2, Cheyne Gardens, S.W. - George 'delighted' to visit next Saturday, and will be in touch about arrival time; hears that Charles is also coming on Sunday. The news from Westminster is 'A1'; has been to see Molly, who is very well and agrees that the baby [George] 'could not yet be considered beautiful'. Time Bessie 'reverted to the female line'. Ordered a nursing-chair from Harrods last week; hopes it has arrived safely. Is sorry, but her mother is no longer a member of the Lyceum Club; sure that if she were she would have loved to put Bessie up for it; she left when the 'Committee made rather fools of themselves by refusing to elect Ellen Terry', and now belongs to the Ladies' Athenaeum; if Bessie wants to join that instead Janet will write and ask. Her mother is still not properly over her illness, but is much better than in the summer.
Is very glad that his mother can come next Tuesday, when he will have 'nothing to do'. The examinations start tomorrow; at first they are not too hard, with only natural science tomorrow. Is not doing much now, as 'it is no good working too hard just before'. Would very much like to see Macbeth [the Irving/Terry production at the Lyceum?], especially if they can 'all go together'.
Will be 'very glad to get home' as sports are 'not very interesting unless you yourself take part in them. Does not think Charlie means to do much sport, but he is 'practicing up in gymnastics, for his house will be champion house'. Is pleased they [the Liberals] won the Kennington [by-]election, and hopes they will also win the next two [Gorton and Enfield?]; they 'seem to be going uphill'.
It is good that Bathgate found the books [at Wallington?] as Robert will want them, 'especially next holidays'. Sends love to his father.
On headed notepaper for The Grove, Harrow:- Has received the hamper from his grandfather and replied to him; apologises for being late in answering her letter. Still does not think he is 'doing well in the examinations, but it cannot be helped'; will not mind much if he comes out low. Welldon wants Robert to 'go in for a scholarship at Trinity at the end of this year', so he will 'read with an end to that'.
Will be very glad to go home, as now the examinations are nearly over there is nothing interesting going on. Saw [Henry] Irving and Ellen Terry 'driving through Harrow last Sunday', he thinks to see Welldon, 'but they did not stay long. Hopes to 'see them again soon' [at Macbeth].
Is entering his house's competition for the hundred yards, which he would 'like to get very much', but nothing else. Charlie is well. His house were gymnastics champions, and Robert's not far behind in second. After that there was the competition for boxing champion, 'a very good fight, full of black eyes and bloody noses, in which the smaller beat the bigger'.
Hopes his father is well. Is 'very sorry about Bright' [John Bright died on 27 Mar 1889]; 'would like to have seen him once', but does not remember ever having done so.