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Archivistische beschrijving
TRER/21/33 · Stuk · 14 Jan 1941
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Westridge Farm House, Streatley, Berks. - Sends 'rather belated' thanks for Bob's translations ["Translations from Horace, Juvenal and Montaigne, with Two Imaginary Conversations"] and for the "Epistle [to Joan Allen]" he sent to Binyon and [his wife] Cicely. Cicely has been suffering from erysipelas; it is a 'very debilitating disease', and he had to take her to stay with her brother [Valentine?]in Sussex; they returned last week. Congratulates Bob on the 'suppleness of the verse', just right for translating Horace; would have liked Bob to translate some of the "Odes", but expects he is right that it is 'quite impossible to repeat the miracles of placing [emphasised]' in an uninflected language like English. Much enjoyed the "Imaginary Conversations", and thinks them a 'pleasant way of writing literary criticism'; encourages Bob to do more, as he 'write[s] such excellent prose (like all good poets)'; asks if Bob feels he is 'trespassing on Landor'. Thinks he has succeeded in 'suffusing all the elements of the book... with a wholeness of atmosphere, wise and mellow'; enjoys this, though he cannot share in it completely, since he does not 'really feel at home in the Roman world', and has an 'obstinate streak of the mystic' which he is sure Bob would disapprove of. Had already given a copy of the book to his son-in-law [Humphrey HIggens], a teacher at St Paul's school, who has read some of the Horace with his pupils and 'much admired' Bob's translations. Only has one more canto of [Dante's] "Paradiso" to translate, but Macmillan has 'lost so heavily' on the first two volumes of the Divine Comedy that he is not keen to publish the last at the moment; however, he has agreed to publish a new book of Binyon's poetry "[The North Star"], which Binyon will send Bob when it come out, perhaps in spring. Knows Bob must mind not being able to take his usual trip to Italy; expect he has heard about their five months in Greece last year, which were 'very enjoyable and interesting', though Binyon would have found Athens a 'dull place' if he had not been so busy with his lectures and the weather was bad much of the time. They flew home all of the way. Supposes Bob hears nothing direct from B.B. [Bernard Berenson]; hears Mrs [Eugénie?] Strong has been 'turned out of her flat in Rome'. Asks how Bessie is; he and Cicely send their love to her, and to the [Sturge] Moores if they are still with the Trevelyans.