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Manuscripts in Wren Class O
O. · Fonds · 10th-20th c.

Class O is the repository of the Gale collection of manuscripts, donated to the library in 1738 by Roger Gale, the son of Dr Thomas Gale. This collection was described in 1902 by M. R. James in the preface to volume III of his catalogue of Western manuscripts in Trinity College Library which may be viewed online at A searchable version of the James catalogue may be found online at

The manuscripts listed in this catalogue were placed in Class O in the Wren Library on shelves not otherwise occupied by the Gale collection. They consist of a mix of single items and small archival entities, with materials which form a part of larger collections housed elsewhere. It should be noted that there are gaps in the numbering scheme of items on the shelves, and that the cataloguing of these materials is a work in progress.

Trinity College Library, Cambridge
Additional Manuscripts c
Add. MS c · Fonds · 13th-20th c.

The additional manuscript series are artificial groups containing manuscripts from various sources. Most of the contents are single items or small groups, but they include some fairly large personal archives, either arranged in sequence or scattered in various places. See the overview of the collections (

Trinity College Library, Cambridge
Manuscripts in Wren Class R
R. · Fonds · 14th-20th c.

Class R is the Wren Library repository of manuscripts for all those works which could not be classed as theological. As a consequence, the class is a miscellaneous assortment representing many fields, particularly history, poetry, philosophy, law, natural science, medicine, and music. The contents of Class R were described in 1901 by M. R. James in the preface to volume II of his catalogue of Western manuscripts in Trinity College Library, which may be viewed online: A searchable version of the James catalogue may be found online:

The manuscripts listed in this catalogue are those modern manuscripts in R with strong connections to materials housed elsewhere in the library, particularly in Additional Manuscripts. Where James did not provide a description in his catalogue, a description has been provided. Where the James catalogue entry is detailed, a pointer record has been created in this catalogue to highlight the entry in the James catalogue. It should be noted that there are gaps in the numbering scheme of items on the shelves, and that the cataloguing of these materials is a work in progress.

Trinity College Library, Cambridge
Additional Manuscripts a
Add. MS a · Fonds · 16th-21st c.

The additional manuscript series are artificial groupings, mostly of single items or very small archival entities, but in some cases large archives have been inserted in these series.

Trinity College Library, Cambridge
Manuscripts in Printed Books
MSPB · Fonds · 1767-1955

Most of the items included in this category are letters, and most are connected with the publications into which they are inserted.

Trinity College Library, Cambridge
R./2.40A · Collection · 1798–1970
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class R

This is a small collection of items relating to Lord Byron, comprising six letters from him to Henry Drury, one to Edward Trelawny, and a bill of lading for the shipping of his property in Italy, together with various papers relating to their deposit at Trinity.

Trinity College Library, Cambridge
Add. MS a/691 · File · 1929-1957
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

The papers consist of:
Two copies of an annotated typescript catalogue of the Newton library by Heinrich Zeitlinger in 1929, with a later copy of the book list with five more books added by H. M. Adams.
Cuttings about the Newton library dated 1942-1944.
One postcard from Tressilian Nicholas to H. M. Adams and fifteen letters dated August to October 1943 from Henry Sotheran Ltd and from Barnby, Bendall & Co. Ltd. to the Trinity College Librarian H. M. Adams concerning the shipping of the Newton library.
Later notes and letters about the books stored in the Muniments Room and value of the alchemical books in the collection with two letters dated 1943-1944 from Dorothea Waley Singer and John Read to C. D. Broad.
A later note from F. E. Manuel about manuscripts by and about Newton in the British Library, dated June 1957.

Trinity College Library, Cambridge
Add. MS a/301/56 · Item · June-Aug. 1991
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Correspondence between Alan F. Munden with Trinity College Library staff about discrepancies between the John Davies listed in Venn, and the John Davies listed in Hole's Early History of the CMS, with forwarded material from the Leicestershire Record Office.

Trinity College Library, Cambridge
Additional Manuscripts b
Add. MS b · Fonds · 16th-20th c.

The additional manuscript series are artificial groups containing manuscripts from various sources. Most of the contents are single items or small groups, but they include some fairly large personal archives, either arranged in sequence or scattered in various places. See the overview of the collections (

Trinity College Library, Cambridge
Additional Manuscripts d
Add. MS d · Fonds · 18th-20th c.

The additional manuscript series are artificial groups containing manuscripts from various sources. Most of the contents are single items or small groups, but they include some fairly large personal archives, either arranged in sequence or scattered in various places. See the overview of the collections (

Trinity College Library, Cambridge
Manuscripts in Wren Class B
B. · Collection

The contents of Class B were described in 1901 by M. R. James in the preface to volume I of his catalogue of Western manuscripts in Trinity College Library, which may be viewed online: A searchable version of the James catalogue may be found online:

The manuscripts listed in this catalogue are those modern manuscripts in B with strong connections to materials housed elsewhere in the library, particularly in Additional Manuscripts. Where James did not provide a description in his catalogue, a description has been provided. Where the James catalogue entry is detailed, a pointer record has been created in this catalogue to highlight the entry in the James catalogue. It should be noted that there are gaps in the numbering scheme of items on the shelves, and that the cataloguing of these materials is a work in progress.

Trinity College Library, Cambridge