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Letter from John Herschel
Add. MS a/207/80 · Item · [1 Sept. 1850]
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Although Murray [book publishers] have not written to JH requesting a new edition of the Admiralty Manual [John Herschel ed., Admiralty Manual of Scientific Enquiry, 1849], JH will send any alterations WW has to his tide paper to Murray.

Add. MS c/52/33 · Item · [18 Apr. 1831]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

RJ has heard that the next Quarterly Review has been advertised with a review of RJ's book in it ['Review of An Essay on the Distribution of Wealth and the Sources of Taxation by the Rev. Richard Jones', The Quarterly Review, 1832]: 'I shall hardly believe it till I see it...Murray and C. are greater noodles still - what the deuce could they all mean with their equivocation and mystery - truly the smallness of the wisdom that governs the literary world deserves to be embodied in a new proverb in which their names should figure. I shall rejoice much to see it. I was prepared to be magnanimous if it was left out - but I knew all along that the circulation of the book depended essentially and mainly on it'. Maria Edgeworth paid RJ a visit - 'tell Sedgwick [Adam Sedgwick] all this. I shall be disappointed if he is not very jealous'. RJ does not know when he will be sending up the manuscript to volume two and hopes WW will not be angry at the delay - it 'is assuming a dignified and attractive shape in my mind'. He has read John Briggs 'Land and Tax in India I wish I had seen it before - but it is clear that that Indian scholars are fighting about the use of language not about facts - I have invented a neutral phraseology which will simply express the facts and avoid disputed names and I regret not to have used it in Rents'.

Add. MS c/52/30 · Item · [22 Mar. 1831]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

The publisher John Murray has advised RJ to have the other parts of his book printed in Cambridge. They may object to this since they did not publish the first volume on rent: 'To this I humbly submit that as rent is a compleat treatise in itself so will wages be'. If they are to go to the syndicate with a complete manuscript it has to be after the long vacation. RJ is 'dismayed at the reconstructive part of the reform bill and think it weak and mischievous very contemptible and very alarming'.

Add. MS c/52/29 · Item · [15 Mar. 1831]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

RJ sends WW his etymological speculations concerning induction [not attached]. He spoke to John Murray [the publisher of RJ's book on rent] who told him in confidence that he had spoken to John G. Lockhart [Editor of the Quarterly Review] that there would be a review of RJ's book in the next Quarterly hence WW's ambition should be satisfied ['Review of An Essay on the Distribution of Wealth and the Sources of Taxation by the Rev. Richard Jones', The Quarterly Review, 1832]. With regard to 'species Aristotle seems to mean that by some instinctive faculty the mind gets the notion of them when the senses are first conversant with individuals therefore a comparison can be made'.

Add. MS c/51/209 · Item · 6 Sept. 1837
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Trinity College - Does RJ still persuade himself that he is to write a review of WW's history? ['The History of the Inductive Sciences, from the Earliest to the Present Time', 3 vols., 1837]. If RJ looks at the last Quarterly Review he will see 'that Lockhart and Murray appear resolved to have none but shallow I apprehend your chance there is small'. Has RJ seen Macaulay's [Thomas B. Macaulay] article on Bacon in the Edinburgh Review?: 'I rejoice to see how little people yet see the philosophy of induction for Macaulay is no bad example of the general thinker; and yet how scanty and superficial are his views - happily expressed and well illustrated of course'. Sir Charles Bell has complained to WW that he has been located 'with slight and injustice in page 425 of my third volume' ['The History of the Inductive Sciences, from the Earliest to the Present Time', 3 vols., 1837]. Has RJ put 'down on paper, as clearly and strongly as you can, the reasons which you can find for the opinion you held a little while ago; - namely - that the simplest mechanical truths depend upon experience in a manner in which the simplest geometrical truths do not; - that the axioms of geometry may be self-evident, and known a priori; but that there are not axioms of mechanics so known and so evident. I am very desirous of getting this opinion in its best and most definite shape, because the rejection of it is a very leading point of my philosophy...The whole act of induction depends upon it'.

Crewe MS/19 · Item · 1876–8
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

On the spine is stamped ‘Philobiblon Society’ and, at the foot, ‘1876.’ The contents are minutes of meetings, etc. (as in Crewe MS 17).

In the list below, only the first page of each item is indicated. The addresses are in London unless indicated otherwise. The member associated with each address is identified only on its first occurrence.

Loose inside the front cover: Five printed copies of the rules of the Society, in various versions and states.

Loose inside the front cover: Printed circular letter from Richard Monckton Milnes to the original members of the Philobiblon Society, 14 July 1853, with draft rules appended.

p. vii: Printed section title: ‘Meetings.’

p. 3: Minutes of a meeting on 8 July 1876 at Newstead, Wimbledon Park (the residence of John Murray).

p. 7: Minutes of a meeting on 12 May 1877 at 24 Arlington Street (the residence of Lord Houghton).

p. 12: Abortive minutes of a meeting on 23 June 1877 at St Dunstan’s, Regent’s Park (the residence of Henry H. Gibbs).
(Struck through in pencil and marked ‘See p. 20’.)

p. 20: Minutes of a meeting on 23 June 1877 (as above).

p. 25: Minutes of a meeting on 2 Mar. 1877 at 6 Clifford Street (the residence of Lord Houghton).

p. 27: Minutes of a meeting on 30 Mar. 1878 at 62 Rutland Gate (the residence of Henry Reeve).

p. 30: Minutes of a meeting on 13 Apr. 1878 at 27 Queen’s Gate (the residence of F. W. Cosens).

p. 33: Minutes of a meeting on 18 May 1878 (at 1 Park Square, Regent’s Park?).
(The place of meeting is identified simply as ‘the Chambers of R. S. Turner’.)

Philobiblon Society
Crewe MS/18 · Item · 1863–76
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

On the spine is stamped ‘Philobiblon Society’ and, at the foot, ‘1863 | 1876.’ The contents are minutes of meetings, etc. (as in Crewe MS 17).

In the list below, only the first page of each item is indicated. The addresses are in London unless indicated otherwise. The member associated with each address is identified only on its first occurrence.

p. v: Printed title: ‘Transactions of the Philobiblon Society 1854’ (sic).

p. vii: Printed section title: ‘Meetings.’

p. 1: Minutes of a meeting on 28 Feb. 1863 at the Deanery, St Paul’s (the residence of H. H. Milman).

p. 3: Minutes of a meeting on 28 Mar. 1863 at 1 Park Square, Regent’s Park (the residence of R. S. Turner).

p. 5: Minutes of a meeting on 25 Apr. 1863 at 128 Park Street, Grosvenor Square (the residence of William Stirling).

p. 7: Minutes of a meeting on 6 June 1863 at 16 Upper Brook Street (the residence of Richard Monckton Milnes).

p. 15: Minutes of a meeting on 27 June 1863 at Orleans House, Twickenham (the residence of the Duke of Aumale).

p. 20: Minutes of a meeting on 11 July 1863 at Dufferin Lodge, Highgate (the residence of Lord Dufferin).
(Dated Saturday, 11 June, by mistake.)

p. 22: Minutes of a meeting on 20 Feb. 1864 at 66 Russell Square (the residence of J. B. Heath).

p. 27: Minutes of a meeting on 12 Mar. 1864 at 50 Albemarle Street (the residence of John Murray).

p. 29: Minutes of a meeting on 28 May 1864 at 24 Arlington Street (the residence of Robert Curzon).

p. 33: Minutes of a meeting on 16 July 1864 at 16 Upper Brook Street.

p. 37: Note of a meeting on 24 July 1864 at 27 Belgrave Square (the residence of Lord Taunton).

p. 38: Minutes of a meeting on 1 Apr. 1865 at 30 Prince’s Gate (the residence of Henry Huth).

p. 40: Minutes of a meeting on 29 Apr. 1865 at 1 Park Square West, Regent’s Park.

p. 42: Minutes of a meeting on 27 May 1865 at Newstead, Wimbledon Park.

p. 44: Minutes of a meeting on 17 June 1865 at Orleans House, Twickenham.

p. 50: Minutes of a meeting on 1 July 1865 at Farnborough Hill, Hampshire (the residence of Thomas Longman).

Bound in after p. 50: Letter from Sydney Smith to Mrs Longman, c. 11 Nov. 1833.
Submits a humorous plan of a dinner of insects and bugs, which he thinks will be agreeable to ‘Kirby & Spence’ (the authors of An Introduction to Entomology, 4 vols., 1815–26, which was published by Longmans).
(Postmarked at Maddox Street and with the date 11 Nov. 1833. Directed to Mrs N. Longman, Garden Mount, Hampstead.)

p. 53: Minutes of a meeting on 24 Feb. 1866 at the Deanery of Westminster (the residence of Arthur P. Stanley).

p. 56: Minutes of a meeting on 24 Mar. 1866 at 30 Prince’s Gate.

p. 58: Minutes of a meeting on 28 Apr. 1866 at 128 Park Street, Grosvenor Square.

p. 60: Minutes of a meeting on 2 June 1866 at 36 Eaton Place (the residence of Sir Erskine Perry).

p. 62: Minutes of a meeting on 23 June 1866 at St Dunstan’s, Regent’s Park (the residence of Henry H. Gibbs).

p. 66: Minutes of a meeting on 23 Feb. 1867 at the Deanery of Westminster.

p. 68: Minutes of a meeting on 18 Mar. 1867 at 14 Bruton Street (the residence of Lord Delamere).

p. 70: Minutes of a meeting on 1 June 1867 at Newstead, Wimbledon Park.

p. 72: Minutes of a meeting on 29 June 1867 at Orleans House, Twickenham.

p. 76: Minutes of a meeting on 27 July 1867 at 1 Park Square.

p. 79: Minutes of a meeting on 16 May 1868 at 66 Russell Square.

p. 83: Minutes of a meeting on 13 June 1868 at 30 Curzon Street (the residence of Lord Dartrey).

p. 85: Minutes of a meeting on 27 June 1868 at 21 Arlington Street (the residence of Sylvain Van de Weyer).

p. 88: Minutes of a meeting on 11 July 1868 at St Dunstan’s, Regent’s Park.

p. 92: Minutes of a meeting on 27 Feb. 1869 at the Deanery of Westminster.

p. 96: Minutes of a meeting on 20 Mar. 1869 at 4 Audley Square (the residence of Edward Cheney).

p. 111: Minutes of a meeting on 24 Apr. 1869 at 72 Eaton Place (the residence of Sir John Simeon).

p. 115: Minutes of a meeting on 8 May 1869 at 16 Upper Brook Street.

p. 118: Minutes of a meeting on 12 June 1869 at Newstead, Wimbledon Park.

p. 127: Minutes of a meeting on 24 July 1869 at 1 Carlton Terrace (the residence of George Tomline).

p. 129: Brief notes of meetings on 5 Mar. 1870 at (5) Onslow Gardens (the residence of J. A. Froude); 30 May 1870 at (21) Arlington Street; 16 June 1870 at Arklow House (the residence of Alexander Beresford Hope); 30 June 1870 at Orleans House; 9 July 1870 at Dorchester House (the residence of R. S. Holford); 16 July 1870 at Strawberry Hill (residence of Chichester Fortescue); and 28 July 1870 at (16) Upper Brook Street.
(The notes begin: ‘This Book having been mislaid, there is no record of the Proceedings of the Society during 1870 beyond the following official record.’ The start of this period coincides with the appointment of Sir John Simeon as honorary secretary.)

p. 133: Minutes of a meeting on 4 Mar. 1871 at 67 Brook Street (the residence of Kirkman Hodgson).

p. 135: Minutes of a meeting on 25 Mar. 1871 at 14 Grosvenor Square (the residence of E. J. Stanley).

p. 138: Printed menu-card for a dinner on 29 Apr. 1871.

p. 139: Minutes of a meeting on 29 Apr. 1871 at 10 Upper Grosvenor Street, W. (the residence of Sir William Stirling Maxwell).

p. 143: Minutes of a meeting on 25 May 1871 at 45 Berkeley Square (the residence of the Earl of Powis).

p. 146: Minutes of a meeting on 1 July 1871 at Newstead, Wimbledon Park.

p. 148: Minutes of a meeting on 11 May 1872 at 6 Clifford Street (the residence of Lord Houghton).

p. 152: Minutes of a meeting on 1 June 1872 at St Katherine’s Lodge, Regent’s Park (the residence of C. Brinsley Marlay).

p. 157: Minutes of a meeting on 15 June 1872 at 55 Portland Place (the residence of Walter Sneyd).

p. 164: Minutes of a meeting on 26 June 1872 (at St Dunstan’s, Regent’s Park).
(The place of meeting is identified simply as ‘the house of Mr Gibbs’.)

p. 166: Minutes of a meeting on 3 July 1872 at 1 Park Square, Regent’s Park.

p. 168: Minutes of a meeting on 15 Mar. 1873 at 6 Clifford Street.

p. 171: Minutes of a meeting on 17 May 1873 at 10 Upper Grosvenor Street.

p. 174: Minutes of a meeting on 31 May 1873 at 30 Curzon Street.

p. 176: Minutes of a meeting on 28 June 1873 at (21) St James’s Square (the residence of the Bishop of Winchester, Samuel Wilberforce).

p. 178: Minutes of a meeting on 12 July 1873 at Hatfield House (Herts.).

p. 181: Minutes of a meeting on 30 July 1873 at 14 Grosvenor Square.

p. 183: Minutes of a meeting on 9 May 1874 at 10 Upper Grosvenor Street.

p. 187: Minutes of a meeting on 20 June 1874 at Newstead, Wimbledon Park.

p. 190: Minutes of a meeting on 18 May 1875 at 66 Russell Square.

p. 197: Minutes of a meeting on 29 May 1875 at St Dunstan’s, Regent’s Park.

p. 201: Minutes of a meeting on 12 June 1875 at St Katherine’s Lodge, Regent’s Park.

p. 205: Minutes of a meeting on 26 June 1875 at 1 Sussex Square, W. (the residence of Lord Coleridge).

p. 207: Minutes of a meeting on 1 Apr. 1876 at 6 Clifford Street.

p. 209: Minutes of a meeting on 13 May 1876 at 27 Queen’s Gate, Kensington (the residence of F. W. Cosens).

p. 211: Minutes of a meeting on 27 May 1876 at 55 Portland Place.

p. 215: Minutes of a meeting on 10 June 1876 at 61 Prince’s Gate.

p. 217: Minutes of a meeting on 24 June 1876 at Dorchester House.

Philobiblon Society
Crewe MS/17 · Item · 1854–9
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

On the spine is stamped ‘Philobiblon Society’ and, at the foot, ‘1854 | 1859.’ The contents are mainly minutes of meetings of the Society. These meetings were usually held at the residence of one or other of the members, and the minutes were usually written up by the host. Each set of minutes typically records the date and place of the meeting, followed by a description of books and other articles exhibited. Additions were sometimes made by one of the secretaries.

In the list below, only the first page of each item is indicated. The addresses are in London unless indicated otherwise. The member associated with each address is identified only on its first occurrence.

(Loose after the free endpaper.) Note on Society members, by Lord Houghton.

p. vii: Printed title: ‘Transactions of the Philobiblon Society 1854’.

p. ix: Printed section title: ‘Rules.’

p. 1: Printed rules.

p. 8a: Printed section title: ‘Members.’

p. 9: Signatures of members.

p. 20a: Printed section title: ‘Meetings.’

p. 21: Minutes of a meeting on 25 Mar. 1854 at 128 Park Street, Grosvenor Square (residence of William Stirling).

p. 25: Minutes of a meeting on 29 Apr. 1854 at 123 Park Street, Grosvenor Square (residence of Richard Ford).

p. 29: Minutes of a meeting on 13 May 1854 at 59 Grosvenor Street (residence of the Earl of Gosford).

p. 33: Minutes of a meeting on 27 May 1854 at Orleans House, Twickenham (the residence of the Duke of Aumale).

p. 47: Minutes of a meeting on 9 June 1854 at 50 Portland Place (the residence of Sylvain Van de Weyer).

p. 55: Minutes of a meeting on 24 June 1854 at the Lodge, Eton College (the residence of Edward Craven Hawtrey).

p. 59: Memorandum of alterations to the rules of the Society.

p. 61: Minutes of a meeting on 8 July 1854 at 16 Upper Brook Street (the residence of Richard Monckton Milnes).

p. 71: Minutes of a meeting on 3 Feb. 1855 at the Deanery, St Paul’s (the residence of H. H. Milman).

p. 73: Minutes of a meeting on 3 Mar. 1855 at 50 Albemarle Street (the residence of John Murray).

p. 79: Copy of a letter from Henry Ellis to R. Monckton Milnes, 14 Mar. 1855. British Museum.—Acknowledges the receipt of the first volume of the Society’s Miscellanies, and thanks them for it.

p. 80: Copy of a letter from Bulkeley Bandinel to R. Monckton Milnes, 26 Mar. 1855. (Bodleian Library, Oxford.)—Acknowledges the receipt of the first volume of the Society’s Miscellanies, and thanks them for it.

p. 82: Minutes of a meeting on 31 Mar. 1855 at 36 Eaton Place (the residence of Sir Erskine Perry).

p. 89: Minutes of a meeting on 28 Apr. 1855 at Bridgewater House (the residence of the Earl of Ellesmere).

p. 93: Minutes of a meeting on Saturday, — May 1855, at Stoke Park, near Slough (the residence of Henry Labouchere).

p. 96: Minutes of a meeting on 30 June 1855 at Orleans House, Twickenham.

p. 100: Minutes of a meeting on 21 July 1855 at (1) Addison Road, Kensington (the residence of Charles Richard Fox).

p. 120: Minutes of a meeting on 10 Nov. 1855 at 16 Upper Brook Street.

p. 127: Minutes of a meeting on 23 Feb. 1856 at 128 Park Street, Grosvenor Square.

p. 135: Printed leaves containing the rules of the Society and a list of its members for 1855–6.

p. 149: Minutes of a meeting on 15 Mar. 1856 at 8 Sussex Square (the residence of Thomas Longman).

p. 157: Minutes of a meeting on 26 Apr. 1856 at 50 Portland Place.

p. 161: Minutes of a meeting on 17 May 1856 at 7 Grafton Street (the residence of Robert Curzon).

p. 169: Minutes of a meeting on 7 June 1856 at Newstead, Wimbledon Park (the residence of John Murray).

p. 171: Minutes of a meeting on 21 June 1856 at Orleans House, Twickenham.

p. 175: Minutes of a meeting on 14 Feb. 1857 at the Deanery, St Paul’s.

p. 179: Minutes of a meeting on 25 Apr. 1857 at the Clarendon Hotel.

p. 204: Minutes of a meeting on 23 June 1857 at 50 Portland Place.

p. 209: Minutes of a meeting on 30 June 1857 at Dufferin Lodge, Highgate (the residence of Lord Dufferin).
(Dated Saturday, 20 June 1857, by mistake.)

p. 212: Minutes of a meeting on 18 July 1857 at Orleans House, Twickenham.

p. 216: Minutes of a meeting on 27 Feb. 1858 at the Deanery, St Paul’s.

p. 219: Minutes of a meeting on 20 Mar. 1858 at 7 Fitzroy Square (the residence of Sir Charles Eastlake).

p. 222: Minutes of a meeting on 8 May 1858 at Arklow House, Connaught Place (the residence of Alexander Beresford Hope).

p. 224: Minutes of a meeting on 22 May 1858 at 45 Berkeley Square (the residence of the Earl of Powis).

p. 231: Minutes of a meeting on 26 June 1858 at 18 Eaton Terrace (the residence of Evelyn Philip Shirley).

p. 235: Minutes of a meeting on 10 July 1858 (at 16 Upper Brook Street).
The place of meeting is identified simply as ‘the house of Mr Monckton Milnes’.

p. 243: Minutes of a meeting on 19 Mar. 1859 at 50 Portland Place.

p. 245: Minutes of a meeting on 25 June 1859 at Newstead, Wimbledon Park.

p. 247: Minutes of a meeting on 23 July 1859 at Orleans House, Twickenham.

Philobiblon Society
HOUG/HB/10/12 · Item · [1863]
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

'Hallam Memorial Medal. The Medal executed by Mr L. Wyon from Mr. Theed's statue of Mr. Hallam, by order of the Committee, from the Surplus Funds remaining in my hands, will be ready for distributers to the Subscribers to the HALLAM MEMORIAL, on application to Mr. Murray, 50A, Albemarle Street, on and after October 26th ['1863' added by hand on one copy] by delivering this paper with the Subscriber's signature, in token of receipt. J. P. Boileau, Treasurer'.

Both copies inscribed to Lord Houghton.

HOUG/HB/10/11 · Item · 13 Jun. [1863]
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

Wickham Court, Bromley. - Must write to tell Milnes how much she likes the inscription for the memorial [to her father at St. Paul's Cathedral], a copy of which Mr Murray has sent her: 'No words could express more truly what he really was, or draw out better in relief the whole man. I rejoice that the Inscription was entrusted to you'. Sends regards to Milnes' wife, and adds postscript saying that she hopes he is 'stronger than you were'.