Refers to Sidgwick's letter to her mother, and thanks him for saying 'such nice things' for her [Katherine]. Expresses happiness at the news that Sidgwick is getting on well. Praises her mother, and expresses her own happiness. Reports that they drove down to Wiesen that afternoon; describes the scenery and refers to the Landwasser. Claims that the Züge remains one of the finest things she knows. Thinks that it will be hard to leave Am Hof, since it is the place that she associates with the whole of her happy life. Is glad that they are going out to her mother for the winter. Announces that she goes to England in early September, and hopes to be married about 18 October. Refers to the Sidgwicks' kindness to her when she was young.
Furse, Dame Katharine (1875-1952), nursing and military administrator.Regrets that Symonds is too ill to come to Rugby; Henry would like his mother to have met Mrs Symonds, of whom he is very fond. Is unsure when he shall come to visit his mother, but mentions some time in Passion Week, if she has room for him. Is glad to hear that she had a pleasant visit at Oxford. Refers to William and his health problems, and to the probable benefits to him of 'the change of scene and work.' Remarks that the Universities are full of change and restlessness, and that 'there is very little prospect of [ ] for most people who stay on there at present.' Refers to Trevelyan and his regret at not being able to assist their 'young friend' [Horton]. Does not know what to do for the latter now, but promises that if he sees his way 'to earwigging any other eminent statesman', he will. Asks if she has read Patterson's book, which he may review 'in the Academy.'
Expresses her delight at the receipt of his book the previously night. Claims that she will not understand its subject, but that if she could send it forth to the world 'with a mother's loving dedication, it would be that all the philosophical world would be the better for reading it.' Hopes that 'they' have written to him from Rugby to tell him that they are meeting on 4 January, and informs him that 'A[rthur] S[idgwick] and Charlotte have their visit at N[ ] and the Chancery first, and don't get home again until Sat: 2[nd] Jan[uary].' States that William's work was to end the previous day, but that he has had a bad cold, and Isabel and his [son] have also been ill. Invites him to go to Oxford, and suggests that they all go to Rugby together. Mentions Henry's friends, and declares that she doesn't know what the Greens' plans are. Reports that she has seen a good deal of them, and that 'they are most kind.' Reports that Mrs Symonds was with them a short time ago, and 'just as [she] was going to have a nice [ ] [ ] with her, a telegram came to say that one of her children was in scarlet fever and she must go home.' Adds that it turned out that the fever 'was of a mild kind'. Presumes that he is 'still engaged with work for the Ladies', and insists that he take a holiday. Reports that Arthur Benson has had a rheumatic attack 'just as he was going in for the Term's Examination at Eton - and so missed it - which grieves him.' States that he was expected at home on Thursday or Friday, and that Martin comes home from Winchester the following Wednesday. Adds that Minnie and Edward are both well, but that the family could not join the 'Rugby party'.
Reports that Minnie kept her well-informed about Henry when at Lincoln, and that his own letter told her more. Refers to his activities with regard to his lectures and book. Asks him to go to Rugby around Christmas, 'when A[rthur] S[idgwick] wishes to assemble [them] for his house warming.' Adds that Minnie and Edward cannot go because their boys will just have arrived home from school. Expresses a strong wish that he should come to Oxford. Adds that Mr Green has been asking her when Henry is coming. Reports that William and Isabel are recovering from colds. Asks if he had told her that Captain and Mrs Go[ ] lived at Cambridge, and asks him to send her the address of Mrs Go[ ]'s sister Be[ ]. Informs him that his godson Willy [Longsden] 'has been doing better lately + is promoted to a "Top hat" ' at Merchant Taylors' school.
Reports that the Committee of the Association for the Education of Women at Manchester have asked Miss Cannan to be Secretary 'for that [work] where she lives - [ ] Prestwick.' Suggests that Miss Clough might like to be informed of this. Claims that she is 'still in rather a mess with carpenter + masons + painters to follow.' Adds that she has two comfortable beds to offer to friends, and tells him to bear it in mind if he wishes to go to Oxford. States that William and Isabel would be pleased to see him [and Nora] and that Mr Green and his wife always have a welcome for him. Reports tha the Symondses have come home from Switzerland. Reports that Edward Sidgwick wrote to her to tell her another daughter of his was born some weeks previously. States that he was much interested in what Henry had to say about spriritualism, and that their friends the Cooksons told them that Henry was at the Lakes and talking on the subject.
Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry SidgwickRegrets to say that he will not see William the following week. Reports that the latter has written to say that he does not feel well enough to come to the 'Ad Eundem'. Informs her that the marmalade has arrived, 'and is very nice.' Asks her to tell Arthur that they 'lost "the whole ticket" at the elections to Council.' Does not think that it will much matter, and states that '[t]he questions which are coming to the front now in Academic affairs are not of a party character.' Regrets to see that the same state of affairs does not exist 'in the metropolis: and that the worst features of Parliamentary Elections are to be introduced into the Elections of school-boards in the Metropolis'. States that he allowed his name to be put on Miss [Garrett]'s committee for Marylebone. Has learnt that the elections are to cost about £1,000 per candidate, and Miss [Garrett], 'standing on principles of peculiar p[ ] will only spend £500.' Adds that it is 'a terrible waste of money.' Reports that Trevelyan has been there 'in a very triumphant and anti-military state.' Quotes Seeley on opposition to a reform. Asks her opinion of Myers' last poem in Macmillan['s Magazine]. Thinks it 'very fine', and remarks that Myers' ability 'to write anything so like Pope shows great versatility of style.' Adds that he is glad that she liked Catherine Symonds.
Assures her that he has no prejudice against the commemoration of New Year's Day, but owns to be 'not...very susceptible to the influence of conventional divisions of time...' Glad to hear that her stay at Hastings was a success and that she has been better; all his associations with Hastings are connected with the long illness and funeral of a good friend of his [John Jermyn Cowell]. Reports that he had a delightful visit at Clifton, and believes that Symonds was 'better than usual'. Remarks, however, that Mrs Symonds 'does not look very well', but that the children 'were thiving'. Spent three days at Wellington College, and judged Mary to be 'as well as could be expected'. Refers briefly to her baby (Robert Hugh Benson). Reports that two Miss Wordsworths [probably daughters of Christopher Wordsworth, including Elizabeth Wordsworth] were there, whom he thought 'remarkably pleasant and interesting'. Observes that Edward seemed overworked, but in good form. In relation to 'the Rugby news', does not know whether to be sorry or glad, and says that 'Basil Hammond...says "glad".' With regard to Frank Horton, declares that he has fair abilities, and hopes that he will take second class honours. Observes that he is 'very well disposed and industrious', and reports that his tutor 'thinks that he ought to get a first class in the College Examination at the end of the year, which will secure him a sizarship.' Sends his love to his aunt Henrietta, and hopes that his mother enjoys her visit to Brighton.
Reports that Mrs A.H. Clough called on her that afternoon, and mentioned a proposed scheme for the furtherance of female education, which her sister-in-law, Miss Clough, is very anxious to carry out. She suggested that several schools in a large town could unite and be lectured to by a 'well-educated man from one of the Universities' on a given subject. She asked Mary Sidgwick to mention this scheme to William, having been told by Arthur that there was no such man available at Rugby. Announces that Miss Clough is to go down to Liverpool soon to make enquiries about the schools there.
Reports that Mrs Clough is staying at the Schoolhouse in Rugby, and that she enquired about William, and was anxious to know how Miss Brooks was received at Stone Gappe. Mary Sidgwick passed on news of her, which she had learnt from William Lace. Is glad to hear that William is 'better in spirits', and that his work is not too much for him. Reports that Mrs Acland informed her that Lady Brodie was sending her eldest daughter to the Miss Louis' school near London, to which Miss Cannan sent her 'little charge' Mary [ ]. Adds that one of the Moult[ ]'s 'musical cousins - a Miss Salt' has been giving lessons there....' Reports that Ernest Crofts has been staying at Rugby for a few days, and remarks that he seems really in earnest about his occupation. Reports that Arthur is very well, and that Mrs Symonds has been at Rugby for a few days. [Incomplete].
Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry SidgwickRegrets that he and Nora cannot go to Cheltenham as his brother William and his wife are due to visit them, and then they are to go to the Symonds'. States that they must put off their arrival at Newcastle 'till the 2d: in order to s[ ] a day at Lincoln'. Reports that Edward White Benson is to be the new bishop of Truro. Asks Myers how he has got on with D[ ] 'in the intervals...of reading Mahaffy's reply!' Asks him to tell him 'how Jebb takes it'.
Refers to the current number 'of the [American] Outlook [6 Oct 1906]' sent to her by her friend Miss Sington, part of which she now encloses [included]. It contains a review of Henry Sidgwick: A Memoir by H. Addinton Bruce, which Sington believed Ewart would like to see, and suggested that it should be shown to Nora, or to someone at Newnham College. Expresses the desire to introduce Sington to Nora, and hopes to do so when the latter goes to her flat the following February.
Reports that she spent September at A[rmadale?], opposite R[um], and spent two days with Madge and Mr Vaughan and their four children. Adds that she spent a day in August with Katharine's nurse, and her mother and boys. States that that Katharine and her mother 'are enlarging the garden before they move to Lyme Regis', and that Katharine will probably go to Davos in the winter.
Refers to their recent conversation, and clarifies his and Nora's plans in relation to holidays, and their possible visit to her. Explains that they intend to go to the Alps for the end of June and the beginning of July if Nora finds 'that she can miss the Higher Level Examination without neglect of duty'. Mentions that that destination 'is the only complete cure for hayfever', and adds that they would be the guests of the Symondses, 'who are in permanent exile at Davos.' States that if Nora cannot miss the examination, they will go to visit Minnie and Edward from 13 to 18 June, and that they shall be able to make up their minds early in May, after Miss Gladstone has returned. Also discusses the possibility of Nelly [Benson] being sent to Newnham College, and Henry's views in relation to such a move.
Reminicence of George Butler
Correction to the above
Expresses her delight that Nora is to give her a copy of Henry Sidgwick: A Memoir; Nora will miss it now, though it must be 'a comfort that the responsibility is out of [her] hands.' Remarks also on 'how infinitely pathetic' to her must have been the work of that last dictated bit of autobiography', and states that no one ever lived in his letters as Henry did. Has kept 'that last little note' which Henry wrote to her, which came to her 'at [Mary] Ewarts'. There are 'too many people still left to whom [Henry] was a real friend as well as teacher' for the book to remain unread.
Reports that Katharine is at Davos, that the latter's boys are with her [in Lyme Regis], and that they and Katharine were all at Am Hof with her 'until the last days came.' States that she and [ ] are going to live together at Y[ickley] as soon as the Leafs leave it. Does not know if the arrangement will work out or not. She intends to return to Lyme Regis the following winter. Wishes that the house were really her own. Reports that she heard from Baron von Hügel some days previously. Fears that she has been very ill. Expresses her desire to come to see 'both of them' and Nora 'one day soon'.
Reports that he 'got a little out of order' on the journey from Cannes, and resolves to take care of himself; cannot uses his 'eyes or brain' for an hour or two after dinner 'or - dyspepsia'. States that he has much work to do. Regrets that he missed seeing Arthur before he left. Declares that he enjoyed the Mediterranean air. Reports that he found out Mrs Plunkett, who asked after his mother. He travelled to Cannes with Mr Otto Goldschmidt, 'a most neat - vivacious little man', whose wife [Jenny Lind] is 'rather a swell at Cannes: but not popular' as far as he could tell. Describes the scenic delights of Mentone. Reports that Symonds is very ill, and that his wife looked 'worn and anxious.' Wonders if William will come over to Cambridge that term.
[Sent from Clifton]:- Announces that he has just arrived in Bristol, having left the Pauls the previous day. Reports that Mrs Paul asked after his mother. States that he enjoyed his visit there and in London. Remarks that Paul has got very nice children. Reports that Mrs Symonds has just had a little girl [Madge], but that he has been assured that he is not in the way. Refers to his mother's last letter in which she had discussed views on religious subjects. Believes that 'English religious society is going through a great crisis...and it will probably become impossible soon to conceal from any body the extent to which rationalistic views are held, and the extent of their deviation from traditional opinion.' Refers to the fact that the Ritualists 'are determined to burn altar lights after all.' Would like the Church 'to include the ritualists'. Reports that Noel has brought out a volume of poems, which he undertakes to send to her. Asks her to tell Arthur that he has 'nearly evolved both the major and the minor premiss [sic] of [their] practical syllogism', and that 13 February is the 'Ad Eundem day', and that he is to write to Reynolds.