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Papers of Sir Arthur Eddington
Papers of Sir Arthur Eddington
Letters from A. S. Eddington to Sarah Ann Eddington: Brazil Eclipse Expedition
Letters from A. S. Eddington to Sarah Ann Eddington: Brazil Eclipse Expedition
Letters from A. S. Eddington to Sarah Ann Eddington and Winifred Eddington: Madeira and the Eclipse at Principe
Letters from A. S. Eddington to Sarah Ann Eddington and Winifred Eddington: Madeira and the Eclipse at Principe
Drafts of Fundamental Theory, and related papers
Drafts of Fundamental Theory, and related papers
Chapter VII: Wave Vectors
Chapter VII: Wave Vectors
Chapter X: The Wave Equation
Chapter X: The Wave Equation
Chapter IX: Wave Functions
Chapter IX: Wave Functions
Chapter VIII: Simple Applications
Chapter VIII: Simple Applications
Chapter VII: Double Frames
Chapter VII: Double Frames
Chapter III: Electrical Theory
Chapter III: Electrical Theory
Chapter IX: two sections
Chapter IX: two sections
Chapter I: The Uncertainty of the Origin
Chapter I: The Uncertainty of the Origin
Chapter V: Electric Charge
Chapter V: Electric Charge
[Chapter I]
[Chapter I]
Chapter III: Multiplicity Factors.
Chapter III: Multiplicity Factors.
Chapter II: The Uncertainty of Scale
Chapter II: The Uncertainty of Scale
The Unification of Relativity and Quantum Theory
The Unification of Relativity and Quantum Theory
Masses of the Proton and Electron [unfinished]
Masses of the Proton and Electron [unfinished]
Papers from a folder marked ‘A’
Papers from a folder marked ‘A’
Part of a draft paper by A. S. Eddington
Part of a draft paper by A. S. Eddington
Part of a draft paper by A. S. Eddington
Part of a draft paper by A. S. Eddington