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No title is given, though the poems each have their number. In most cases large sheets only bear the English translation, with the French text often on smaller sheets kept alongside; some sheets have both the original and translation. MS annotations and corrections often present.
Contains letters from various figures associated with the society regarding Onslow's work for them: predominantly writing précis of articles in scientific journals such as Nature deemed relevant [see ONSL/3/11], but also providing translations and lists of books which should be reviewed, and writing articles for the Society's journal. Some typed copies of letters from Onslow to the Society also present.
Letters from: Sylvia Gotto, Hon. Secretary; A. M. Carr Saunders, who has 'taken over the bibliography scheme'; R. A. Fisher; Nora Alexander, Assistant Secretary; Leonard Darwin, chairman; Constance M. Brown, Secretary; Miss M. E. Robinson, Literary Assistant'.
A letter from Sybil Gotto as 'Joint Honorary Secretary' of the Professional Classes War Relief Council, 30 Mar 1915, is also included here, thanking Onslow for his 'most generous donation' sent in response to 'the Lord Mayor's invitation'; hopes he will do 'all he can to make [the Society's] work more widely known.
Two copies, one labelled on front cover 'With compliments from H. Onslow, 3 Selwyn Gardens, Cambridge' and the other 'With compliments to H. Onslow, 3 Selwyn Gardens, Cambridge'.
7 Carlton Terrace. Has received note and 2 volumes, is expecting Mrs Everett from America
WW has been here [the Athenaeum Club] about a week: 'My purpose for the last few days has been and is to appear in a visible form at Brasted on Saturday next when I shall be glad to find you rejoicing and to rejoice with you'.
Putney - 'Young Burges [Henry Burges] brings you this - I have advised him to come and secure lodgings which he wants quite cheap and near the College'.
6 pp. typescript, n.d. early 1950s.
Trinity College, Cambridge. - Re Cyril Mowbray Wells's international rugby matches.
Flendyshe, Fen Ditton, Cambridge. - 'I have today received Beazley's Gems of Lewes House...'
Draft of the preface and notes, with two corrected proofs of the playscript dated 5-29 June 1878, two corrected proofs of the notes dated April-June 1879, two corrected proofs of the preface dated June 1879, and another corrected proof of the playscript dated June 1879.
Custom House, (Yarmouth).—Accepts the offer of a plate for his forthcoming work (The Picture of Yarmouth).
(Dated Saturday. Full date supplied by Turner.)
Mr John Preston’s Compliments to Mr Turner, and will most gladly avail himself of his obliging offer of a Plate, which would doubtless stamp an additional Value on his Work {1} especially to such few friends as he is desirous of affording this extra Plate to, and therefore feels particularly favored by his very friendly and polite Offer.
Custom ho.
Saturdy Morng
[Superscription:] D Turner Esqr | Banker | Yarm’ {2}
Dawson Turner has added after the date at the foot, ‘—4 Decr 1819.’
{1} Preston’s The Picture of Yarmouth, published this year.
{2} The mark or letter after ‘m’ is indistinct.
(With an envelope.)
Trinity College | Cambridge
5 Feb. 1930
My dear Gerald,
This is a belated answer to your letter to me at Christmas, which I hope you enjoyed at Rupert’s. They tell me that it was very difficult to get you to leave your work even to go and see your family, so I don’t know whether I can induce you to come here some time from Saturday to Monday. So far as I can see ahead, any date would suit me; but during term, that is down to the middle of March, it would be necessary for me to know some time beforehand, as I might not be able to get you a bed in College.
I hope the arrangements which you were trying to make about the D. Sc. have turned out successfully.
Your bad language about the English climate is really rather ungrateful, for it appears from statistics that last December was the sunniest within human memory.
I had plenty to eat and drink at Christmas, and consequently am quite well, as I hope you are.
Your affectionate godfather
A. E. Housman.
[Direction on envelope:] Gerald Jackson Esq. | 85 Oakley Street | Chelsea | London S. W. 3.
The envelope, which bears a 1½d. stamp, was postmarked at Cambridge at 9 p.m. on 5 February, and has been marked in pencil
‘5 feb 1930’.
Together with 2 early photographs and a postcard.
Letter written at the camp of Meerlebecke. French. Marlborough thanks Cornaro for his zeal for the interests of the Queen [Anne] and 'la Cause Commune', and for his congratulations on the recent victory. Hopes that Prince Eugene [of Savoy] will soon benefit.
Draft letter to the Duke of Marlborough pasted at the back, dated London 28 Jun. 1706. In Italian, perhaps by Francesco Corner. Draft letter to Godolphin on verso.
Inner wrapper bears M.S. note in German on Marlborough and the rarity of his autographs.
27 Pelham Crescent, S. W. Dated May, 1909 - Thanks him for his kind words about the Introduction [to his Tacitus' Annals XI-XVI'?]; doesn't wonder at Frazer's anger at being accused of conclusions in 'Psyche's Task' that he has not drawn.
Concerning the Julius Charles Hare bust.