Northlands, Englefield Green, Surrey. - Though Donald [Tovey] is meant to be staying at Northlands all July, so far he has managed only about two nights a week; next week seems clearer; invites the Trevelyans to come and stay the night on July 27th, or another day next week. Donald hopes Bessie will play some sonatas with him. Percy Such and [Charles?] Jacoby [or Georg Jacobi?] are coming that night to play Donald's new arrangement of his Trio for Clarinet and Horn, for Violin and Cello.
Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Good to hear from Elizabeth [about Ravello]; sure 'the two elderly gentlemen' will be pleased to have them at meals; hopes she does not walk alone in 'very wild parts' because of 'wild dogs and uncultivated natives'. George has had his friend Robertson to stay and has just 'walked him off to Reedsmouth' in a downpour to meet his bag and go on to Carlisle. Has been busy with last arrangements and interviews; they leave by the early train on Thursday. Booa [Mary Prestwich] has left for Welcombe today. Sir George has been well recently but has just got a cold. Glad Elizabeth is going on with the translation, and looks forward to reading it; always thinks it 'foolish to spend time in translating french books, as everyone can read french', but very few people read Dutch. '[V]ery cheerful that the Liberals have 'won the Newmarket [by]election most triumphantly' [candidate Charles Rose]. Charles has not yet returned from Scotland; seems to be having a good time. Asks to be remembered to Mrs Reid and Madame Palumbo; asks if 'the old man at the Capucini at Amalfi' is still alive.
Northlands, Englefield Green, Surrey. - Has '[o]ne more carp' with Trevelyan's draft libretto [for "The Bride of Dionysus"]: is 'full of themes and possibilities' but has trouble with the very first line. If it could be altered, he could 'get an idea of the first notes (& hence of the overture...)'; has 'frivolous... fears' that at the moment it sounds 'partly like an address from the stage to the conductor & partly like a catch-word for critics'. The rest is 'perfectly setable [sic]' and he does not want to change a word. Wishes to begin with 'Dark ship' rather than 'slow', to 'hit the aural eye... with a colour at once'. Recognises that this complicates Trevelyan's rhythm, though with music that would not be noticeable. Reassures Trevelyan that he will not be 'like this about every line'. Trevelyan must not gather from what Tovey said to Mrs Trevelyan [see 7/153] that he objects to setting passages Trevelyan has adopted from earlier works.
Grand Hotel, Prades. - Has just received her note and thanks her for informing her of the gravity of the state of their dear friend[Donald Tovey, see 2/2]; hopes he will overcome this new crisis. Will write to him as if he knows nothing of the situation.
50 Gordon Square, W. C. - Was 'heroic' of Bob to 'battle through' his book about Po Chu-aloud; very glad that Bessie has got to know it, as he thought of them both when writing it. Thanks him for the 'very impressive hymn to Demeter' [in the latest "From the Shiffolds"]. Beryl [de Zoete] is 'rather souffrante', no doubt because of 'privations in India'. They both look forward to visiting later.
Titles listed inside: Lovesong; Old Dutch dance; Wish; Sicilian Serenade; Intermezzo; Merry thoughts; Poet's solitude; Wedding march.
The British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House, London, W.1. - Thanks Mrs Trevelyan for her letter: interesting she should raise this point, as he wondered whether Voorsanger was a 'good person to put in that place' when looking through th eprogrammes. They do try very carefully to 'choose an appropriate alternative artist on these occasions', but do sometimes 'go wrong'.
Rome. - Has read Elizabeth's letter again, and sees that she needs to get 'some little establishment in Kensington' so Gr[osvenor] Cr[escent] will be no use. Suggests asking Imogen [Booth?] and Maud, who may have a friend willing to let a little flat; hears lodgings in London are 'very trying'. Thinks it would be good for Julian, who 'knows only too well how important he is' and has tempers; asks if Elizabeth could get Dr [Carter?] to visit when he is upset to see if it has a physical cause. Mary [George and Janet's daughter] was much improved in temper when less in the nursery; thinks clever children need more to occupy themselves and therefore would suggest a 'nursery governess'. Charles visited the Montessori schools here and was impressed, though he thought success 'depended on the teacher'; suggests that Elizabeth go and see the class. Does not think they can get to England before 20 January. Reminds Elizabeth how bad the [London] fogs are that month. Returns to the letter next day, reporting that the doctor thinks she is getting on very well. They will only stay a night or two at Grosvenor Crescent; tells Elizabeth to contact Booa [Mary Prestwich], who is there now.
Hotel Rockville, Darjeeling. - This letter is for Julian and his Nannie, who must read it to him. Is high in the mountains, having come up on a 'little Indian train' of which he sends Julian a picture. Is leaving this afternoon, and will go via a train all night and then an Indian steamboat on a 'great river' for five hours, until he reaches an 'Indian house in an Indian village' where the people are all brown and 'speak in a funny way'. Nannie should choose a picture of the train, as well as having the one of 'the Nepaly mother with her baby in a basket', and Alice and Emily should have the one of the mountains. Will return soon from China, when he will 'have to travel in a great Russian puff-puff... for ten days without stopping'. Julian must pass on a kiss to his mother, if she is at home.
Harnham, Monument Green, Weybridge. - 'Armenia is, as ever, premature': is not visiting his aunt until 19 Feb. Will however stay a fortnight, and is much looking forward to visiting Elizabeth and seeing the Sturge Moores. Was in Paris for a day, and wishes he had known where Bob was; he 'seemed to have bought all the books' in any shops Forster looked in. Did not see him at Notre Dame, nor even the Institut de France; was then 'frightened of some little girls who were throwing snowballs' and 'sought him no more'.
10 Prinsegracht, The Hague. - They have not yet retired to their 'Retraite Edéniencee [ie, at Ede]', as her cousin calls it; does not think they will go before early June. The Grandmonts are still where she left them at Rocca Bella [Taormina, Sicily] at the end of April; they are travelling back with an English friend, stopping only briefly at Florence and Bâle. Was sorry to leave Italy 'like that' but it could not be helped; made her all the more anxious to return another time. Wrote to her cousin [Bramine Hubrecht] and sent her Trevelyan's messages, but does not know whether she will go to England this summer; he does not seem anxious to go and she supposes 'the husband's opinion has great weight in these matters!'. She herself will not be able to; is currently here alone at home with her uncle and aunt [Paul François Hubrecht and his wife Maria] and would not like to leave them when she would have to go 'to fit in with Senior's week at St. Andrews'. Thanks Trevelyan for his letter and the trouble he took with the list of books, though she has not yet got all those he suggested, in part because the library is currently closed. Fortunately the director is a friend of the family and can be persuaded to break the rule forbidding books to be taken or sent into the country, so they sometimes get a good selection sent to Ede; however spring-cleaning is 'a holy business' in this country so she must wait. Asks if Trevelyan could possibly send some of the books he listed: something by Henry James; his father's book; [Robert] Browning's letters; she will get [William?] Morris's "Life" [by J. W. MacKail and his brother's book from the library. Has been reading [Elizabeth Barrett Browning's] "Aurora Leigh" for the first time; asks whether Trevelyan likes it. Will be curious to see Trevelyan's friend [Thomas Sturge Moore]'s poems which he sent to her cousin; wonders whether they will appreciate it; does not think Mrs Grandmont has 'specially classical tastes'. Would be very nice if Trevelyan could come to Ede this summer; unsure still of when exactly would be the best time as she knows nothing of the Grandmonts' plans; thinks probably late August or early September. Is longing to get to fresh air in the country; town seems oppressive after Taormina.
They all feel 'greatly honoured... with all these noble peace delegates' being at the Hague; the Congress was opened yesterday; one of the Dutch members told them 'what a feeble old president Baron de Staal seemed to be' and that 'the first meeting did not promise much'. Is sending some Taormina photographs; the one with Mrs C [Florence Cacciola Trevelyan?] is 'funny but too indistinct'; [Giuseppe] Bruno took the same view which better shows Mrs C. 'like some curious prehistoric Juliet on her balcony'; she has it and will show it to you, or Trevelyan could write to Bruno and ask to see the several pictures he took in her garden of her 'constructions'. Glad Trevelyan has heard some good music in London; she feels out of practice and is looking forward to playing with her sister [Abrahamina Röntgen] again. Knows her aunt is giving her the biography of Joachim by Moser for her birthday. Will also have to 'make special Vondel studies this summer'; feels she knows very little about him.
c/o the Lord Monteagle, Mount Trenchard, Foynes, Co. Limerick. - Hopes Donald [Tovey] will come to the Trevelyans on Saturday; asks Bessie to write to him suggesting a train c/o the Hon. Mrs Wilbraham Cooper, where he must call on his way to the Trevelyans. Her own plans are upset by the need to go to see her 'Geschwister' [siblings] in Scotland, but would like to come on either Wednesday or Thursday.
Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Julian is well; he says Wallington is 'a nice warm little house' whereas the Shiffolds is cold. He has gone to Cambo this morning; Charlie arrived yesterday and Mary, who was staying at Wallington, has gone home with him. Hopes Elizabeth's guests [Catherine Abercrombie and her baby?] are well and do not give her trouble. Asks if Robert is returning soon; he will find it dreary where he is if it rains. Sir George is well and very busy; good that his book is done. Graham has made Julian a 'little besom to sweep the leaves with'. Thinks Mrs Evans is good with him, but 'she is a talker'.
Prades. - He understands the joy she takes in her nephew's company: Joachim is 'un garcon et un artiste de premiere ordre', and strongly resembles his father. His feeling for the [Prades] Festival, and his collaboration, are very important to Casals. Is happy about the arrangement for Robert Trevelyan's library [at Birkbeck College, London], it is just the right tribute to his memory. His compatriot Corredor is preparing a book of conversations with him: Röntgen, Tovey and Moór will figure as both great musicians and friends. Thinks Corredor will strike the right note. He is in the middle of preparations for the festival; many of the musicians have already arrives. Knows she would enjoy the music and the atmosphere.
den Haag. - perhaps about a violin.
On headed notepaper for West Hackhurst, Abinger Hammer, Dorking, 'as from' Heytesbury House, Wiltshire [home of Siegfried Sassoon]. - Was about to ring her on 'a matter of slight public importance, when a private disaster overwhelmed' him: Agnes has given notice, as she 'doesn't like the cooking'. His mother has 'borne it better' than he has so far: he does not see how they can stay on at West Hackhurst. Will talk it over when he returns from the long weekend with Sassoon already arranged. If Bessie is 'driving alone' near his mother, knows she would like to see her. Must post this letter (in Dorking) and board the train.
Tells her to look at the Times, he thinks from last Saturday, announcing that the Dorking town councillors 'propose to cut a chalk cock on Box Hill in honour of the Coronation!'. Wonders if she could contact 'eg some V[aughan] Williamses, find out whether it is true, and join in a protest if it is'.
Welcombe, Stratford upon Avon. - Amused by Elizabeth's letter, and glad Robert is returning so soon. Both Lord Welby and Lord Davey are 'very good talkers', and Lady Davey is 'charming' so their visit has been very pleasant; she tells Caroline that there is a house to be let at Fernhurst called "Ropes"; just built, by a Miss Coats, who now thinks there is 'not enough view & is going to build another'. Lady Davey also says that Blackdown Cottage is very damp and has no foundations; Mrs Frederic Harrison [Ethel Harrison] was 'very ill there with Rheumatic gout' and two people died in the house while they lived there. Likes to think of Elizabeth and Robert both at home again, 'with the good Enticknaps'. S[idney?] Colvin is not coming; she is glad as the 'row in Stratford seems to be growing, & he is in it' while they wish to keep out of it. Was very good to have Elizabeth to visit them; Sir George sends his love, and 'much appreciated' the letter from Robert.
33 Ossington Street, Bayswater. - Sends the score and manuscript [her German translation of Trevelyan and Tovey's 'The Bride of Dionysus'] and asks Trevelyan to confirm receipt. Very good of Trevelyan to invite her to the Shiffolds again; would like to come, but finds it hard to make plans and fears she would not be able to help with recasting the poem. Would like to do some practical work, and has offered her help to one of the societies which tries to help 'foreign girls and women stranded here without friends owing to the war'; currently they have enough volunteers but may want more soon as 'the pressure of work is very heavy'. Would be a relief to do something. Feels that 'Germany has acted criminally and that she will have to suffer unspeakably for it'. Miss Weisse's conduct is 'extraordinary': for someone with heart disease to go into the 'middle of all the upset' sounds 'almost suicidal'. Asks to be remembered to Mr Tovey; is sorry that his plans for going abroad are now upset; he must be glad to have his Edinburgh work to look forward to. Sends love to Mrs Trevelyan and Julian.
Sheet of notes by Marie Busch on her translation of "The Bride of Dionysus".
10 Prinsegracht, The Hague. - Is very sorry she did not know in time to tell Bob the concert last Monday was cancelled; it was not [Julius Engelbert] Röntgen but [Johannes] Messchaert who was ill; he still cannot sing so the second concert will also be put off. Very sad as they would have had a good audience, and he will have to pay the costs. Has received Bob's poems and enjoyed reading them on the way to Almelo last Monday; likes part of 'the Indian poem' very much, though it is rather vague; the 'fairy poem' is charming and she wishes she had the power to set it to music; questions his choice of interpretation in the line of his Ronsard translation.
Is very glad Bob will come to The Hague; he is right that she would not like him to come without her family knowing; she is not under such 'romantically difficult' circumstances to make that necessary and what she said about their 'suspicions' probably made a stronger impression than she intended. Bramine [Hubrecht] even encouraged her to tell them about it; it would not be 'so unwise', since she is 'in reality quite free and independent', and if she could tell her aunt and be sure she would discuss it with her uncle, she might; however, thinks she would not feel real freedom when Bob was here if they knew what had happened. She will therefore tell her aunt that Bob intends to come over and do some translation work with her, asking her aunt to trust her and help 'conquer any objections' her uncle may have though she thinks he will agree at once. Marie [Hubrecht] and her American friend Maud [Howard] leave either next Monday or Tuesday, Marie for Florence and Maud for America via Paris; all three servants are then leaving in the first week of November so the household will be unsettled, and her aunt is suffering from a bad cold, so she will write as soon as all is well. Asks if he would prefer a first-rate hotel or a moderate one.
On the whole, had a good time at Almelo though it was strange to spend so much time with her friend [Adriana Salomonson Asser] after so long but they struck up quite a friendship again; she and her husband, a Jewish manufacturer [Henrik Salomonson] are very musical; it seems they hear little violin music so she was 'the talk of the town' after playing at their soirée. Is about to read Rostand's "Cyrano de Bergerac" and "La Samaritaine"; asks whether Bob knows and likes them.
Friends War Victims Relief Committee, A.P.O., S.5., B.E.F., France. - Thanks Julian his letter with the drawing; wonders whether it was of 'a donkey braying, or a Chinese imaginary animal bellowing'. Apologises for not managing to get a letter to Julian on his birthday; expects he is glad to be nine; wishes he himself could get a year younger instead of older on his next birthday. Has been for a short holiday to Nice, where it was not as warm as he had hoped; it took twenty-six hours by train to get there. Hopes to return to England around 20 March. Glad Julian likes school so much, and is now playing football; asks if he remembers them playing in front of the stable at home. Hears from Julian's mother that she had a nice visit to him last weekend.
Gwalior Hotel. Gwalior. - Arrived here yesterday and leave tomorrow, probably for Ch[h]atarpur as guests of the Rajah, a 'great reader of Marie Corelli and Herbert Spencer'; hope to see a city near the capital where there are 'some fine Hindu temples' [Khajuraho?]. They are waiting from a letter from the Rajah and may not go at all; will go straight to Benares if so, then on to Gaya and Calcutta. They went up to the Fort this morning on an elephant; it is 'best to take a sea-sick remedy before starting', and he walked most of the way back. They saw some fine temples and a palace; the 'rock is rather like Orvieto, only larger' and the surrounding countryside is 'more beautiful' than North India usually seems to be. Tomorrow, they will be given a tour of the Maharaja's palace by his finance minister Sultan Ahmed Khan, a Muslim alumnus of Christ's Cambridge, who is married to an English lady. They have just heard from the Rajah of Chatarpur that he can be their host, so expects to reach Benares about Monday or Tuesday next week. Had a 'cheerful letter from Bessie' in the Netherlands by the last mail; the Bottomleys are 'comfortably settled in the Shiffolds'. Does not know when Bessie will go north again, but supposes she will fetch Julian back before long. Has been reading the [Robert Louis] Stevenson letters which his mother gave him; glad he kept them till now; thinks he likes the letters better than any of Stevenson's books. They make him want to be in England or on the Mediterranean 'a little too much', though he is having a 'splendid time' and is glad he came, since he 'certainly shall never come here again'. Still possible he may have a few weeks in Japan before his return, in which case they [he and Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson] would only stop a few days in China, at Hong Kong then Shanghai. Hopes the food at the Rajah's will be good, as they 'have not had very pleasant experience of Indian dinners so far'; he was quite ill after a dinner in Delhi. Sends love to his father and Julian; will write next mail from Benares.
6 Racknitz Strasse, Dresden. - Bob's letter reached here before he and Helen did, as Berlin kept them much longer than they expected; all the galleries closed at 3 pm so the officials could have their 'mittags essen' [sic]; not dining properly in the evening is the 'only really uncivilized thing they do'. Liked [Georg?] Gronau, whom B.B. [Bernard Berenson] introduced to him, and who took him to see a fine private collection of drawings and sculptures. Dresden is much nicer than Berlin, 'full of fantastic Barocheries and Rocochoneries'; the Gallery is huge but there are 'very few primitives & lots of Rubens & Corregio & 17th century people' whom Fry likes to 'look at lazily'. Helen 'won't come round' to Correggio and doesn't like [Raphael's] "Sistine Madonna"; to Fry's great surprise he finds it 'simply glorious', and 'Raphael painting almost like Titian'; wonders what he would have done had he lived. He and Helen 'never shall agree on Raphael Correggio & Rubens'; is 'almost annoyed' that he always likes the great artists. [Nathaniel] Wedd's "Quarterly" is very interesting; agrees with Bob that it is a shame 'to make it directly polemical', but he does not 'quite know these logrolled Oxford men'; in art he thinks 'most reputations are logrolled so one gets to think it the normal way'. Helen is asleep; they have both been unwell recently due to German food, but are getting well since they 'are in a young ladies Pension & are fed on pap'. Amusing about Miss V. d. H [Elizabeth Van der Hoeven] guessing; thinks she is good at that; is also 'frightened of her a little because she always seems to be observing more than she shows'.
Northlands, Englefield Green, Surrey. - Asks if Bessie and Bobbie could not come for a night: has 'so much' to tell them and is 'aching to add even a feather's weight to the influences for peace'; she saw Bessie's sister [Abrahamina Röntgen] a few days ago; is also 'stricken with dismay to find Donald [Tovey]' so ill and to 'hear him raving all these utterances of the English press'.
Brieg [Brig-Glis]. - The [Italian] lakes did not suit Sir George and his rheumatism was bad for a few days; they had good weather at Menaggio and Baveno; Friday was wet, but they went to Domodossola. Had a 'splendid' day yesterday driving over the Simplon [Pass]; they stop at Brig today then tomorrow go to Zermatt as the hotels at Saas Fee, where they had intended to go, are not yet open. Booa 'enjoyed herself immensely' yesterday, and is 'rejoicing' to be back in Switzerland. Hopes that Elizabeth and Robert will be able to show her the foundations [of their new house] if she comes to visit them. Will not be away later than 26 June. Good of Robert to look through the proofs of George's book ["England Under The Stuarts"]; looks forward to seeing his article soon. Odd to be away from letters and papers for a while. Asks if Elizabeth has had any music since Whitsun. Does not think the northern Italians sing much, but there was some 'pretty, gay, playing' in the evenings at Basseno. Has been sketching a little and feels idle. Would like to 'bring home' some of the Swiss cows which 'look so clean and clever', and come to drink in the fountain in the square twice a day. Elizabeth must tell Gussie [Enticknap] that if he were a Swiss boy he would have to mind the goats on the hillside and 'do all his school-going in the winter'. Asks if they have had any other visitors or 'gaieties'.
The Park, Prestwich, Manchester. - Sorry to miss seeing Julian and Ursula; hopes they will have a good time at [?] Grunnock. He and Bessie had a good time at Wallington. Has not yet 'carried off the Botticelli Dante drawings' [see 12/28], though spoke to Charles; he was 'quite nice about it' though Bob thinks he rather likes the book being there. Has taken measurements to see if it will fit on the shelves at the Shiffolds, which he doubts; doesn't want to put it out on a table, and wonders whether Julian would like to have it in London. It had better stay at Wallington for the moment. Bessie comes home tomorrow, but will probably go to Wallington again in September. Wonders whether Julian has seen [Maria] Germanova again, and if he has found out if she is having difficulties with her rent. [Hasan Shahid] Suhrawardy has written him a 'disconsolate letter'; seemed to think it was unlikely he could come to Europe this year. Hopes to see Julian when he comes South. He and Bessie are probably visiting the [Donald] Toveys at Hedenham around the 25th. Thinks Bessie is 'very well'; she takes her breakfast in bed at half eight; Julian will have to have the '8 o clock breakfast at Wallington' if he goes there.
Mill House, Westcott, Dorking. - Thanks his father for his letter [12/77] and for sending the second five hundred pounds: his and Caroline's 'kindness will have been of great importance', as without it he and Elizabeth would 'not at all have been able to build the house as [they] wanted'. The weather remains good, which is favourable 'as the roof ought to be begun in a week or two'.
They are going to spend tonight with Mr [Ernest Penrose] Arnold, who has lately retired to Godalming; has not seen him 'for years' except very briefly this year, and will be glad to see him and his wife again. Bessie is 'playing the viol d'amore in two pieces at a Dolmetsch concert here next Wednesday'. She is not going abroad at the end of the week: she did not think it worthwhile, since 'the Grandmonts are leaving Holland on the first of October'. They are disappointed that Bessie's friend Miss Halbertsma cannot come abroad with them this winter; maybe it will be possible another time, as she would have liked to if she had been able.
Has just received his mother's letter; sends thanks. Is glad 'little Cacciola [presumably a relative of Salvatore Cacciola, husband of Florence Trevelyan; perhaps Cesare Acrosso?] enjoyed his visit at Wallington'; they 'like him better than his uncle, though no doubt he is not such a character'. The eruption of Vesuvius seems 'very bad': if the cone falls in, as is feared, there 'may be some great catastrophe, as it will block up the crater, and have to be blown out again somehow or other, and nobody knows what might happen then'.
Hears his parents had a 'large dinner party' recently; is 'sorry to have missed [Herbert] Craig', whom he used to know 'quite well'; hopes he will win his seat, which he thinks is Sir George's old one, as he 'ought to be a very good Member of Parliament'. Supposes George's book [England under the Stuarts] will be out soon; looks forward to reading the 'last half'. Sends love to his mother, and will write to her soon.
Cadenabbia. - Got engaged this morning to Janet Ward. Everyone 'who is most nearly concerned is very pleased', and when they meet her Elizabeth and Robert will be no exception. The wedding will not be until next spring, and the news will be a secret for a month or so; they can, however, ask his parents and Charles more about it and about Janet since he himself must be away for the next three weeks. His housemates Hilton Young and Robin Mayor also know about it, as do 'dear Theo [Llewelyn Davies] and Booa [Mary Prestwich]'. He and Janet are very much in love.