Arising out of debate over 'Supply Function in Keynsian economics' by De Jong with D H Robertson's note 'Keynsian supply function...'
Description of a visit to Paris with Alice Monk, Constance Monk and their father
Description of the attack on the British Embassy in Athens and the delight at the fall of the military government
(Bibliog. 5).
19pp. typescript draft (incomplete), with ms. corrections; 4pp. typescript draft.
To begin studying Greek Testament, has been recommended Roger L'Estrange 'Seneca's Morals' by way of abstract, Burn obliged for JHM's Life of Bentley
Does not think that the fresco will be damaged by strong colour around it
[Leamington?]—Has been in Warwickshire. Is going to London on Monday [3rd], but will probably be able to come up to Cambridge on Wednesday.
Pembroke College, Cambridge.—Supports Smith’s candidature for the chair of English at Fribourg. Though he does not know him personally, his published work testifies to his wide knowledge of literature, his keen critical intelligence, and his linguistic powers. Refers to his own links with another Swiss university and his interest in promoting intellectual discourse between the two countries.