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Archival description
“Epitaph in Lowestoft Church” three copies by an unidentified person
“Epitaph in Lowestoft Church” three copies by an unidentified person
“Epitaph on Catherine Benstead, Oct. 9 1814, aged 11” by H. V. E. [Henry Venn Elliott]
“Epitaph on Catherine Benstead, Oct. 9 1814, aged 11” by H. V. E. [Henry Venn Elliott]
“Monody on the death of Professor Buckland” by Archbishop Whately
“Monody on the death of Professor Buckland” by Archbishop Whately
“The worship of this Sabbath morn” by Dorothy Wordsworth
“The worship of this Sabbath morn” by Dorothy Wordsworth
‘Alfred was a greater benefactor to Great Britain than Elizabeth’, an English declamation by C. A. Caldwell
‘Alfred was a greater benefactor to Great Britain than Elizabeth’, an English declamation by C. A. Caldwell
‘Charles the 2nd w[oul]d not have been justified in pardoning Algernon Sydney’, an English declamation by George Burges
‘Charles the 2nd w[oul]d not have been justified in pardoning Algernon Sydney’, an English declamation by George Burges
‘Charles the first was not justified in putting to Death the Earl of Strafford’, an English declamation by Lewis Bowerbank
‘Charles the first was not justified in putting to Death the Earl of Strafford’, an English declamation by Lewis Bowerbank
‘Cromwel [sic] would not have consulted his interest by accepting the Crown’, an English declamation by Augustus Campbell
‘Cromwel [sic] would not have consulted his interest by accepting the Crown’, an English declamation by Augustus Campbell
‘Edward the 3d did not consult the Interest of England, in pretending to the Crown of France’, an English declamation by J. B. Cambel
‘Edward the 3d did not consult the Interest of England, in pretending to the Crown of France’, an English declamation by J. B. Cambel
‘Oliver Cromwell would have consulted his interest by accepting the Crown’, an English declamation by James Cairncross
‘Oliver Cromwell would have consulted his interest by accepting the Crown’, an English declamation by James Cairncross
‘T. Gracchus de patriâ suâ non bene meruit’, a Latin declamation by J. H. Batten
‘T. Gracchus de patriâ suâ non bene meruit’, a Latin declamation by J. H. Batten
‘The Character of Alfred the great is superior to that of the Czar Peter of Russia and his Virtues were more advantageous to his Country’, an English declamation by Joseph Acomb
‘The Character of Alfred the great is superior to that of the Czar Peter of Russia and his Virtues were more advantageous to his Country’, an English declamation by Joseph Acomb
‘The civil liberty of England would have been as effectually & as happily secured, as it was by the Revolution of 1688, had the Reformation not previously taken place’, an English declamation by John Carr
‘The civil liberty of England would have been as effectually & as happily secured, as it was by the Revolution of 1688, had the Reformation not previously taken place’, an English declamation by John Carr
‘The death of Richard the third was not to be regretted by the English’, an English declamation by Charles Brown
‘The death of Richard the third was not to be regretted by the English’, an English declamation by Charles Brown
‘The Institution of Chivalry was generally beneficial to Europe’, an English declamation by W. J. Bankes
‘The Institution of Chivalry was generally beneficial to Europe’, an English declamation by W. J. Bankes
‘The Introduction of [th]e Feudal System into Europe was not attended with beneficial consequences’, an English declamation by H. F. Ainslie
‘The Introduction of [th]e Feudal System into Europe was not attended with beneficial consequences’, an English declamation by H. F. Ainslie
‘The Misfortunes of Charles the first were more owing to the temper of the Times, than to his own Misconduct’, an English declamation by Lord Althorp
‘The Misfortunes of Charles the first were more owing to the temper of the Times, than to his own Misconduct’, an English declamation by Lord Althorp
‘The Persecutions under Mary were more prejudicial to the interests of England than the Fanaticism in the time of Charles the 1st’, an English declamation by J. P. Brandreth
‘The Persecutions under Mary were more prejudicial to the interests of England than the Fanaticism in the time of Charles the 1st’, an English declamation by J. P. Brandreth
‘The Reign of Henry 5th was more beneficial to England than that of Henry 7th’, an English declamation by William Bolland
‘The Reign of Henry 5th was more beneficial to England than that of Henry 7th’, an English declamation by William Bolland
A general method of calculating the angles made by any planes of crystals, and the laws to which they are formed
A general method of calculating the angles made by any planes of crystals, and the laws to which they are formed
"Account of a Charade on the name of the learned Professor Whewell as represented at Castle Ashby December 29 1837"
"Account of a Charade on the name of the learned Professor Whewell as represented at Castle Ashby December 29 1837"
Account of the death of King Philip II of Spain, headed ‘Relacion de la muerte del Rey Phelipe segundo’
Account of the death of King Philip II of Spain, headed ‘Relacion de la muerte del Rey Phelipe segundo’
Account of work on the buildings and in the gardens of Blenheim Castle
Account of work on the buildings and in the gardens of Blenheim Castle
Anemometer readings
Anemometer readings
Anemometer readings
Anemometer readings
Autograph full score of a setting of Milton’s Ode at a Solemn Musick, by C. Hubert H. Parry
Autograph full score of a setting of Milton’s Ode at a Solemn Musick, by C. Hubert H. Parry
Autograph manuscript of Musical Composition: A Short Treatise for Students, by Sir Charles Stanford
Autograph manuscript of Musical Composition: A Short Treatise for Students, by Sir Charles Stanford
Autograph score of ‘Commemoration Anthem’, by C. V. Stanford
Autograph score of ‘Commemoration Anthem’, by C. V. Stanford
Autograph score of ‘Commemoration Anthem’, by C. V. Stanford
Autograph score of ‘Commemoration Anthem’, by C. V. Stanford
Autograph score of ‘Prelude on the ancient melody “Jesu dulcis memoriae”’, by C. V. Stanford
Autograph score of ‘Prelude on the ancient melody “Jesu dulcis memoriae”’, by C. V. Stanford