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Add. MS c/99/81 · Item · 13 Mar 1867
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Refers to [Charles Kegan] Paul's intended visit at Easter. States that he has to go up to Cambridge on the Monday [after Easter] to examine. Intends to pay a visit during Passion Week, and shall probably join her 'either just before of just after Easter Sunday.' Declares that he lives in expectation of 'the portfolio and [ ].' Promises to write to let her know when it arrives.

Asks if she has sent off 'the "de Mirville [Pneumatologie]" to Miss Attersoll' Reports that he has been corresponding with the latter on the subject, and is 'trying to instil into her some sound views on the subject of spiritualism'. Reports on a book that has recently appeared on the English Constitution, 'which is lively enough to interest people in the subject who have not previously given much attention to politics' and is 'entirely free from party spirit': The English Constitution by W. Bagehot. Declares that the two best books he has read for years on politics, are the latter and Grant Duff's Studies in European Politics. In relation to novels, refers to The Village on the Cliff [by Anne Isabella Thackeray] which he deems 'first-rate'. Claims that he is busy at present with University business. Sends his love to all at Wellington College, and refers to the fact that 'they have got a Schol[arship] at University Coll[ege].'

TRER/45/251 · Item · [Jun 1888]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

On headed notepaper for Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland:- Mr Belfield arrived last Saturday, and Robert met him at the station. Likes him 'very much so far in every way': finds him 'very interesting' and they get on well. Thinks he teaches 'very well', as far as he can say from the little experience he has had of that so far: they have done some Thucydides, and began Tacitus today.

Yesterday they fished, but caught nothing so will wait until they have had more rain. 'Very windy' last Sunday, but they still went to church in the morning. Hopes his father is keeping well, and 'the good cause is prospering'. Sees that K[ing] Harman is dead, and wonders 'who will be appointed in his stead' [as parliamentary Under-Secretary for Ireland]. There 'is no fear of the Manchester murderer [John Jackson] now', as Robert sees he has been caught.

Thornton [gamekeeper at Wallington] caught a 'large pike yesterday at Capheaton lake'; he had gone there to 'see about a dog'. Thanks his father for his letter and '[Mountstuart?] Grant Duff's about the flower'. Thompson and Keith [John and Edward, gardeners at Wallington?] 'came in to see the books and found out several things they had not known'. Sends his love to his mother, and asks his father to thank her for the books and say that Robert will write to her tomorrow.

TRER/16/15 · Item · 14 Jan - 15 Jan 1913
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

c/o J.H. Stone, Warden's Lodge, Chepauk, Madras. - Have been here since 10 January, staying with Dickinson's old Cambridge friend [Joseph Henry Stone] in the educational department. They have lunched with the Pentlands, and he called again on Lady Pentland this morning; they seem to like it here, and have been 'very busy entertaining and seeing people'; their children also seemed well. Lady Pentland sent 'many kind messages' to Robert's parents, and to Molly, Charles and their children. She showed Robert the banquet hall where there was a picture of his grandfather [Sir Charles Trevelyan], though he did not think it very good; there are some 'quite good earlier portraits of Governors', and a 'rather dull Watts'; also an 'ugly one of Grant Duff', and a good one by Dickinson's father of Lord Napier. Robert and Dickinson have been to hear the commission [the Royal Commission on the Public Services in India] and may go again today; it is 'almost impossible to hear anything' due to bad acoustics, but they have met several of the commissioners. Likes R[amsay] Macdonald 'very much'; he and [Gopal Krishna] Gokhale seem the 'ablest men on the commission'. Have also met Sir T[heodore] Morison and Sir V[alentine] Chirol, both seem 'sensible men'. H[erbert] Fisher has not yet arrived; fortunate for him, as 'the commission must be a great bore'. Wishes they did not have to see so much 'second rate Anglo Indian society here'; their host is 'amiable, but rather dull'. Going to see the Seven Pagodas [at Mahabalipuram] tomorrow, before joining 'a Mr Bedford, a civilian, in his camp near Salem'; will stay several days before going on to Trichinopoly and Madura[i?], then to Trivandrum in Travancore and on to Ceylon [Sri Lanka]. They will probably leave Colombo for Java on 14 February, a week later than he had hoped. The post and where to write next. Will finish packing now and go for a 'last look at the sea'; as it is a holiday, 'everyone is strolling about in their most brilliant shawls and dresses; the Madras crowd is 'the most picturesque' he has yet seen. Finishes the letter on the evening of 15 January. Is quite looking forward to a week in camp. Has been to dinner with the Pentlands, who are 'admirable hosts'.

TRER/15/115 · Item · 21 Dec 1943
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Thinks Julian will like to see this letter from Eddie Marsh, originally enclosed; he need not return it. Hopes Julian, Ursula and [Philip] Erasmus will have a good time at Gorringes. They have got and will read 'Bernard's Club book', which 'begins very well', but he is wrong to think there has 'never been a Breakfast Club'. Bob's father belonged to one - is unsure whether it still exists - along with 'various brilliant or interesting people' such as Wolesley, Grant Duff, Henry James and [Lord] Rosebery too he thinks; they 'breakfasted somewhere about ten o clock and went on talking for hours'.