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MONK/C/1/133 · Unidad documental simple · 1 Jan 1848
Parte de Papers of the Monk and Sanford families

Hopes he will meet up with a travelling companion, visit to Gloucestershire without J H Monk who was ill, Mr Waddington has sent Trinity audit ale, R D Hampden's supposed appointment to the see of Hereford disapproved of, Sir Edwyn Stanhope's Christmas party, restoration of Hereford Cathedral hampered by the unpopularity of the John Merewether, the Dean, [who had wished to be bishop himself], Hereford Ball, Gibbons carvings

MONK/C/1/134 · Unidad documental simple · 18 Feb 1848
Parte de Papers of the Monk and Sanford families

Thinks he is sufficiently acquainted with Mr Horton for them to travel together, pleased he is to go to Naples and Sicily, Tom [ ] regrets not taking a degree but has the post of attaché, appointment of J B Sumner to the see of Canterbury " a blow to the church", Lord John Russell has attempted to unite the low church and radicals, met the Bishops of Madras and Antigua collegting for the SPG