Corfu climate, local costumes, acquired chartreuse from Florence for Eugene Sanford
Condolences on the death of C J Monk
Congratulations on engagement.
Death of Georgina Allix Mayor, dislike of George Herbert
Encouragement during tripos, football more humane than hunting: Acton
Poor unable to work in the fields due to frost, Robert Mayor organising a collection, death of man collecting coal, Margaret Lowe sent to boarding school, Robert B Mayor at school, poor in distress at Burslem
Embarked for India: off Portsmouth
Ocupations on board ship, Sanskrit language and Hindu beliefs
(i) Suggests that the redrafted telegram [A2/23/9] will better suit his views.
(ii) ‘Yes thanks.’
News of the Prince of Wales’s visit [to Bombay] will be found in Lloyd’s reports. Things are quiet there now, though bitterness between different sections of the population may cause further trouble. The Khilafat movement is still active across the country in bringing about hartals and intimidating the public, particularly in Delhi, where volunteers are picketing foreign cloth shops. Reading has sent for the Chief Commissioner, as strong steps must be taken. Council has decided to urge Local Governments to take all available means to prevent disorder. They are awaiting Gandhi’s next step. He has arranged to reply to a deputation of Mohammedans on Saturday.
(A cutting from a larger document.)