24 Oct [1917?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan
British Mus[eum], W.C.1. - T[imothy] Richard is Harold Harding's father-in-law. The translation is 'very bad', and Waley thinks Richard knows ''very little literary Chinese', but it is the only one he knows of "Hsi Yu Chi" ["Journey to the West"]. Has read Trevelyan's "Lucretius [on Death]" 'over & over again', and likes it 'better than any [other] translations from the Latin'; [Clifford?] Bax said some unsigned pieces, 'obviously' by Trevelyan, were appearing in "Commonsense"; Waley asks if this is true. Is very busy preparing "A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems", and has translated about 21 more poems by Po Chu-i