The collection consists primarily of a long series of research notebooks beginning in 1938 and running through to the early 1970s. Additionally, there are some student notes and notes of G. H. Hardy's lectures, which complement those of Bosanquet's brother-in-law E. H. Linfoot.
Sans titreMathematical notes on differential geometry, with a small collection of nearly 100 tripos and examination questions dated c. 1884-1924 [A59-60] and 8 more dated 1889-1897 [A185].
Sackville Street. Anticipation of the payment of the Austrian loan, suspicion of a misinterpretation by Pitt of the terms of the loan
Sackville Street. Declares his opposition to the interest on the Austrian loan being set below 5%
The visit of the Duc de Linques to Vienna
Chines. Concerns one of his publications
Wimbledon. Sharp has declined a request to stand as MP for Leominster, Tierney suggests Hull if Lord Mahon does not stand
Discusses an article on Pope Pius VI by Ugo Foscolo, admirable speech by David Ricardo
Upper Brook Street. Forwardis an issue of a [philosophy] magazine, is missing issues of July and August 1811.
Upper Brook Street. Requests Hodgetts to return the portrait of DR from which he was making an engraving.
Dorchester Gaol. Forwards a copy of 'The Philanthropist', revolution in Naples, Hone's 'Apocryphal New Testament', complains that the gaolers will not let him communicate with Wedderburn, thinks the gaolkeeper and the magistrates "an infernal set":
Unable to dine
Thanks for present
Discusses the Factory Bill
Stafford House. Appreciates NWS's ability to impart information, worried about the health of his brother. [incomplete]
Has kept journals overlong, passed them on to Cavour, Thiers and Guizo, Italy will be able to hold her own against France in three years
Yacht Titania. Hhas returned from the Bay of Biscay, returning to Brighton
Defeat of John Stuart Mill at the 1868 election.