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HOUG/E/M/2/10 · Item · 27 Jun. 1845
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

Turks Islands. - Seeks recommendation for President Inglis' vacant office; personal service to this Colony has been publicly acknowledged. Rapid rise of Sir Charles MacCarthy, whose brother Felix is travelling to Europe to obtain promotion. Edwardread more

HOUG/E/M/7/10 · Item · 7 Mar. 1870
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

Manchester. - Houghton's offer to approach Sir Henry Storks about a position in the Control Department will be of great value; believes he has been bypassed owing to lack of influence; present post in the Pay Sub-Department was a temporary measure andread more

HOUG/B/N/5/10 · Item · 1872-1874
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

Bills from traders: Crossley and Clarke (booksellers), Blake and Son,drapers, mercers, hosiers, haberdashers and hatters; H. Chatham Shaw, hat maker; E Goshawk, for hair cutting; E. W. Graham; James Woodbridge, tailor, hosier and hatter; E. W. Craker [?],read more

HOUG/B/O/2/10 · Item · [1843?]
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

Thornes House. - 'Here comes Punch, but alas! no Judy' - Mary [her sister in law?] has a bad sore throat, and there is a 'cry against my leaving the Greeks' [her children?]. She and Mary had 'resolved on rebellion had we been able to bring our combinedread more