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TRER/15/65 · Item · 9 May 1930
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

May try to come to Cambridge before the end of the month. Bessie went abroad on Thursday. C.A. [Clifford Allen] is much better, it will be some time until he and Joan can travel abroad. Joan has chicken-pox and is in quarantine. Does not know about the Waterfields: they have had a lot of paying guests at Aulla, until one, 'a young man from Oxford, suddenly lost his memory and more or less went mad, and is being looked after at Poggio [Gherardo] with nurses'. Expects the Waterfields will go to Aulla soon if the young man can be sent home, but then [their children] Johnny and Kinta will probably come out to visit. Had thought of arranging for the Allens to stay when Clifford is strong enough, but it is unclear when that would be. The Waterfields want him to visit, but he cannot go abroad until the building plans for the Shiffolds are settled, probably by August; may then go to Aulla for a while and on to the Berensons at Vallombrosa. Thinks Julian should write to Lina and ask if he could stay as a paying guest, though he should remember there is not as much space at Aulla as at Poggio, and if the Allens could go they should have preference. Currently here alone, but will go to London on Monday for [Wagner's] "Rheingold with the "Walkyrie [sic]" on Thursday. Desmond [MacCarthy] printed his epistle to him in the May "Life & Letters", but forgot to use the corrected proof, so there are '5 monstrous misprints'. Hopes Julian is finding some time to do some reading. Unsure whether he will be able to come to Cambridge next week. Asks when Julian's exams are, and how he likes Granville Barker's "Shakespeare"

TRER/25/2 · File · 1921-1924
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

3 press clippings, Jan-Apr 1921: piece on Aeschylus' "Oresteia", put on as the Cambridge Greek Play, by its director J. T. Sheppard from the "Cambridge Review"; brief note from the "Holborn Review" of the text of the trilogy, as presented at Cambridge, with facing English translation by Trevelyan; 'Editorial Notes' from the "Holborn Review" comparing lines from Trevelyan's translation with that of Gilbert Murray.

24 press clippings (plus a few duplicates) , mostly reviews of Trevelyan's full translation of the "Oresteia", Jan 1923-Nov/Dec 1923, from: the "Scotsman"; the "Daily Herald" (two copies); the "Aberdeen Journal"; the "Guardian" (two copies); the "Times" (also reviewing a Loeb Library translation of the "Suppliant Maidens" etc by H. Weir Smyth and a verse translation of Aeschylus by G. M. Cookson), with a following letter by J. T. Sheppard correcting some points about the performances by Cambridge University students; the ""Sheffield Daily Telegraph"; the "Saturday Review"; the "Daily News"; the "Manchester Guardian"; the "New Statesman" (two copies; by 'J.T.S' - J. T. Sheppard - which also reviews G. M. Cookson's "Four Plays of Aeschylus"); the "Saturday Review" (selection of Trevelyan's translation as a prize in a chess competition); the "Highway" (two copies); the "Hallam Review" (also reviewing "Translation and Translations" by J. P. Postgate); the "Yorkshire Post"; the "Liverpool Daily Post and Mercury"; the "Educational Times"; the "Glasgow Herald"; the "Isis" (a review of Gilbert Murray's translation of the "Choephoroe", comparing it favourably with Trevelyan's); piece by Gilbert Murray from the "Nation & Athenaeum", "Thoughts on Verse Translation from the Greek", which mentions Trevelyan's work; the "Observer (also reviewing Murray's "Chorephoroe"); the "Classical Review" (two copies: with other classical translations); the "London Mercury". Also from this span of dates is a piece from the "Daily News", 30 Jan 1923, regarding an argument between Lascelles Abercrombie and Sir Charles Walston on whether Darwin's "Origin of Species" can be considered a work of art.

6 press clippings, June-July, relating to the performance on tour of the "Oresteia" in Trevelyan's translation by the Balliol Players. Most report a special performance given at Thomas Hardy's house, Max Gate in Dorchester, to Hardy and his wife, Granville Barker and his wife, and Sidney Cockerell. From: the "Times"; the "Daily News"; the "Daily Mail"; the "Daily Chronicle"; the "Westminster Gazette".

Press clipping, 21 Jan 1926, from the "Oxford Magazine", reviewing E. S. Hoernle's "Choric Songs from Aeschylus"; Hoernle criticises Trevelyan's translation in the introduction.

21 printed order forms by the University Press of Liverpool for Trevelyan's translation of the "Oresteia".

Most press cuttings sent to Trevelyan by Durrant's Press Cuttings.