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HOUG/DD/24/1 · Item · [1845?]
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

12 Cork St., B[urlington] G[ardens]. - Thanks for Wortley's £2; not sure of current balance as Salomons is away; probable costs of granite monument to Hood with a bronze bust by Campbell; favours very simple inscription. Should not get involved with publication of Hood's verse; Moxon will get someone like Dickens to ensure sales. Pleased by Houghton's appreciation of George Sand and the 'humanitaires' but the Fourierists are superior in their ability to organise labour; Milnes would see this if he could conquer his aversion to Fourier's neologisms and read attentively. 'Suppose you stood naked on Kennington Common, on a frosty day, which would you prefer - A humanitaire contemplating you with moistened heavenward eyes & folded arms... A Lord Ashley, who would put you on one glove towards clothing you... Or a Fourierist who would furnish you with a complete suit, and supply its proper warmth to every shivering nerve?' - only the last can solve problems as diverse as the destiny of Constantinople and the economy of a poultry yard; breadth of vision. If visiting Paris Milnes must meet Daly and Pelletan, 'a cher ami once I fancy of G. Sand'.

HOUG/DC/3/3/15 · Item · 29 Apr. 1842
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

5 Tavistock Terrace, Upper Holloway. - Is 'the most unfortunate author in... literary history'; Milnes must sympathise on reading enclosed statement; also encloses note from Rev. John P. Wilson. Is humiliated by having to seek aid in this way despite endorsement of a bishop. Postscript: last Saturday's Oxford Herald contains appeal by the Fellows of Magdalen; appends list of donors.

'Extraordinary Statement addressed to the patrons of Literature in behalf of a well-known historian', containing copies of letters from the bishops of St. David's, London and Llandaff, Lords Ashley and Brougham, the Earls of Clarendon and Haddington, Lord Francis Egerton and Hugh James Rose, Mar.-Jun. 1841, as well as critical opinions on Dunham's writings. Printed, 2 ff. [1842?]

Letter from John Posthumous Wilson to Dunham, 17 Apr. 1842, Magdalen College, Oxford. Sends £4; he and Mr Faber will advertise case in the Oxford Herald. 2 ff.

Franks of peers, etc.
Add. MS a/77/26-113 · Item · 1805-1839
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Part of a collection gathered by Cordelia Whewell. See also items in this box: 5-25, 114-125, and 273-323.

Franks of:

  • George Hamilton-Gordon, the 4th Earl of Aberdeen
  • John Charles Spencer, Viscount Althorp
  • Thomas Howard, Viscount Andover
  • Anthony Ashley-Cooper, Baron Ashley
  • Richard Grosvenor, Viscount Belgrave
  • Somerset Lowry-Corry, Earl of Belmore
  • Nicholas Vansittart, 1st Baron Bexley
  • Thomas Haddington, Lord Binning
  • George Spencer-Churchill, Marquess of Blandford
  • George Augustus Frederick Henry, 2nd Earl of Bradford
  • John Jeffreys Pratt, Earl of Brecknock
  • Frederick William Hervey , 5th Earl of Bristol
  • Charles Brudenell-Bruce, Lord Bruce
  • Richard Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, Duke of Buckingham
  • Marquess of Bute
  • George William Frederick Howard, 7th Earl of Carlisle
  • Viscount Castlereagh
  • Earl of Clanbrassil
  • Edward Bligh, Lord Clifton
  • Thomas William Coke, 1st Earl of Leicester of Holkham
  • James, 2nd Baron De Saumarez
  • Arthur Wills Blundell Sandys Trumbull Windsor Hill, 4th Marquess Devonshire
  • Hugh Fortescue, Viscount Ebrington
  • Richard Hare, Viscount Ennismore
  • Baron Rt. Hon Sir Charles Long Farnborough
  • Charles William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, 5th Earl Fitzwilliam
  • Alan Legge Gardner, 3rd Baron Gardner
  • A. [Hay?]
  • William Henry Ashe Holmes-à Court, 2nd Baron Heytesbury
  • [Howe?]
  • Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey
  • George Gordon, 9th Marquess of Huntly
  • [Jermyn?]
  • Thomas Taylour, Lord Kenlis
  • Edmond Henry Pery, Earl of Limerick
  • Viscount Loftus
  • William Lowther, 1st Earl of Lonsdale
  • William Henry Lyttelton, 3rd Baron Lyttelton
  • [Mackintosh?]
  • Charles Herbert Pierrepont, 2nd Earl Manvers
  • Charles William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, Viscount Milton
  • Gilbert Kynynmound, 2nd Earl of Minto
  • Henry James Scott Montagu, 2nd Baron Montagu of Boughton
  • George Howard, Viscount Morpeth
  • Henry Francis Conyngham, Earl of Mount Charles
  • Thomas Spring-Rice, 1st Lord Monteagle
  • [Napier?]
  • Constantine Henry Phipps, 1st Marquess of Normanby
  • Spencer Joshua Alwyne Compton, 2nd Marquess Northampton
  • [Northwick?]
  • John Savile, Viscount Pollington
  • Sir Thomas William Brograve Proctor Beauchamp
  • Algernon Percy, Baron Prudhoe
  • Thomas Lister, 1st Baron Ribblesdale
  • George, 3rd Baron Rodney
  • John, 1st Baron Rolle
  • Archibald John Primrose, 4th Earl of Rosebery
  • Charles Lennox, 5th Duke of Richmond
  • [Stanley?]
  • [Strathavon?]
  • Thomas Howard, 16th Earl Suffolk
  • William Russell, Marquess of Tavistock
  • Sackville Tufton, 9th Earl of Thanet
  • William John Cavendish Scott Bentinck, Marquess of Tichfield
  • William Henry Paget, 2nd Earl of Uxbridge
  • Ernest Edgcumbe, Viscount Valletort
  • Thomas, Baron Wallace
  • James Archibald Stuart Wortley Mackenzie, 1st Baron Wharncliffe
  • [Wilberforce?]
  • [Wilton?]
  • Henry Somerset, Marquess of Worcester
  • Charles Anderson Pelham, Baron Worsley
  • Illegible signatures
Add. MS a/718 · Item · 1807-1944
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Green leather volume, with embossing and gold decoration. Printed illustration from 'Happy New Year' card pasted to inside front cover. Bookplate, 'Ex Libris Bryan William James Hall', with coat of arms and illustration, pasted to front free endpaper.

Numerous autographs, mostly in the form of ends of letters and addresses on envelopes, pasted into book. Notes beneath items (sometimes also pasted in) often identify writers. Complete letters etc have been described in individual records dependent to this one, referenced by their folio numbers; signatures and addressees are referenced by linked authority record only. Some names remain undeciphered or unidentified.

Compiled by a sister of C. W. King, see part letter from King on f. 14r, 'I enclose the autograph of a distinguished Grecian for your book. With love I am, my dear Sister, yours affect[ionate]ly C. W. King'. Although no first name appears, C. W. King's only sister appears to have been Anne, sometimes known as Annette (1824-1874). A letter from W. G. Clark to C. W. King, preserved on the verso of the flyleaf, was sent with 'some autographs for your friend', and there are also envelopes and letters addressed to William Aldis Wright and other members of Trinity suggesting King was actively gathering material for his sister. The bulk of the collection appears to have been assembled between the late 1860s and early 1870s.

King, Anne Hawes (c 1822-1874), sister of Charles William King