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TRER/10/44 · Item · 7 Jan 1906
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Pleasant to get Elizabeth's letter 'with an atmosphere of Italy about it'; was very sorry to leave Rome; the journey home was not pleasant but they 'arrived without misadventure'. Spent a day in London; Janet and George came to lunch; she seems well but George is tired, having been working hard to finish his Meredith book ["The Poetry and Philosophy of George Meredith"]. He is going now to 'electioneer' for Charlie and F[rancis Dyke] Acland; was in a 'very pessimistic modd', but she thinks things are 'very promising'. Is not sure about the local constituency; the candidate [Malcolm Kincaid-Smith] is 'not very good, & it can hardly be won', but 'even Birmingham is fluttered' and Lionel [Holland] is said to have hopes. Aunt Margaret has gone to stay at the 'Plough & Harrow Hotel' in Edgbaston to be near him; they are much amused and only hope she does not over-tire herself. Sir George is 'fairly well'; expects he will be all right when he gets to work. Cooper [Elizabeth Cooper, cook?] has come to Welcombe with them; she can get about but is not to work this month. They will be very quiet this month; she is not going to Charlie's election; is sure Mary will be a 'capital help'. Mrs Whitby has 'taken them all in - Pauline and nurse [Lister?] included!'. Glad Elizabeth had 'an amusing dance & fête'; asks how long they will stay, and if Robert's work is going well. Asks her to remind Robert to write to Sir George. Asks what Mr [Aubrey] Waterfield is painting. The Burlington House collection is 'not large, but well worthy seeing'; there is a 'most delightful Franz Hals' and much else. They have brought many new books to Welcombe: 'Holman Hunt, [Herbert Paul's life of] Froude, Churchill [Winston's Churchill's life of his father Randolph, etc etc' but spend much time reading newspapers. Has 'an election map to mark' and the accounts to do. G[eorge], J[anet] and Mary are coming to stay after the election. Booa is glad to have the Trevelyans back. The 'heating answers very well'.

TRER/18/135 · Item · 24 Apr 1943
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Shiffolds. - Is sending the Prime Minister a report of a speech given by his father at the Whitefriars Club dinner, about forty years ago, which he recently found amongst his papers. If Churchill has not seen it before, thinks he will be interested in what Sir George Trevelyan said about his father Randolph, for whom Trevelyan thinks his father 'had a real affection as well as admiration'. Sir George once told him how, just after Gladstone brought in his first Home-Rule Bill, he walked away from the House with Lord Randolph; they had to part ways at the bottom of St James's Street but stood there for some time while Lord Randolph gave him a forecast of what would happen. Robert supposes 'his prophecy did not include the Parnell divorce case', but Sir George said practically everything else came true. The Prime Minister knows Robert's brothers, but he expects he will not remember him, though they must have been at Harrow together for some years.