Sends a copy of a report of the National Society for the Education of the Poor, suggests dimensions of an unidentified building
Sep 1823
Part of Papers of the Monk and Sanford families
Add. MS c/52/170
12 Oct. 1852
Part of Additional Manuscripts c
RJ's lectures are yet to be worked into a book. He is thinking of re-writing the first five lectures into a popular manner: 'I like them well enough but the lads complain that they are very hard reading and perhaps I can make them a better platform to support the whole superstructure'. RJ would rather visit WW when he is alone since his spirits are too uncertain for the society of semi-strangers. After learning that John S. Mill called RJ a blood hound, Joshua Watson once said to RJ 'if you are obliged to throw a stone at a dog it is a pleasure to hear him howl. I am half tempted to treat him to another howl or two before I finish with him'.
20 Jan 1834
Part of Papers of the Monk and Sanford families