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SHAF/B/2/1/10 · Item · 21 July 1958
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Oscar Lewenstein Ltd., 10 Dover Street, London, W.1. - Congratulates him on ['Five Finger Exercise']; admires the success with which he presented his characters, doesn't think anyone has done this as well post-war; assumes Tennants will be doing the plays in the future, but ''wanted to express the real admiration of this other Management'.

Letter from Isla Blair
SHAF/B/8/1/10 · Item · 21 Feb. 1970
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

She and her husband Julian Glover are actors and are often disappointed when they go see certain plays lauded by the critics and loved by audiences; just went to see 'The Battle of Shrivings' and found it so exciting that they stayed up late talking of it, thinks it an important play; thinks some may liken it to Albee's 'Tiny Alice' but she thinks that pretentious and boring in comparison, though she likes Albee; is going to see Shrivings again.

FRAZ/19/10 · Item · 21 June 1937
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Trinity College, Cambridge - Has considered Lady Frazer's suggestion that Sir James' pension be increased, finds they are unable to do this according to College Statutes; suggests using the William Wyse Studentship Fund to make a grant of £100 for three years to pay for secretarial assistance.

TRER/1/10 · Item · 7 Dec 1931
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

7A Stanley Gardens, W.11. - Has been sounding out the Oxford [University] Press regarding the possible publication of a collected edition of Trevelyan's poetry. The Press seems likely to be willing given a satisfactory financial agreement (a substantial contribution to costs of publication from Trevelyan himself) and Trevelyan may therefore write to Milford and make the proposal. Catherine [his wife] still unwell.

FRAZ/4/10 · Item · 23 Aug. 1928
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Department of Anthropology, College of Science, Literature and the Arts, University of Minnesota - Asks for permission to use his 'The Cursing of Venizelos' which appeared in 'The New Europe' in Wallis' and Malcolm M. Willey's projected 'Source Book in Sociology'.

TRER/9/10 · Item · 28 Oct 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

10 Prinsegracht, The Hague. - Is very sorry she did not know in time to tell Bob the concert last Monday was cancelled; it was not [Julius Engelbert] Röntgen but [Johannes] Messchaert who was ill; he still cannot sing so the second concert will also be put off. Very sad as they would have had a good audience, and he will have to pay the costs. Has received Bob's poems and enjoyed reading them on the way to Almelo last Monday; likes part of 'the Indian poem' very much, though it is rather vague; the 'fairy poem' is charming and she wishes she had the power to set it to music; questions his choice of interpretation in the line of his Ronsard translation.

Is very glad Bob will come to The Hague; he is right that she would not like him to come without her family knowing; she is not under such 'romantically difficult' circumstances to make that necessary and what she said about their 'suspicions' probably made a stronger impression than she intended. Bramine [Hubrecht] even encouraged her to tell them about it; it would not be 'so unwise', since she is 'in reality quite free and independent', and if she could tell her aunt and be sure she would discuss it with her uncle, she might; however, thinks she would not feel real freedom when Bob was here if they knew what had happened. She will therefore tell her aunt that Bob intends to come over and do some translation work with her, asking her aunt to trust her and help 'conquer any objections' her uncle may have though she thinks he will agree at once. Marie [Hubrecht] and her American friend Maud [Howard] leave either next Monday or Tuesday, Marie for Florence and Maud for America via Paris; all three servants are then leaving in the first week of November so the household will be unsettled, and her aunt is suffering from a bad cold, so she will write as soon as all is well. Asks if he would prefer a first-rate hotel or a moderate one.

On the whole, had a good time at Almelo though it was strange to spend so much time with her friend [Adriana Salomonson Asser] after so long but they struck up quite a friendship again; she and her husband, a Jewish manufacturer [Henrik Salomonson] are very musical; it seems they hear little violin music so she was 'the talk of the town' after playing at their soirée. Is about to read Rostand's "Cyrano de Bergerac" and "La Samaritaine"; asks whether Bob knows and likes them.

TRER/20/10 · Item · [Dec 1908?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Thanks for "Sisyphus"; feels 'both pleased and honoured' that it is dedicated to him. Thinks it the 'most original and distinctive thing' Bob has yet published; praises the 'general conception', style and rhythms highly; there is 'the right degree of harking back to [W. S.] Gilbert' while maintaining a 'more frankly poetical and essentially different atmosphere'. Does still feel it is 'inclined to be over-long and over wordy' in places, but in general the 'movement and construction' are good; thinks he prefers the lyric passages to the recitative, and a few passages in the dialogue were difficult to scan. Sends love to Bessie and Paul and hopes they are well; his family are all well.

TRER/21/10 · Item · 15 July 1920
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

King's College, Cambridge. - Has returned Bob's MS [of his translation of Aeschylus' "Agamemnon"] with a 'long letter' [21/9]: hopes these arrived safely. The more he thinks about it, the more he wants to perform on Bob's translation: can see that this is a issue for Bob, as they could not publish the entirety of the work; however, the stage version would also be used in schools, so Bob 'will have an influence on the way G[ree]k is done' which is 'not unimportant'. Regarding terms, the Greek Play Committee only want themselves to 'keep down expenses' and do the thing well, but they also do not want to ask Bob to 'sacrifice [his] rights as author'. Comments on a reading in the "Eumenides". Asks Bob to let him know as soon as possible if he is willing to let them perform his version.