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Writings on supply and demand by Thomas Malthus
Writings on supply and demand by Thomas Malthus
Writings by Jeremy Bentham on the Accounting Branch of the Board of Admiralty and on book keeping
Writings by Jeremy Bentham on the Accounting Branch of the Board of Admiralty and on book keeping
Wrapper, made for a letter of Lord Byron (R.2.40A/10)
Wrapper, made for a letter of Lord Byron (R.2.40A/10)
Wrapper, labelled ‘Letters to & from Lady Constance Lytton.’, formerly enclosing 9/9-29
Wrapper, labelled ‘Letters to & from Lady Constance Lytton.’, formerly enclosing 9/9-29
Wrapper (partly printed) for the text of the Elections (Conveyance of Voters) Bill
Wrapper (partly printed) for the text of the Elections (Conveyance of Voters) Bill
Wrapper marked ‘Talks by P-L when @ Cambridge as undergraduate’, formerly containing 5/25-8
Wrapper marked ‘Talks by P-L when @ Cambridge as undergraduate’, formerly containing 5/25-8
Wrapper marked ‘Silly Billy to Discontented Susan’
Wrapper marked ‘Silly Billy to Discontented Susan’
Wrapper labelled ‘Personal letters from E.P-L written to P-L From South Africa. (Between February 19th, 1930 & May 29th, 1930) E.K. [Esther Knowles]’, formerly enclosing 8/30-58
Wrapper labelled ‘Personal letters from E.P-L written to P-L From South Africa. (Between February 19th, 1930 & May 29th, 1930) E.K. [Esther Knowles]’, formerly enclosing 8/30-58
World Faiths (journal of the World Congress of Faiths), No. 49, including an article entitled ‘Why? Whence? Whither?’, by Lord Pethick-Lawrence
World Faiths (journal of the World Congress of Faiths), No. 49, including an article entitled ‘Why? Whence? Whither?’, by Lord Pethick-Lawrence
William Whewell to Richard Jones
William Whewell to Richard Jones
William Whewell to Richard Jones
William Whewell to Richard Jones
William Whewell papers: Robert Leslie Ellis letters and writings and Ellis family letters
William Whewell papers: Robert Leslie Ellis letters and writings and Ellis family letters
William Whewell letters to John Whewell, Alice Lyon, and Elizabeth, Martha, and Ann Whewell
William Whewell letters to John Whewell, Alice Lyon, and Elizabeth, Martha, and Ann Whewell
William Whewell letters to his sister Ann Whewell
William Whewell letters to his sister Ann Whewell
William Whewell letters to his family
William Whewell letters to his family
William Whewell letters and printed material received
William Whewell letters and printed material received
W. Aldis Wright: Bible Revision (notes and correspondence)
W. Aldis Wright: Bible Revision (notes and correspondence)
W. Aldis Wright: Bible Revision (correspondence and notes)
W. Aldis Wright: Bible Revision (correspondence and notes)
W. Aldis Wright: Bible Revision (correspondence)
W. Aldis Wright: Bible Revision (correspondence)
W. Aldis Wright: Bible Revision (correspondence)
W. Aldis Wright: Bible Revision (correspondence)
Vouchers for food, drink, carts etc.
Vouchers for food, drink, carts etc.
Votes for Women, vol. v (new series), no. 209
Votes for Women, vol. v (new series), no. 209
Volume entitled ‘Projet d’Encyclopedie de C-H. Saint-Simon. Seconde livraison’
Volume entitled ‘Projet d’Encyclopedie de C-H. Saint-Simon. Seconde livraison’
Visiting card from Antonio Labriola to Camillo de Meis
Visiting card from Antonio Labriola to Camillo de Meis
Verses entitled ‘Epitaph on a beautiful Boy’
Verses entitled ‘Epitaph on a beautiful Boy’
Verses by A. E. Housman entitled ‘Aids towards answering the first question of the Catechism’
Verses by A. E. Housman entitled ‘Aids towards answering the first question of the Catechism’
Verses beginning ‘The mists of dawn do hide the day’, in the hand of Emmeline Pethick, on a card, with a watercolour drawing of a seascape on the other side
Verses beginning ‘The mists of dawn do hide the day’, in the hand of Emmeline Pethick, on a card, with a watercolour drawing of a seascape on the other side
Untitled article by Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence, written for the Peace Pledge Union (two copies)
Untitled article by Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence, written for the Peace Pledge Union (two copies)
Unnamed correspondent to Nassau William Senior
Unnamed correspondent to Nassau William Senior
Typescripts of 'Value and Price' by Joan Robinson,  and letters from Robinson
Typescripts of 'Value and Price' by Joan Robinson, and letters from Robinson