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PETH/3/10 · Item · 21 June 1939
Part of Pethick-Lawrence Papers

Explains why he thinks capital a more suitable measure for a special tax than income.



21st. June, 1939.

Dear Nash,

It was a great pleasure to see you at dinner the other night but I was sorry not to have had the opportunity of explaining to you the little point regarding which you asked my view, namely, why I think that capital rather than income is a suitable measure for a special tax. My answer is twofold.

First, I think in general that both capital and income are measures of a man’s capacity to pay. Apart from death duties which only operate after a man’s death, all the burden is laid on income and to such an extent that the most elaborate devices are resorted to to enable a man to avoid taxation. I doubt whether very much steeper income taxation can be adopted successfully without finding some new principle to prevent evasions in future. A tax on capital avoids some of these difficulties.

Secondly, for the purpose of the emergency it is the capital position about which I am most concerned. We shall of course all agree (as I said in my speech on the Budget Proposals) that you cannot make shells out of the title deeds of wealth and you must depend on the margin of income over expenditure for the purpose. But this margin will be spread over the community in various proportions according to accidental circumstances. Whereas the people who ought ultimately to pay are the people of great wealth. This is reinforced by the fact that, in the case of the very rich, income tax, surtax (even without any allowance for insuring against death duties) already take a very large slice of income and it would not be physically possible to take much more. Whereas if the tax is regarded specifically as a tax on capital there is no reason whatever why in this emergency they should not be called upon to hand over part of their title deeds of wealth and so prevent a serious increase in the national debt.

Yours sincerely,

The Hon,† Walter Nash,
Savoy Hotel,
London, W.C.2.


† Sic.

TRER/25/15/10 · Item · 19 Aug 1947
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House, London, W.1. - Understands that Trevelyan has made some translations from Latin of poems by Catullus for his broadcast on the Third Programme on 27 August: 136 lines of verse and 66 words of prose. An 'inclusive fee of fifteen guineas' is offered, in return for which the Corporation would like the rights specified on the attached form [no longer present]. If this is satisfactory, asks Trevelyan to sign and return the form; will then arrange payment.

Lists (of Coryat pieces, "Prayers to...", and other pieces) on verso of front endpaper and first page); dialogue between Hope and Memory; Coryat and Miranda discuss love and illusion; lists of names; précis of/plan for piece about Percy Smith walking through a wood and thinking about his own name; another Coryat piece; Coryat on the subject of names; notes on various myths; discussion of Arthur Waley's translations of Chinese poetry; précis/plan for piece on "Sleep"; essay on Horace, methods of translation; piece about Coryat and his nephew Oliver; introduction to reprinting of earlier works [for his "Collected Works"?]; introduction for his translation of Sophocles' "Ajax".

Book also used from other end: dialogue between Coryat and 'Ph.' ['Philos': Friend?]; dialogue between Coryat and 'Spirit'; first lines of a verse epistle to [Umberto] Morra; dialogue between Coryat, 'C.A' [Clifford Allen?] and Morra; translations of Horace "Epodes" I.2 and II.17, and "Satires" II.8; notes under headings such as 'Literature', 'Visual Art'. 'Technique'; Coryat wondering 'what is the good of me?'; draft verse epistle to Gordon [Bottomley]; verse dialogue between Coryat and his Muse; list of poets with poems; translation of first lines of Lucretius's "De Rerum Natura"; notes for an autobiographical piece, with dates.

FRAZ/14/10 · Item · 4 Jan. 1925
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

3 Rue du Boccador (VIIIe) - Thanks her for telling him about Frazer's award and congratulates them; suggests that giving Reinach a copy of F.L.A.T. ['Folklore dans l'Ancien Testament'] will be more official and will result in a mention in the report of the Académie [des Inscriptions].

'Notebook RR. (references)'
FRAZ/35/10 · Item · [1900?-1915?]
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Bound volume with notes in Frazer's hand, additions of references to the second and third editions of 'The Golden Bough', and addenda to proofs; with addenda to the second edition of 'Psyche’s Task' and at the back, turned upside down and started from the back cover, 5 pages of 'Additions for the second edition of Adonis[, Attis, Osiris]'.

FRAZ/25/10 · Item · 25 Jan. 1929
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

"Hochried", Murnau/Staffelsee - Is pleased to hear they are comfortable in Paris; has asked Dr Page about Frazer's honorarium for the 'Fasti'; as to Frazer's request for the Loeb Classical Library volumes, they should ask Salomon Reinach to lend them as this would be easiest.

TRER/14/10 · Item · [16 Jul 1893]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

8, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. Lord's exeat. - Harrow were 'licked yesterday' [in the cricket match against Eton]. Spirits kept up by a 'very good lunch' with the Yates Thompsons; 'impossible to be depressed in the company of Dolly'. Went to the Royal Academy after the match, then went to see 'the Bastille taken' at Earl's Court; there were plenty of very pretty women, but he did not 'see any Turks'; he then took a 'water-toboggan' ride and went home. Wants to sends his pictures to Cambridge at the end of the term; asks what address at Trinity he should use; asks if Bob could put him up in Cambridge at the beginning of August to 'arrange business'; will go on 4 August to see Aunt Annie at Tunbridge Wells, and then to Wallington on Monday.

TRER/17/10 · Item · 23 May - 11 June [1917?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

13 Hanover Terrace. - Glad that Trevelyan and [Gordon] Bottomley have 'managed to get some fun out of the No play'; it is not a good one, and he translated it only as an appendix to his book on Po Chu-I; this may get written now, as he has just been rejected again byy the army and hopes he will have a 'quiet six months'; will also translate some more No plays. Went to hear [Thomas] Sturge Moore read his Viking play [Tyrfing] yesterday; thought it 'very well done' and intellectually judged it 'a fine thing', but 'somehow' was not interested by it; this may have been because Sturge Moore's reading was 'downright bad', as he thinks it 'would act rather well'. Read the 'magnificent exordium' to the seventh book of Pliny's "Natural History" recently and quotes in Latin at length from the passage about man. Does not want Hakurakuten at present. Looks forward to seeing Trevelyan, perhaps in June. Hears Mr Ch'eng [see 17/3, 17/5?] 'made a great oration' recently at the Japan Society 'rather mocking at the self-satisfaction of the Japanese', which people say was a 'great success'. Asks whether Trevelyan has seen [Roger] Fry's exhibition of "Copies and Translations" from the old masters; some of those he saw in his studio were 'great fun'.

Returns to the letter on 11 June: has 'just discovered the later parts of Piers Ploughman [sic: Plowman]"; it is 'brilliant' from canto 16 onwards, but 'the beginning is so boring that no one ever gets as far'. The best canto is 18; expects Trevelyan 'found that out long ago'. Has translated a short, slight No play called "Hatsu-yuki, or Early Snow", about 'a court lady who loses a pet bird'; has not had time to do a longer one as he has been 'so immersed in exploring (in books) the Gobi Desert on behalf of Sir Aurel Stein'. Adds a handwritten postscript to say he would like to come for a weekend visit, if the Trevelyans could have him.