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Fabian Clancy: typescript dissertation "Availability in English"
Fabian Clancy: typescript dissertation "Availability in English"
Bound Ph.D. thesis by A. G. Rigg entitled "An Edition of a Fifteenth Century Commonplace Book (Trinity College, Cambridge MS O.9.38)"
Bound Ph.D. thesis by A. G. Rigg entitled "An Edition of a Fifteenth Century Commonplace Book (Trinity College, Cambridge MS O.9.38)"
Typescript of J. F. Adams' Lecture on Lie Groups given at the University of Manchester with notes by M. B. Mather
Typescript of J. F. Adams' Lecture on Lie Groups given at the University of Manchester with notes by M. B. Mather
Draft of a letter from D. S. Robertson to [Scevola?] Mariotti
Draft of a letter from D. S. Robertson to [Scevola?] Mariotti
Typescript letter from J. R. G. Bradfield to H. M. Adams
Typescript letter from J. R. G. Bradfield to H. M. Adams
D. S. Robertson's note about a copy of Milton's Eikonoklastes in Cambridge University Library
D. S. Robertson's note about a copy of Milton's Eikonoklastes in Cambridge University Library
Card from John J. Parry
Card from John J. Parry
Correspondence with John J. Parry
Correspondence with John J. Parry
Letters from Agnes [Arber]
Letters from Agnes [Arber]
Letter from Sonia Miller, with her article on the second edition of Milton's Eikonoklastes
Letter from Sonia Miller, with her article on the second edition of Milton's Eikonoklastes
Letter from Harris Fletcher
Letter from Harris Fletcher
Sir Roderic Hill: Lees-Knowles Lectures, Some human factors in war
Sir Roderic Hill: Lees-Knowles Lectures, Some human factors in war
R. C. Marsh: Bertrand Russell's Philosophy of Education
R. C. Marsh: Bertrand Russell's Philosophy of Education
Letters from Merritt Y. Hughes
Letters from Merritt Y. Hughes
Letter from Eustace Tillyard
Letter from Eustace Tillyard
Copies of the Times Literary Supplement with article by D. S. Robertson on Milton's Eikonoklastes
Copies of the Times Literary Supplement with article by D. S. Robertson on Milton's Eikonoklastes
Letters from J. Milton French
Letters from J. Milton French
Letter from Thomas Thorp, Antiquarian Bookseller
Letter from Thomas Thorp, Antiquarian Bookseller
Letters from Arthur Crook
Letters from Arthur Crook
Letters from L. W. Hanson
Letters from L. W. Hanson
Letters from Helen Darbishire
Letters from Helen Darbishire
Letter from Hugh [Macdonald] to D. S. Robertson
Letter from Hugh [Macdonald] to D. S. Robertson
Letters from Robert [?] at the British Museum
Letters from Robert [?] at the British Museum
Card from A. N. L. Munby
Card from A. N. L. Munby
Letter from H. M. Adams to D. S. Robertson
Letter from H. M. Adams to D. S. Robertson
Offprint entitled "Milton's Treatment of Reformation History in The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates by Merritt Y. Hughes
Offprint entitled "Milton's Treatment of Reformation History in The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates by Merritt Y. Hughes
Letters from Donald L. Clark
Letters from Donald L. Clark
The Foundling Site Appeal, 1926-36 by Janet Trevelyan
The Foundling Site Appeal, 1926-36 by Janet Trevelyan
Letter from Bernard Halliday
Letter from Bernard Halliday
Letter and card from Hugh Thorp of Thomas Thorp, Antiquarian Bookseller
Letter and card from Hugh Thorp of Thomas Thorp, Antiquarian Bookseller