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HOUG/36/102 · Item · [1840 or later?]
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

Has declined offer of Chancellorship of the Exchequer; proposed himself as Secretary at War but Perceval has written to invite Robert Pemberton Milnes to join government and cannot act until Milnes' preferred office is known. Understands importance of securing Milnes as a 'doubtful friend, who might be of essential service to our cause'; would willingly take a seat at the Treasury if denied War Office.

Copy in unidentified hand.

Letter from John Herschel
Add. MS a/207/102 · Item · 22 Jan. 1862
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Collingwood - Thanks WW for his Plato Vol. 3 [WW's trans. of Plato's Republic, 1861]. JH gives his reply to WW's observations on the beginning of JH's translation of the first book of Homer's 'Iliad' [see JH to WW, 12 Dec. 1861].

FRAZ/15/102-103 · Item · 23, 31 Oct. 1933
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Mulberry House, Smith Square, S.W.1. - Is sorry to hear the news of Frazer's eyesight; only met him two or three times at his grandmother's house when he was young; apologises that he can only subscribe to 20 copies (Item 102); accepts her proposal in regard to the inscription; asks for one copy and the rest to distribute as she wishes (Item 103).

FRSH/C/102-103 · File · 1948–1973
Part of Papers of Otto Frisch

C.102: Adventures in Experimental Physics 1973
Allen and Unwin Limited: Correspondence and agreement re proposed 'Collected Papers' by Frisch. 1958
C.103: American Technion Society 1948
Appleton-Century-Crofts 1964
Atlantic Monthly 1962