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Cutting from the Weston-super-Mare Gazette, containing a notice of Eddington's attainment of the Senior Wranglership at Cambridge, with a discussion of his family and education
Cutting from the Weston-super-Mare Gazette, containing a notice of Eddington's attainment of the Senior Wranglership at Cambridge, with a discussion of his family and education
Letters from John W. Graham to Sarah Ann Eddington
Letters from John W. Graham to Sarah Ann Eddington
Corrected proof of the title-page
Corrected proof of the title-page
Essays, papers, etc.
Essays, papers, etc.
Final draft (printer’s ‘copy’)
Final draft (printer’s ‘copy’)
‘The Stars and Their Movements’: a paper read at Perth on 1 Aug. 1914
‘The Stars and Their Movements’: a paper read at Perth on 1 Aug. 1914
‘English Composition’
‘English Composition’
Chapter VIII: Double Frames
Chapter VIII: Double Frames
Chapter IX: Simple Applications
Chapter IX: Simple Applications
Chapter X: The Wave Equation
Chapter X: The Wave Equation
Chapter XI: The Molar Electromagnetic Field
Chapter XI: The Molar Electromagnetic Field
Chapter XII: Radiation [unfinished]
Chapter XII: Radiation [unfinished]
Summary of Chapters XII (second part), XIII, and XIV, with an editorial note
Summary of Chapters XII (second part), XIII, and XIV, with an editorial note
Notes for a series of lectures on practical astronomy
Notes for a series of lectures on practical astronomy
List of attendees
List of attendees
Folder, formerly containing C2/1a-b
Folder, formerly containing C2/1a-b
Letters from A. S. Eddington to Sarah Ann Eddington: Brazil Eclipse Expedition
Letters from A. S. Eddington to Sarah Ann Eddington: Brazil Eclipse Expedition
Lecture notes
Lecture notes
Summary of a series of lectures on the mathematical theory of relativity, for Michaelmas [term]
Summary of a series of lectures on the mathematical theory of relativity, for Michaelmas [term]