Woodend, Perth Road, Dundee - Congratulates the Frazers on their 25th wedding anniversary.
'The Emotional Basis of a State'
Refers to a concept in Greek that they had been discussing, and states that 'there is a curious contrast between the [constant] mention of it as a danger, and the rarity of its actual occurrence'. Gives examples of some passages: the '[Heliactic] oath in Demosthenes against Aristocrates'; another passage [some Greek quoted], which 'specially alludes to it as a danger [about the middle of the speech]'. States that the case of Leontini is a practical case, 'but even here it was stopped'; 'points to the rest of argument used for it. New citizens were enrolled, and then came the demand.' Tells Sidgwick that he will inform him when he finds more. Refers to the death of the Provost of Trinity College, Dublin; 'a very leading public figure in Ireland. It is most fortunate that this govt. is not....' [Incomplete]
Only heard of Henry's serious illness the previous day, when she was in Cambridge for the afternoon; would like to send her sympathy to Nora now. Hopes that his operation has proved successful. Is sorry for the Cambridge students who will miss Henry's university lectures; believes that he was the most just critic she has ever heard, and remarks that in Moral Science 'people seem particularly apt to be impatient of the opinions of others.' Is sure that she is only one of many Cambridge students who remember with gratitude the time and trouble which Henry spent upon his classes and the help which he was always ready to give to individuals. Will be eager for news of Henry's progress, but hopes that some Newnham students will keep her up to date.
Trinity College - WW is resolved to get away from Cambridge and visit RJ - 'if there is no other way of having a series of talks with you - I will then judge as well as I can about the matters speculative and practical that we have to do with'. There is so much electioneering and politics currently in Cambridge that he cannot think.
King's Head Hotel, Cirencester. Dated 22 April 1915 - Returns the proof of the preface; Lilly needs a thorough rest, has been unwell for months.
Thanks WW for the papers: 'I am thankful we are not as those Germans'. He invites both William and Cordelia Whewell to come and stay with them in the country.
Describes the men in an enclosed photograph [no longer present].
Davenport's unpublished 1938 work on inhomogeneous linear forms.
9 [?] St James Sq. - Condolences on the death of Lady Houghton; ventures to write a note of recommendation for a young man who is 'the son of M. and Mad. Favre who saw Lady Houghton at Geneva...' as Houghton may 'like to be kind to people who took such a friendship for her on so short an acquaintance'; he can easily write that he is out of town if it is an inconvenience.
H/100: 1985, 1993
H/101: 1983. 1986
States that he has read Sidgwick's criticism of his book [The Science of Ethics], and expresses his satisfaction in having 'a candid and generous critic'. Observes that most of the points at issue between the two would require a treatise instead of a letter. Refers to pain and pleasure, and to how conduct is determined by one or the other. Admits that he 'could have obviated the criticism by a more careful articulation of the logical framework.' Refers to Sidgwick's contention that he exaggerates the novelty of the evolutionist theory 'and especially by overlooking Comte.' Clarifies that if he has done so, it was 'through carelessness of expression', and claims that he has learnt much from Comte, of whom he has a higher estimate than most people, especially scientific people, who object to his religion. States that he believes that [ ] happiness consists 'in the dramatic and friendly affections'. Hopes that they shall always remain friends.
Stephen, Sir Leslie (1832-1904), knight, author and literary criticEnclosing a copy of a letter from Theodore Preston to John Preston.