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Archival description
General enquiries
EPST/D/9/4 · File · 20 Dec. 1991–1 Dec. 1998
Part of Papers of Sir Anthony Epstein

Part 1: 1991–1992
Part 2: 1993
Part 3: 1994–1995
Part 4: 1996–1998

Includes correspondence with Michael Atiyah, Dorothy H Crawford, Robert C. Gallo, Harald zur Hausen, Sir Aaron Klug, Boris Lapin, George Porter etc.

Lymphoma, general
EPST/D/7/18 · File · 10 Jan. 1969–12 Dec. 1979
Part of Papers of Sir Anthony Epstein

Includes: correspondence with medical doctors; updates on progress of research; supply of research material; publications; requests for information and images; correspondence with Denis Burkitt and the Henles about infectious mononucleosis (IM).
Part 1 deals with the Lymph Nodes Project

EPST/D/18/12 · File · 16 June 1982–12 Nov. 2011
Part of Papers of Sir Anthony Epstein

Visitors to the department and laboratory at Bristol and Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford: visiting research workers, academics, sabbatical visits, general professional and academic visitors from the UK and abroad. Includes some personal visits.

Part 1: Department of Pathology, University of Bristol, 1982–1985. Includes list of visitors from 10 Mar. 1958–13 May 1968
Part 2: Nuffield, University of Oxford, 1985–1986
Part 3: Nuffield, University of Oxford, 1987
Part 4: Nuffield, University of Oxford, 1988
Part 5: Nuffield, University of Oxford, 1989–1992
Part 6: Nuffield, University of Oxford, 1993–2011

Nominations for prizes
EPST/D/4/1 · File · 1966–19 Dec. 2008
Part of Papers of Sir Anthony Epstein

Includes article about Peyton Rous and letters to Albert Claude and George Palade. Also includes correspondence with/relating to Harald zur Hausen.