40 Weymouth Street - thanks him for the help he gave Charles Donne, Charles' preaching, meeting with "the Dean"
10 King's Parade, Cambridge. Dated 10 Nov. 1915 - Thanks him for the copy of ['The Northern Bantu']; Lilly instructs him to say she does not think he should give copies to the guarantors but will explain when she sees him.
Park House, Maidstone - Thanks WW for his 'Republic and the Timaeus': WW will be remembered in time for his work in opening up this field to 'English readers'.
Journal of Chemical Research, Refereeing (1977).
Journal of Dairy Research, Refereeing (1966).
Journal of Endocrinology, Refereeing (1954).
The Synges stayed in Norway for Christmas 1959.
Letters re arrangements.
'Westminster Science and Religion Conference' Ms. notes for contribution.
'The ordinary man in church', May 1962. Ms. draft, probably for sermon at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.
"Old Anna [The Times] is served with the writ to-day, and also Fanny Wraight"
(Bibliog. 113).
8pp. ms. draft.
Allibone's final letter, 4 March 1963, announces the A.E.I. Company's decision to close the laboratory at Aldermaston.
1 bundle
‘The Echo’ Office, 19 St Bride Street, Fleet Street, E.C.—Is sorry he can’t be with her this afternoon, but he will be especially nice to ‘the two dear kiddies’ at the weekend. His evening (at Trinity) went well, and the Master said that the ‘dear boy’ (Frank Pethick) was much loved.
(Undated. Cf. 6/64-5 and 6/71.)
One letter only, on an inequality, with 1 p. attached calculations by Davenport headed 'Haldane'.
Melbourne.—They send their sympathy (on the death of Lady Pethick-Lawrence).
Gunthwaite Hall, nr Barnsley - BB would like his theory of tides published in the Memoirs of the Cambridge Philosophical Society: 'I need not tell you that Laplace's theory has not superseded the necessity of another'. BB gives a short critique of Laplaces's theory: 'He neglects the vertical displacement in the value of Sp, and retains it in the equation of continuity where it ought also to be neglected...To make Sp a complete variation is the thing wanted in this theory'.
(Place of writing not indicated.)—Expresses support for him in connection with an interview, and reflects on the question of suffering.
Letter of acceptance for the 1905 Apostles' dinner.
The Nonesuch Press Ltd., 16 Great James Street, London, W.C.1. - Understands Trevelyan's reluctance to take on such a large project [that of translating Herodotus for the Press, see 4/105] but he should think it over and they will discuss the matter when they meet on the 28th.