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MCKW/A/3/37 · Item · 3 Oct. 1926
Part of Papers of R. B. McKerrow

31 Endcliffe Rise Road, Sheffield.—Comments briefly the latest issue of the Review. His own article on ‘Temples and Hammonds’ has been printed in Notes and Queries.

(Dated 3 Oct. Postmarked 3 Oct. 1926.)



31 Endcliffe Rise Rd. Sheffield
3 Oct.

R.E.S. p. 422. {1} I think Marsh and Dunnington, however spelt in the will, must stand for March and Doddington. The other forms dont appear in the Gazetteer. One wd suppose that Peerson was native of March.

A. W. Reed is very kind to Merrill whose book is really a disgrace to scholarship in its textual inaccuracy. {2}

Notes & Queries has printed my article on Temples and Hammonds. {3}

Ever yours

[Direction:] Dr McKerrow | Messrs Sidgwick & Jackson | 44 Museum St | London | WC1


Postmarked at Sheffield at 6.30 p.m. on 3 October 1926. Another postmark declares, ‘BRITISH GOODS ARE BEST’.

{1} The reference is to Cecil S. Emden’s article ‘Lives of Elizabethan Song Composers: Some New Facts’, Review of English Studies, ii (1926), 416–22.

{2} See Reed’s review of The Life and Poems of Nicholas Grimald by L. R. Merrill (1925), ibid., pp. 483–5.

{3} ‘Temple and Hammond Families and the Related Families of Nowell and Knollys’, Notes and Queries, cli. 237–9 (2 Oct. 1926).