them. Sets these out at length in detail, with quotations, but acknowledges that his English is 'shaky' and Trevelyan should have the final say. In his fourth point, requests Bessie's opinion on the sound of a line. Found M. N. [Marie Nicolayevna Germanova] in a very bad condition, pale and weak and needing two camphor injections a day for her heart. Is very grateful to Bessie for the rug.

TRER/6/118 · Item · 13 Oct 1936
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Paris. - Rang up [Nicky] Mariano today and is seeing [Bernard] Berenson tomorrow afternoon. Julian and Ursula are coming to lunch today; he will tell them to contact the Berenson party at their hotel. Cannot express his gratitude for what Trevelyan is doing for him and his friends: the money for the apartment came last Saturday; G. [Marie Germanova] will write soon, she is busy because of Suhrawardy's impending departure. Will send back [Lascelles] Abercrombie's book from India. The devaluation [of the franc] has been too late for him to benefit, though he has helped his friends Germanova and Kalitinsky with the purchase of a wireless. Does not think Woolf will accept the poems [at the Hogarth Press], but they have been helpful in bringing Trevelyan and Suhrawardy's 'minds and sensibility closer'. Replies in detail to Trevelyan's further comments on the poems.

TRER/6/120 · Item · 17 May 1937
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

21, Theatre Road, Calcutta. - Is very grateful for the trouble Trevelyan has taken with his MS; agrees that it is unfair that no publishers will take his poems even when costs will be covered. The publication of his book would also have helped his chances of getting the University Professorship of English which will soon fall vacant; prefers this position to his own due to the lack of 'concrete material of the Asiatic arts' which necessitates indulgence in 'fantastic theories'. Cannot afford to have it printed himself, and will not hear of Trevelyan spending more money on him. Used to know a man called Coppard at Oxford, a 'towering intellectual from the working classes', whom he heard has had success as a novelist; he used to like Suhrawardy's verses, especially the ones printed in the 1916 "Oxford Anthology" (Amelie Brázdová must have mistaken this for the "Oxford Book of Verse"; would like to know in English what she has written about him; she makes mistakes as she is not familiar with England and Suhrawardy is 'horrified' that his friends might think he has given her false information). Coppard suggested getting the poems privately printed at the Golden Cockerel Press, with which he had some connection. If Trevelyan could lend him the expenses for a year, he would like to have the poems published there or with the Chelsea Press. Is sorry John Lane have rejected his book; used to know [Ronald?] Boswell, in the management there, at Oxford, and once met him at Trevelyan's friends the Archibalds' [Dorothy and George]. Tells Trevelyan to do what he thinks best, but only if he really thinks it worthwhile to get the work published: he himself is out of touch and cannot judge the merits of his verses properly.

Very glad Trevelyan saw [Marie] Germanova in Paris; they write in detail about each of his visits. Sends love to Bessie. Hopes Julian and Ursula are happy. Strange times in India: he had 'great sympathy with the Congress' and stood as a candidate for the Upper House in Bengal by 'indirect selection'. Due to 'indiscipline and bungling' he lost, for which he is now very glad as the path the Congress is following is 'sterile'. Does not understand the 'Congress formula', nor its tactical value. Calls Gandhi 'the divine bungler'. No chance of escaping the heat and coming to Europe in the summer; hopes he can persuade his father to consult his doctor this autumn, in which case he will come then. If not, he hopes to come next year, for longer. Is taking up the study of Chinese: when getting on in years 'one must have a quest that is endless', and Chinese will last him 'several reincarnations'.

TRER/16/120 · Item · 21 June 1930
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

28, Rue de la Tourelle, Boulougne sur Seine. - Much regrets not being able to visit the Shiffolds and meet Mrs Trevelyan; was looking forward to it very much; thanks her for her invitation. Would have liked to talk to Mr Trevelyan and read their 'beloved tragedies' together. Begs Mrs Trevelyan to come to Paris and visit them; Reksucha [the dog] would be 'happy indeed'.

TRER/16/121 · Item · 9 Apr 1932
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

14, Rue Nungesser et Coli, Paris 16. - Pitoeff has given her a part in a pacifist play [Angermeyer's "Plus Jamais Ca !"]; it is very small, but she is glad to have work and should earn about a thousand francs; she is however very sorry to miss her visit to the Trevelyans and hopes this can be postponed. Pitoeff wants to put on the play in Geneva; she thinks the League of Nations is helping, as the play is intended to 'bring together in peace France and Germany'. Her part, that of a German woman, can be 'played tragically' and she hopes to 'do something good'. Even the thought of travelling has helped her. Sends regards to Mr Trevelyan, her 'men' [husband and son] send 'regretfull saluts'.

TRER/6/122 · Item · 22 July 1937
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

21, Theatre Road, Calcutta (on University of Calcutta printed notepaper). - Agrees that each poem should be printed on a separate page. Asks if the 'Cambridge Press' is the 'Cambridge University Press'; he had thought that a privately printed book should come out with a press like the Chelsea or the Golden Cockerel who specialised in such things, but Trevelyan is the best judge. Thinks 200 copies will be enough. G. [Marie Germanova] will be glad to see Julian and Ursula. Is finding the weather trying: India is 'a horrible place to live in; nature is never unobtrusive or reticent'.

TRER/16/122 · Item · 4 Apr 1932
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

4, Rue Nungesser et Coli, Paris 16me. - Thanks Mrs Trevelyan for her 'dear, kind invitation'; would like to come as soon as she can, as she feels very tired and Andrusha [her son] looks 'pale and thin after his brilliant effort'; also she hopes to get some work with Pitoeff or as a 'figurante' [extra]. Is worried about getting visas, so perhaps Mr Trevelyan could get the authorities to help. Alexandre Petrevitch [her husband] is very glad she will get some rest and sends his thanks. Andrusha is looking forward very much to seeing England. He wants to be an engineer and would benefit from any practice, 'even elementary'; he is interested equally in work in a foundry or factory, and his ambition at the moment to be a low-paid pupil to a workman to learn the basics. His school is called Glarisegg, and is near Steckborn am Budensee in Switzerland. He would like to study in future at the Politechnicum in Zurich. Hopes they will see the Trevelyans soon, and Andrusha can explain everything himself.

TRER/16/123 · Item · 8 Nov 1932
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

4, Rue Nungesser et Coli, Paris 16. - Very kind of Mrs Trevelyan to have thought about Andrusha; she has sent her letter on to him, and is sure he will be 'happy to meet this interesting family'. They are following him in their 'thoughts and anxiety' in his new life as a student. She had hoped a friend would have him as a lodger in her house, but she does has moved away from Zurich and shut it up; however, the friend has kindly given him a room in her gardener's house, which has a little stove for heating and cooking, though he eats lunch at the student canteen. The house is a 'little far from the Politechnical School', but it is healthy being up on a hill overlooking the lake and they economise on rent; she worries about him spending his money on cinema tickets or 'other foolish things' and not food but it is good experience for him to 'regulate' his own life. Very touching how much he enjoys study; hopes he will make good friends.

Glad to have met [Bernard] Berenson and Miss [Nicky] Mariano; felt as if they have 'known each other already'; thanks Mr Trevelyan for making them acquainted. She does not 'play now' [is not acting?] unfortunately; has 'some work in view' but not until January, and not with Pitoeff's company, though a 'very interesting part as a mother'. She was offered the part of a Russian princess in a play written by a female French writer which involved threatening a servant with a 'knout'; this is 'all very ridiculous and very sad'; this 'myth' about the Russian is 'so unjust and unkind'. She has therefore sent back the part today and found 'some excuse' not to play it, as she would be unable to face her friends, including princesses and countesses, 'so courageous and distinguished in their misfortune of refugees'. [Hasan Shahid] Suhrawardy laughed a great deal when she read out her part to him and her husband; they have both supported her in renouncing the part. Suhrawardy has begun to work in preparation for his lectures in Calcutta; she is very happy for him. Reksushka [the dog] is 'such a dear'; he looks so sad when Andrusha goes away; he did however knock her over when she was walking him so that she hurt her knee and could not walk for two days.

TRER/16/124 · Item · 13 Feb 1933
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

4, Rue Nungesser et Coli, Paris XVI. - Thanks Mrs Trevelyan for inviting her to the Shiffolds when she comes to London; afraid she will not be able to spend the night there due to the times of her performances [in Hjalmar Bergman's "Joe et Cie"] and the fact that she is rehearsing for another play at Baty's theatre in Montparnasse and can only be away briefly. Very glad that the Trevelyans will see the play on Friday; is 'anxious' to know what they think of her 'old Rosalie' [her character'], and they can arrange her visit then as she is afraid to settle anything beforehand in case it goes wrong. Is not well, and is having injections for her weak heart, but her doctor promises she will be stronger soon. Rex is 'such a devoted dog', and stays near her when she has her injections; since the weather is cold and their apartment is high up he does not get enough walks and 'is getting fat and gouty, poor thing'. Her husband is, as usual, 'so kind and patient' about her and Rex's 'caprices'. Her son only writes short postcards as he is very busy with drawing plans of machines; thinks he is happy.

TRER/6/124 · Item · 19 Aug 1937
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

21, Theatre Road, Calcutta (on University of Calcutta printed notepaper). - If Trevelyan thinks the "Acacia Tree" is below standard, he should not print it: Suhrawardy has sent it because of [A.E.] Coppard's letter and because Aldous Huxley had liked it and included it in his 'first literary venture' [the "Palatine Review", see 6/124]. Was worried in case the book would seem 'amateurishly slight'. Is upset because he has had a letter today from [Marie] Germanova saying they [she and her husband Kalitinsky] are going to move to a small three-roomed flat and let 14 Nungesser et Coli, saving less than fifteen pounds a year; he wants them to live as comfortably as they can since they are 'all three' [including the dog, Rex] old. For their last days there, they will have Bev and [their son] Andrée there, as well as his own nephew who has finished his school at Hastings and Germanova's nephew from Russia. Is so glad Julian and Ursula went to see them. Asks if there is still time to get three hundred copies of the poems instead of two hundred: it may be possible to sell some; only wants two hundred to be bound. Calcutta 'humming with political excitement' about the Andaman convicts on hunger strike; students are out in the streets protesting against the government, in which his brother (whom Trevelyan once met) is the Labour Minister. Asks how Bessie's eyes are, and whether Trevelyan had heard of Ross Masood's sudden death; he was [E.M.] Forster's friend.

TRER/6/125 · Item · 20 Sept 1937
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

21, Theatre Road, Calcutta (on University of Calcutta printed notepaper). - Received the proofs [of his poems: "Essays in Verse"] this morning; has made corrections and returns them by air-mail. Asks if it is possible to delete the word 'privately' on the first page: he is only having the poems printed due to Trevelyan's encouragement, and because they may enable him to get a better post, but a collection which is labelled as 'privately printed' will have no influence in India. Detailed list of corrections and alterations. The book is 'beautifully printed'; comments on what he would prefer for binding, since this is the only book of poems he will get printed in his life. Tagore has been very ill; if he had died this would have been a 'deep personal loss'; he has recovered, but Suhrawardy does not think he will be able to do much work now. The plan is for him to write text-books in Bengali for small children, to be distributed free to Calcutta schools: this was Suhrawardy's idea. G. [Marie Germanova] has written to say she is comfortable in her new flat; Rex [the dog] has a playground; she mentioned Julian and Ursula's visit. Asks if Trevelyan has visited the Exhibition. Feels very unwell. Hopes a commission to classify a nobleman's paintings will take him to Hyderabad for the holidays. Still would like the "Acacia Tree" if it can be included among the early poems, and would like the "Old Man's Songs" to be dedicated to L.M.

TRER/16/125 · Item · 1 Mar 1933
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

4, Rue Nungesser et Coli, Paris XVI. - Thanks 'Elisaveta Ivanovna' for showing such concern about her own 'poor naughty heart'. Reksuchka [the dog] was 'so mad with joy' when she got back that it was 'imposssible' for her husband to hug her; then when she had to go to a rehearsal he 'put his paw on her foot, as if to stop [her]'. The theatre did not mind her absence [for a performance in London]; they have had a dress rehearsal already, and the costumes are 'very pretty, but rather heavy'; everyone is nervous about the play ["Crime and Punishment?"] so rehearsals are long. Does not know what she would do without her husband; he asks her to send his thanks to the Trevelyans for their kindness to her. She would be very happy to rest at the Shiffolds, which is 'a dream'; hopes God will let her do that. Managed to avoid sea-sickness on her crossing by praying. Thinks "Anna Karenina" is the 'best of Tolstoi's novels'. She acted the part of Anna for the cinema in Russia in 1914, and was 'so wrapped in the part' she 'studied all the smallest movements of her [Anna's] heart'; they wanted to put it on in the theatre, but Tolstoy, unlike Dostoevsky, is hard to transfer to the stage without losing his 'charm'. Very glad to know the Shiffolds and be able to picture them all there; asks to be remembered to 'Robert Egoritch' and Julian - who 'as usually' was right about the train. Looks forward to Elizabeth visiting her in Paris.

TRER/16/126 · Item · 10 Jun 1934
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

26 rue de la Tourelle, Boulogne s[ur]/S[eine]. - Work is a marvellous thing: she felt quite well when acting all through the winter, but as soon as she stopped, she fell ill; this is why she has not written for so long. She has had a very troublesome attack of asthma; fortunately the Suhrawardys had left, since she found the father very tiring. It was very sad to let 'notre [Hasan Shahid' Suhrawardy' leave when she was so ill; made one wonder whether they would see each other again. Knows this illness has a depressing effect, but there is good reason for sadness. Things are quiet and 'un peu "lonely"' at their house, except for Reksaucha [the dog]'s vigorous bursts of life; her husband goes to the market, and tells her about his exploits with the traders, wanting to make her laugh; sometimes she cries and finds it soothing; she prays, and can do a little cooking and 'make our flat tidy' [written in English]. She remembers the Trevelyans' house as a 'dream of cleanliness and order'; how splendid the days she spent there were.

TRER/6/126 · Item · [late 1937-early 1938]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

21, Theatre Road, Calcutta (on University of Calcutta printed notepaper). - Has tennis-elbow from playing badminton. The books [his "Essays in Verse"] arrived at the beginning of the week: they are beautifully printed and he is very grateful. It is sad they are a little too late to help him get the jobs he wanted, but he may not have succeeded anyway. Is glad Trevelyan has sent copies to the people he mentions: does not see Desmond MacCarthy's name on the list; hopes he will send one, as he would much like to hear his opinion. Asks for copies also to be sent to: [Marie] Germanova: Edwyn Bevan: Brian Lunn: Amelie Brázdová; [Monica] Bridges or Elizabeth [Daryush]; Alison Hooper of Monkswood, Great Hallingbury; Malcolm Muggeridge at "Time and Tide"; Mrs Ikramullah; Simone Téry; and B [Bev] Kalitinsky. Is negotiating with Macmillans to try to bring out the book in India. Would be good if Trevelyan could have a hundred copies sent over; asks what the book should be priced, in shillings. Feels much closer to Trevelyan now there is airmail. Will soon have out a book of essays about art, called "Prefaces" since 'all knowledge we possess is a preface to real knowledge... the Indian idea'. Is also bringing out the first of a series about Bengal folk art which the University is publishing under his general editorship. Saw Tagore a fortnight ago when he came to stage 'one of his new social plays', which Suhrawardy appreciates; he spoke 'very affectionately' about Trevelyan; he is disturbed about Japanese aggression in the Far East, contrasting the Japanese and Chinese instinct to court death like moths to the flame with the Indian 'habit of slow annihilation of self'; he has had to shave his hair and beard after his illness and so sees few people but 'still appears beautiful'. Asks Trevelyan to let him know readers' opinions of his book, particularly Bessie and Julian's.

A postscript notes that he has only received five copies of the book, though Trevelyan had said he was sending fifty; asks if Birrell and Garnett could take some copies for sale to 'curious Indian students'.

TRER/16/127 · Item · 6 Oct 1934
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

26 rue de la Tourelle, Boulogne s[ur]/Seine. - Wrote yesterday to Mr Trevelyan and had the urge to chat to them; pictured their house and them clearly when she was writing so she is continuing today in order 'to stay there again'. Also wanted to tell Mrs Trevelyan about a charming place, excellent for rest: Bagnoles sur l'Orne. Took a very short cure there because of her sister, who came to Paris this autumn to get well: she drove her there, but had to leave her to go and act at Vichy. Returning a week later, she was struck by the improvement in her sister, and she herself seemed to benefit from her short stay there. Describes the surroundings and the treatments available there. Thought of Mrs Trevelyan and recommends the place if she would like a cure. Men also take cures there; mainly priests who suffer from being on their feet a great deal.

This summer has passed quickly: she appeared three times at Vichy, spent two weeks at Bagnoles with her sister, and between these visits spending time with André [her son], at home working at a factory, and her sister. Was very glad to see her son after three years. Unfortunately she could not take a rest cure at Bagnoles since she had to act at Lyons, and it is only now that her sister and son have gone and she, 'also unfortunately' has no work that she can rest a little; but she feels much better. She is busy 'knocking on the doors' of theatres, directors and cinemas looking for work. They had news from [Hasan Shahid] Suhrawardy two or three weeks ago, having been very worried about him because of the typhoon in Japan; André even went to the English shipping company to ask about his ship. Poor Suhrawardy is very lonely over there; he 'rejoiced like a child in his voyage', and she is very glad he made it. André received a very good certificate from the factory where he did voluntary work this summer; it appears that his work was so useful that after he left they invited a young engineer to continue it. She would like him to be a 'good man as well as a good engineer'; asked Mr Trevelyan in her letter yesterday to help him with his naturalisation; also asks Mrs Trevelyan to be André's friend and support him, which he deserves: he is very conscientious and works hard. He is 'amorous' by nature, but talks of his 'foolish experience' with Elvyra [?] as a good lesson; she still fears however that women are 'always a danger' despite his experiences. He was very kind, attentive and affectionate this summer. A shame she could not see Julian and his wife on either of their two visits to Paris since she was out of town. She thinks often of the Trevelyans.

TRER/16/128 · Item · 28 Dec 1934
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

26 rue de la Tourelle, Boulogne s[ur]/Seine. - Very happy to see Mr Trevelyan, Julian and his wife [Ursula]: Mr Trevelyan looks well and seemed his old self from before his operation; most 'invigourating [sic]' to talk to him about the theatre; she explained how she 'managed the chorus in Medea'. Ursula is 'so quiet, so peaceful and trustful', with something 'so true about her', and Julian is 'radiant' with happiness, and 'now a man'. Very good of him to bring Ursula to see them; Andrusha was there too. He is now 'friendly with a Canadian girl' [Laura Beverley Robinson?] who is nice: 'egoistic, as all the young ones [are]', but she 'works, and has lot[s] of energy'. Maria is not sure how to act towards her; thinks the 'best thing to be tolerant and a little blind', but sometimes this seems 'cinical [sic]'. Worried that André does not sleep enough because of his work; lets him sleep very late when he is here, even though this means he does not have much time with her. She, her husband and son all send best wishes for a happy new year.

TRER/16/129 · Item · 5 Sept 1935
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

26 rue de la Tourelle, Boulogne s[ur]/Seine. - Has been a long time since she wrote, or heard anything from Mrs Trevelyan; time passes, or seems to pass, so quickly. Always feels the desire in autumn to review what she has done in the year, and the 'balance' this year is not brilliant: had no work all winter and feels foolish and numb. André did not succeed with his naturalisation, which was very discouraging; he will try again in 1936 when he will have had ten years in Switzerland; they should not refuse him then. It was a blow to her: they had economised for André's education, and the last stages of any goal are always the hardest; courage and patience are needed; particularly hard for [her and her husband] who are 'foreigners/strangers everywhere'. Afraid that she will have no work this winter as well. Fortunately her health has improved. Very sad that [Hasan Shahid] Suhrawardy did not come this summer; their friendship is still strong and they miss him a great deal; in his last letter he said his father had a plan of coming in May 1936. Wonders what will happen: 'all Europe, almost all the world, lives from day to day'. Asks for news from Mrs Trevelyan; hopes Julian and his wife are well; asks if they stayed with her this summer.

TRER/16/130 · Item · 12 Oct 1935
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

26 rue de la Tourelle, Boulogne s[ur]/Seine. - Very touched to receive Mrs Trevelyan's letter: knows her eyes are weak and it is an effort to write. Apologises for not answering at once: kept postponing the decision not to visit. Cannot come as it is the time when theatres in Paris make arrangements and she cannot afford to miss any offer. She has a part, but it is 'not very pleasant': very small and uninteresting, playing a comic charwoman. She is not ambitious to play big parts, but it is a 'very ungrateful task' to play small parts with Pitoeff's theatre company, as he does not care about them, and just makes them 'only a background for himself and his wife'; also he has the habit of not paying his actors. Her husband and son do not want her to take the part, seeing it as a 'compromise with [her] artistic conscience', but she is not brave enough to refuse; has always agreed that there 'are no bad parts, only bad actors', so will try her best. Not 'very agreeable' that the play is 'bolchevik', but she must say it is good. Has done four days film work recently, which she much enjoyed; hopes to be asked again as she thinks they were pleased with her work. It is a French film called "Rose" [directed by Raymond Rouleau], in which she plays a peasant woman, mother of a young man who is a chauffeur: it was a very small role, but she loved it, and her family said she said she looked much younger after the few days work. Apologises for talking so much about herself, but she enjoys it so much, and the thought of Mrs Trevelyan's 'warm attention and sympathie [sic]... stimulates [her] courage'. Is very glad to hear about Julian, and asks to be remembered kindly to him and his wife.