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FRAZ/3/1 · Unidad documental simple · 6 Feb. 1936
Parte de Papers of Sir James Frazer

The Rector, Exeter College, Oxford - Admires how Frazer keeps up his work despite his handicap; wishes his own book on Tylor was better, but was pressured with space constraints and instructions to be critical, which he felt was 'indecent', given how much Oxford owes Tylor.

Typescript of 'The Latin Fabulists'
FRAZ/22/1 · Unidad documental simple · [1884?]
Parte de Papers of Sir James Frazer

A typescript of a review of Léopold Hervieux's 'Les Fabulistes Latins, depuis le siècle d'Auguste jusqu'à la fin du moyen âge' in 'The Academy', No. 653, pp. 300-301, 8 Nov. 1884.

'An Anthology of English Prose'
FRAZ/35/1 · Unidad documental simple · c 1880?
Parte de Papers of Sir James Frazer

Bound volume containing notes in Frazer’s hand, excerpts from works by Francis Bacon, Sir Thomas Browne, Sir Walter Raleigh, Richard Hooker, J. A. Froude, Edmund Burke, Sir Walter Scott, Hugh Miller, Abraham Cowley, Alexander Pope, Edward Gibbon, John Henry Newman, Charles Dickens and Charles Kingsley.

Letter from A. M. Adam to Lady Frazer
FRAZ/16/1 · Unidad documental simple · 10 Sept. 1940
Parte de Papers of Sir James Frazer

29 Barton Road, Cambridge - Thanks Lady Frazer for the Downie biography; reminisces about first meeting Sir James at Easter 1890 in Athens; has not forsaken them, but does not walk down Causewayside for fear of getting caught by air-raid warnings.

FRAZ/4/1 · Unidad documental simple · 21 Apr. 1933
Parte de Papers of Sir James Frazer

Garden Corner, West Road, Cambridge - Is part of a group of people who are trying to bring pressure to bear on the German government, which has begun reviewing dossiers of academics and dismissing them. Sends a document for Frazer to sign which will be presented to the German government and which will be signed by the Vice Chancellor, the Master of Trinity, and Lord Rutherford; they are also asking Eddington, Hopkins, Pope, Housman, and he will sign himself.

Diary of a Tour in Spain
FRAZ/34/1 · Unidad documental simple · Mar.-Apr. 1883
Parte de Papers of Sir James Frazer

85 pp. diary of a train trip made with [James?] Ward from 13 March to 8 April 1883. While in Paris on the way there they attend a performance of "Fedora" starring the 'powerful' Sarah Bernhardt. Travelling via Toulouse, they arrive at the border where Frazer tastes Spanish food for the first time. From there they travel to Barcelona, with a long description of a side trip in which they climb Montserrat, to Tarragona and the monastery of Poblet, to València ('a most uninteresting town'), Córdoba (and a visit to the mosque there ), Granada (the Alhambra, cathedral, and Carthusian monastery), Seville (the Museo [de Bellas Artes de Sevilla], cathedral, and the Alcázar), Madrid (the Prado, a view of the King and Queen ['no cheering whatever'], and a trip to Toledo), Vittoria [Vitoria-Gasteiz], San Sebastián, Irun, thence in short order Biarritz, Bordeaux, Paris, Boulogne, Folkestone, London, and home to Cambridge.

Partial first galley proof of Book I
FRAZ/12/1 · Unidad documental simple · May-Sept. 1927
Parte de Papers of Sir James Frazer

Proof starting with part of note 347 and continuing to the end. Stamped 'First Proof' and carrying R. & R. Clark Ltd. date stamps from 16 May to 12 Sept., 1927, with corrections in Frazer's hand.

FRAZ/18/1 · Unidad documental simple · 10 Dec. 1931
Parte de Papers of Sir James Frazer

Castle Hale, Painswick, Glos. [on mourning stationery] - Is pleased to hear that Sir James' operation was successful; also pleased to hear that she recalls their time in Rome, which they last visited two years before in November, with fewer tourists but more easily recognisable spies; Ponza, Lampedusa and Lipari are full of political victims of Mussolini; Boni faded out before things became so bad, two underground railways are being made in Rome; has told Signorina Tea her words in her letter to Mrs Plimmer, hope to see them soon; they have never wavered in friendship, but felt something of an 'occult misunderstanding' arose long ago.

Album of newspaper cuttings
FRAZ/21/1 · Unidad documental simple · 1888-1899
Parte de Papers of Sir James Frazer

Articles about folklore and customs dated primarily 1888-1891, many of them from the 'Glasgow Herald', with several obituaries of Rev. Alexander Anderson in Oct. 1891.

FRAZ/28/1 · Unidad documental simple · 20 July 1913
Parte de Papers of Sir James Frazer

Berlin - Printed form letter completed in manuscript announcing his election as corresponding member of the Berlin Society for Anthropology, Ethnology, and Prehistory.

Accompanied by the envelope redirected from Trinity College to Nethy Bridge Hotel, Inverness-shire N.B.

FRAZ/32/1 · Unidad documental simple · 20 Sept. 1929
Parte de Papers of Sir James Frazer

House of Cromar, Tarland, Aberdeenshire - Has not had an opportunity to ask H.R.H. the Duchess of York if she would accept Lady Frazer's book; as so many want to send presents to her and the little princess, there are strict rules on the subject.

FRAZ/6/1 · Unidad documental simple · Oct. 1934
Parte de Papers of Sir James Frazer

Galley proofs marked by Frazer [and another hand?], with ink stamp 'First Proof' at the top of some pages, some also carrying 'Marked Proof' and 'R' in pencil at top, with ink stamps of R. & R. Clark, Ltd. Edinburgh at bottom of some sheets, dated 5-11 Oct. 1934. The corrections are mostly typographical, with the addition of a paragraph in 'Memories of My Parents' describing residences of Frazer's father now found on page 137 of the printed volume.

FRAZ/8/1 · Unidad documental compuesta · [c 1885]-[c 1935]
Parte de Papers of Sir James Frazer

Manuscript music scores, including four setting J. G. Frazer's poems and his translation of a Heine poem to music. Other material relates to Lilly Frazer's work, with a music score for her operetta 'The Singing Wood', an early draft of stage directions for a play, manuscript scores, and printed sheet music of French songs.

FRAZ/15/1 · Unidad documental simple · [27?] Nov. 1922
Parte de Papers of Sir James Frazer

Université de Nancy - Would like to offer the Frazers the Université de Nancy medal; wanted to give it to them last Friday but it could not be engraved in time; very much enjoyed their visit. Accompanied by the envelope.